Day17 Page172-183

2017-08-01  本文已影响0人  仲孙书琴


1. He doesn't get beat up at school for this.

adj. 年久失修的;残破的

v. 暴打,痛打;抬(价);惊动;搅拌

He beat up at market for stealling thing.

2. So the next time Rowley upstairs to use the bathroom, I played a prank on him.


We decide to play a prank on our teacher on April Fools' Day.

3. I come up with an idea to keep him from snitching.


n. 告密者;告发者

The monitor often snitch to please teacher.


With Rodrick out of the house, that meant the basement was free.

With the living standards have improved, people increasingly care about health.


I bought a electric cooker in Taobao the day before yesterday. It can cook a varity of dishes and rices easily and quickly. That's why I want to buy it. However, I already cooked mixed conger and white fungus broth. But they are not taste good. I think I need to improve my cooking skill. Although my dad is a cook, it does not work.

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