中国宰杀38000头猪 应对猪瘟病毒的扩散
中国宰杀38000头猪 应对猪瘟病毒的扩散
China has culled more than 38,000 pigs in a bid to contain an outbreak of African swine fever that has also reared its head in Europe and is threatening international pork supplies.
The cull followed the discovery of the disease in five Chinese provinces, according to the country's ministry of agriculture. The current outbreak dates back to at least 2014, when reports detailed cases in Lithuania, Poland, Latvia and Estonia. The first case in China came to light last month in northeast Liaoning province, forcing authorities in the world’s largest pig-herding nation to scramble a containment strategy.
The highly contagious virus has continued to spread but is "generally under control," a spokesman for the agriculture ministry told state news, according to the AFP news agency.
Officials have recorded six outbreaks in China across five provinces over the past month, as Anhui province declared 134 hogs had died from African swine fever most recently. Besides Liaoning, Anhui province, Henan province, Jiangsu province and Zhejiang provinces have also been affected and joined the government-ordered cull to contain the spread.
Although not harmful to humans, the disease is deadly to both domesticated pigs and wild boar, causing hemorrhagic fever in the animals, which frequently ends in their death over a matter of days. There is no existing vaccine for the virus, which can travel from animal to animal via ticks or via contaminated food, animal feed and even people who move in close proximity with pig populations. The virus threatens the population of the species internationally and businesses trading in livestock and pork meat.
非洲猪瘟对人类无害, 但对饲养猪和野猪却是致命的,导致生猪罹患出血热,这些猪经常会在染病数天内死亡。猪瘟病毒通过寄生虫或被病毒污染的食物、饲料甚至同猪群靠得过近的人员而在动物之间传播。目前还没有疫苗能够应对这种病毒。猪瘟病毒会危及该物种在全球范围内的数量和从事家畜买卖和猪肉生意的企业。
“I haven’t had any business in the past two days because there are too many pigs in the market,” a pork trucker in China’s pig-producing Henan province who identified himself by the name Ni, told Reuters. “Prices are bad and there is not much demand.”
Prior to the outbreak, Ni estimated he used to transport up to 700 pigs a day, but now this figure is down to around 700 a week. Live markets near infected areas and deliveries of livestock that pass through the regions have halted, on the government’s orders.
“Costs will go up and it will take much longer to get pigs to the consumption areas,” Ni added.
Efforts to curb the spread of the disease are also preoccupying officials in Europe, where Germany has sounded the alarm on the danger free-moving wild boars pose, since they can cross national land borders, as well as swim. Lawmakers in neighboring Denmark backed a move last month to build a $12 million fence on the 42-mile border with Germany, in order to deter an influx of contaminated animals in the Scandinavian country.