
2018-04-17 Install and run Jenki

2018-04-25  本文已影响0人  猪迹

Step 1 Install and run

Estimation: 20 minutes

Download the war file and run it following documentation:
Save the war file into a single folder.
Follow the document and run the war file from command-line, like java -jar jenkins.war --httpPort=9090
Access localhost:9090 from browser and unlock Jenkins, following the documentation.

Step 2 Install suggested plugins

Estimation: 20 minutes

In the Customize Jenkins page, select 'Install suggested plugins' and wait for the process to be finished. Just ignore the failed-to-install ones.

Step 3 Create administrator user

Estimation: 5 minutes

Following the guide to create the administrator user.

Step 4 Create a free-style task

Estimation: 10 minutes

Step 5 Useful DOS commands to remove read-only attributes and to copy files & folders

pushd c:\
attrib -r /s /d c:\yyyyy\*

xcopy /S /Y C:\xxxxx\stbModel c:\yyyyy\stbModel\

pushd c:\yyyyy

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