2021-01-23 Instructional Design:

2021-01-23  本文已影响0人  idolatte

ADDIE is a step process, which means that each step has an outcome that leads to the subsequent step:

* Analyze the gap between what learners currently know, and what they need to know

- Need to determine if training is the solution

* Design a learning intervention to bridge the gap

- When developing learning objectives, avoid verbs that are difficult to assess

* Develop learning materials according to the design

- Before the development stage, it's critical to identify client reviewers and set expectations.

* Implement the training program and materials that are developed

- It involves developing train-the-trainer materials and delivering a train-the-trainer session.

* Evaluate the implementation

- Reaction, Learning, Behavior, Results

- 不是所有的培训都需要用上四级评估,一般而言,领导力和通用素质培训一般到第三层,专业技能培训可以追踪到第四层。

- 针对领导力和通用素质培训,转化角度从人才供应链的数量和质量角度进行考评。具体来说,数量用“人才出栏率”衡量,即提供给基层、中层和高层领导梯队的人数进行评估。质量则收集“培训内容的有用性”、“培训现场的问题集”‘、“学员对组织管理的改善意见”三方面进行衡量。

- 在开展L&D活动时,尽早地卷入高层和相关利益方,把他们作为你的协同者和支持者,而不是单纯地执行他们的指令。

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