44 每日一词 | panacea

2018-11-15  本文已影响0人  Sira桉树

1. 这是什么词?


英英释义:something that people think will make everything better and solve all their problems

例句:There is no panacea for America's immigrant problems.

2. 为什么选这个词?


“panacea”的意思是“解决某些问题的万灵丹、灵丹妙药”,我们可以用它来替换“a perfect solution”。不管是四六级考研作文,还是托福、雅思、GRE 作文,涉及到“问题”时,都可以用到这个词。


1)panacea 是可数名词,但一般使用单数形式;

2)panacea 后面常接的表示“问题”的名词,而且常用复数形式,比如 problems/ills;

3)panacea 前面一般会和 no/not/never 这样表示否定的词连用。


很多问题复杂、棘手,没有完美的解决方案,比如美国的移民问题、日本的人口问题、中国的环境问题等。我们可以使用“There is no panacea for X problems”的句式来表达“x问题没有完美的解决方案”:

There is no panacea for America's immigrant problems.
There is no panacea for Japan's population problems.
There is no panacea for China's environment problems.

《经济学人》中经常可以看到 “panacea”。因为《经济学人》不仅仅是报道新闻,它还会深入分析问题,并且提出解决方案。比如在关于非洲科技创新的文章中,就出现了 panacea:

Yet there is also reason to hope that even if technology is not a panacea, it can still help reduce some of the costs and frictions of doing business in Africa.

比如一篇讨论全球气候变化应对方案的文章中,也出现了 panacea:

Taxes on carbon, though not a universal panacea for the problems of climate change, would be a reform in the right direction, too.


X(某个解决方案), though not a universal panacea for the problems of Y, would be a reform/change/step in the right direction.



Encouraging residents to use more public transportation, though not a universal panacea for the problems of traffic jam, would be a change/step in the right direction.

基础比较好的朋友,可以在掌握了 panacea 之后,了解一下它的同义词 cure-all。

cure-all : 万灵药 (解决所有问题或疾病)
44 每日一词 | panacea

3. 怎样学会使用这个词?


很多 CEO 希望能够找到解决企业所有问题的万能药。

Many CEOs wish to find a panacea for solving all corporate ills.

(参考翻译:Many CEOs hope they can find the panacea for all the company's problems. 或者 Many CEOs wish they could find the panacea for all corporate ills. )


场景: 双飞人药水,历史悠久家居必备。(应该没啥用 我觉得就是个安慰剂 )

造句:A time-honored panacea, like peppermint aqua or shuang fei ren in madarin, is a must in Guangdong family. Some sort of placebo effect, I think. Obviously, there is no panacea for all illness.

造句2: Placebo, though not a universal panacea for incurable diseases, would be a step in the right direction. In many cases, placebo causes a relief in medical sypmtom or suffering.

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