day36-The road less traveled
2019.3.21 己亥二月十五 周四
But the biggest problem of map-making is not that we have to start from scrach,but that if our maps are to be accurate we have to coninually revise them.The world itself is constantly changing.Glaciers come,glaciers go.Cultures come,cultures go.There is too little technology,there is too much technology.Even more dramatically,the vantage point from which we view the world is constantly and quite rapidly changing.When we are children we are dependent,powerless.As adults we may be powerful.Yet in illness or an infirm old age we may become powerless and dependent again.When we have children to care fore,the world looks different from when we have none;when we are raising infants,the world seems different from when we are raising adolescents.When we are poor,the world looks different from when we are rich.We are daily bombarded with new information as to the nature of reality.If we are to incorporate this information,we must continually revise our maps,and sometimes when enough new information has accumulated,we must make very major revisions.The process of making revisions,particularly major revisionsis painful,sometimes excruciatingly painful.And herein lies the major source of many of the ills of mankind.
但是绘制人生地图的最大的问题不是我们必须从刮擦开始,而是如果我们的人生地图想要精确我们必须持续修正它们。世界本身是在持续变化中。沧海桑田。文化兴衰。技术太少,技术太多。甚至更戏剧的是,我们观察世界的有利位置也在持续而且相当迅速的变化当中。当我们还是孩子时我们就依赖的,无力的。作为成年人我们可能是有力的。然而在生病时或到衰弱的晚年时我们再一次变得依赖且无力。当我们有孩子需要照顾时,世界看起来不同于我们没有孩子时;当我们抚养婴儿时,世界看起来不同于我们抚养青少年时。当我们贫穷时,世界看起来不同于我们富裕时。我们每天都被现实性的新信息轰炸。如果我们要合并这些信息,我们必须不断修正我们的地图,而且有时候当已经累积了足够的新信息时,我们必须进行重大修改。 进行修改的过程,特别是重大修改是痛苦的,有时极其痛苦。这也成为许多心理疾病的根源。