2.摄影人生39. 历史人物、典故

巴勃罗.毕加索(Pablo Picasso)

2020-11-13  本文已影响0人  幽雅人生

Pablo  Picasso


西班牙画家巴勃罗•毕加索(Pablo Picasso)是当代西方最有创造性和影响力的艺术家之一,立体画派的创始人。是西方由传统艺术向现代艺术过渡转折时期,作出杰出贡献的著名现代派画家。
The Spanish painter Pablo Picasso is one of the most creative and influential artists in the modern West, the founder of cubism. It is a famous modernist painter who made outstanding contributions during the transition period from traditional art to modern art in the West.
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