Happy Teachers Day
What makes a good TEACHER?

T: stands for"tailor". A good teacher is an experienced tailor who knows how to fit the customer perfectly
E: stands for"enthusiastic".A good teacher is an enthusiastic educator.
A: stands for"active".A good teacher is an active agent to spark inspiration.
C: stands for"creative".A good teacher is creative and is eager to seek creativity in students.
H: stands for"humorous". A humorous teacher is always welcomed.
Another E stands for"effort". A good teacher leaves no effort to guide and help each and every earnest learning heart.
R stands for"respect". A good teacher respects every bits of students including self ego, esteem and dignity.
If someone one day tells you:"you make a difference to me." Congratulations! You've made yourself a good teacher already!
Whoever MAKES A DIFFERENCE to the life of at least one person makes a good teacher.
为人师数载,竟未深諳师道,传道授业解惑但求无愧于心。莫言桃李满天下,愿为承前启后人。TO GOOD TEACHERS!