Scala Trait 的线性化

2018-08-15  本文已影响0人  scandly

Scala Trait调用super方法的线性化是一个难理解的内容,下面让我通过一段代码来推演线性化过程。


package c5soft

class SuperBase {

def show() {

println("Here step to class SuperBase")

println("I'm " + toString + "\n")



trait TraitBase extends SuperBase {

override def toString = "trait TraitBase"

override def show() {

println("Here step to trait TraitBase")



trait A extends TraitBase {

override def toString = "trait A"

override def show() {

println("Here step to trait A")



trait AChild extends A {

override def toString = "trait AChild"

override def show() {

println("Here step to trait AChild")



trait B extends TraitBase {

override def toString = "trait B"

override def show() {

println("Here step to trait B")



trait BChild extends B {

override def toString = "trait BChild"

override def show() {

println("Here step to trait BChild")



class C extends SuperBase {

override def toString = "class C"

override def show() {

println("Here step to class C")



object Main extends App {


new C show()


new C with A show()


new C with B show()


new C with A with B show()


new C with AChild with B show()


new C with B with A show()


new C with B with AChild show()


new C with AChild with BChild show()


new C with AChild show()



Here step to class C

Here step to class SuperBase

I'm class C

Here step to trait A

Here step to trait TraitBase

Here step to class C

Here step to class SuperBase

I'm trait A

Here step to trait B

Here step to trait TraitBase

Here step to class C

Here step to class SuperBase

I'm trait B

Here step to trait B

Here step to trait A

Here step to trait TraitBase

Here step to class C

Here step to class SuperBase

I'm trait B

Here step to trait B

Here step to trait AChild

Here step to trait A

Here step to trait TraitBase

Here step to class C

Here step to class SuperBase

I'm trait B

Here step to trait A

Here step to trait B

Here step to trait TraitBase

Here step to class C

Here step to class SuperBase

I'm trait A

Here step to trait AChild

Here step to trait A

Here step to trait B

Here step to trait TraitBase

Here step to class C

Here step to class SuperBase

I'm trait AChild

Here step to trait BChild

Here step to trait B

Here step to trait AChild

Here step to trait A

Here step to trait TraitBase

Here step to class C

Here step to class SuperBase

I'm trait BChild

Here step to trait AChild

Here step to trait A

Here step to trait TraitBase

Here step to class C

Here step to class SuperBase

I'm trait AChild



println("")       //小写的a代表AChild

new C with B with AChild show()  //这里等同于(new C with B with AChild).show()


Here step to trait AChild

Here step to trait A

Here step to trait TraitBase

Here step to class SuperBase

Here step to trait B

Here step to trait TraitBase

Here step to class SuperBase

Here step to class C

Here step to class SuperBase


Here step to trait AChild

Here step to trait A

Here step to trait TraitBase

Here step to class SuperBase

Here step to trait B

Here step to trait TraitBase

Here step to class SuperBase

Here step to class C

Here step to class SuperBase


Here step to trait AChild

Here step to trait A

Here step to trait B

Here step to trait TraitBase

Here step to class C

Here step to class SuperBase

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