Loafing in the Woods林中悠游
Loafing in the Woods
by Walt Whitman
A snowstorm in the morning, and continuing most of the day. But I took a walk over two hours, the same woods and paths, amid在…中 the falling flakes. No wind, yet the musical low murmur through the pines, quite pronounced明显的, curious, like waterfalls, now stilled, now pouring again. All the senses, sight, sound, smell, delicately精细地微妙地 gratified感到高兴的感到满意的. Every snowflake lay where it fell on the evergreens, holly-trees, laurels月桂树, etc., the multitudinous大量的众多的 leaves and branches piled -- bulging-white鼓起的隆起的白色, defined画出线条描出外形 by edge-lines of emerald祖母绿翡翠 -- the tall straight columns of the plentiful bronze-topped pines -- a slight resinous树脂的 odour blending混合融合协调 with that of the snow. (For there is a scent to everything, even the snow, if you can only detect it -- no two places, hardly any two hours, anywhere, exactly alike. How different the odour of noon from midnight, or winter from summer, or a windy spell 一段时间 from a still one.)

早晨有暴风雪,几乎持续了一整天。但是我散了两个多钟头的步,在同样的树林和道路,在飘落的雪片中。没有风,但依然有音乐般低低的呢喃穿过松林,非常明显奇异,像瀑布一样时而平息,时而又倾泻而下。所有的感官、视觉、声音、嗅觉,都愉快地得到了满足。每一片雪花都躺在它所飘落之处,在常青植物上,冬青树上月桂树上等等。数不清的叶子和枝条重重叠叠,膨胀的白色,镶着祖母绿的边线 -- 一排排树顶呈青铜色的松树,树干又高又直 -- 淡淡的树脂香味混合在雪的气息中。(因为任何事物都有自己的气息,甚至雪,只要你能察觉 -- 没有任何两个地方,任何两个时辰,会完全相同。中午和午夜,冬天与夏天,有风和没风的时候,它们的气息是多么不同。)