弥赛亚拉比Yochanon著作《TRUTH真理》连载:009 智

2018-12-17  本文已影响0人  Miriam_HaNaviah


真 理

Christian Israelite


Identity, Wisdom And Destiny



THE TRUTH, reveals the biblical identity, wisdom and destiny of the descendents of twelve tribes of Israel.

Published by The Israelite Network

All Rights Reserved ISBN 0-9669147-0-8

Man did not create the Bible, it is the word of the Creator as recorded by the prophets.


First of all let us not be prejudiced or racist about the true origin of the prophets of God that recorded the Bible.


If you say man wrote the Bible, then ask yourself: was it the Asiatic man, or the European man that wrote the Bible?


Because there was no literate European civilization in ancient history, when most of the Bible was written!


Furthermore, God spake to Moses in Egypt, not Europe or to Europeans.


Ancient Egyptians were of the Asiatic type, and did not resemble the people living in Egypt today: who are the descendants of Greek and Arab colonists.


The truth should have priority over racism.


The Bible is a record of the instructions of the Creator given to all of mankind for a blessing.


<< Second Timothy 3:16 >> [All scripture is given by the inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness]

《提摩太后书 3:16 和合本》

[16 圣经都是 神所默示的(或作“凡 神所默示的圣经”),于教训、督责、使人归正、教导人学义都是有益的,]

<< Second Peters 1:20,21 >>  [Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scriptures is of any private interpretation [the Bible means exactly what it say]. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but of holy men of the Lord spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.]

《彼得后书 1:20-21 和合本》

[20 第一要紧的,该知道经上所有的预言没有可随私意解说的;21 因为预言从来没有出于人意的,乃是人被圣灵感动,说出 神的话来。]

Not every person can decide to be a teacher of the Bible, and then begin to teach. To qualify, the Creator has to ordain the teacher and send the teacher:


<< Psalms 147: 19, 20 >> [He Sheweth his words unto Jacob, his statutes and his judgments unto Israel. He hath not dealt so with any nation]

《诗篇 147:19-20 和合本》

[19 他将他的道指示雅各,将他的律例典章指示以色列。20 别国他都没有这样待过;至于他的典章,他们向来没有知道。你们要赞美耶和华!]

<< Micah 4:2 >>  [And many nations shall come, and say, come, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord and to the house of the Power of Jacob; and he will teach us his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for the law shall go forth of Zion, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.]

《弥迦书 4:2 和合本》

[2 必有许多国的民前往,说:“来吧,我们登耶和华的山,奔雅各 神的殿。主必将他的道教训我们;我们也要行他的路。因为训诲必出于锡安;耶和华的言语必出于耶路撒冷。”]

And most importantly, a person cannot interpret the Bible, and put their own meaning for what the Bible is saying!


<< Second Peters 1:20,21 >> explains: [Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any  private interpretation. For the prophecy came not by the will of man: but of holy men of the Father spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.]

彼得后书 1:20-21 和合本

20 第一要紧的,该知道经上所有的预言没有可随私意解说的;21 因为预言从来没有出于人意的,乃是人被圣灵感动,说出 神的话来。

First of all to understand the Bible you have to first pray and ask the Almighty to reveal it to you.


Secondly, the Bible interprets itself. It says what it says and also repeats itself in different sections.


If something is not clear in one section, you'll find it in other sections. As you compare the two, the meaning becomes clearer the more you study.


The mystery within the Bible is like a puzzle that has to be pieced together here and there. All of the pieces will come together and fit only in one way, and create a perfect picture! 


As you jump around and compare the verses, it will also become clear that the Bible interprets itself!


<< Isaiah 28:10 >>  [For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little.]

《以赛亚书 28:10 和合本》

[10 他竟命上加命,令上加令,律上加律,例上加例,这里一点,那里一点。”]

All the organized religions of the world originate from pagan cults.


Roman Christianity is identical to the religions of ancient Babylon and Egypt, which worship false idols, and elevate the image of the woman (Mary) above Jesus Christ!


The Lord gave a law for all mankind to follow; not all of these different religions, they can't all be correct because they are all in conflict and contradict each other.


More people have died because of deception by false religion than any other cause!


<< Psalms 50:16 20 >> [But unto the wicked the Lord saith; What has thou to do to declare my statutes, or that thou shouldest take my covenant in thy mouth? Seeing thou hatest instruction, and casteth my words behind thee.  When thou sawest a thief then thou consentedst with him, and has been partakers with adulterers. Thou givest thy mouth to evil, and thy tongue frameth deceit.]

诗篇 50:16,20 和合本

16 但 神对恶人说:“你怎敢传说我的律例,口中提到我的约呢?20 你坐着毁谤你的兄弟,谗毁你亲母的儿子。


