作为一名常年资深狗奴,我没想到我有朝一日竟然栽在了猫主子手里!╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
1. 铲屎君比捡屎君要轻松
2. 你见过遛狗的,但你见过遛猫的吗?
3. 猫咪是安静的动物
相信我,虽然狗狗们活泼可爱, 但当你需要在家安静的工作学习时,一只跳来蹦去的狗真的会让你抓狂的。猫咪有它们自己的生活,如果你需要安静,它们不会来打扰你。今年我养猫的时候,也正在备考CFA金融分析师的最后一级考试。在我考前一周在家突击学习的时候,Akari给了我绝对的安静空间(只有一次她无聊了,为了吸引我的注意力在我身后撕了我一张纸……)。我也顺利考过了!(此处应有掌声!)
4. 猫咪们还很干净
5. 猫咪是室内动物
如果你的学习工作很忙 (比如像我这样),养猫绝对更适合你!
6. 你可以说猫傲娇,但我管这叫独立
7. 取决你养的猫的品种,但猫一般没有狗掉毛掉的多!
8. 养猫,经济实惠!
9. 猫咪寿命较长
10. 如果你也住在公寓里,那么猫主子,你值得拥有!
前面已经说了,之前我没养狗的主要原因就是 --- 穷!
11. 懒人福音:小猫不需要训练!
朋友家亲戚刚领回来一支胖嘟嘟的柴犬,贼拉可爱!但他们哭诉说,小狗刚领回家就在在屋里尿了三次了。他们尝试想教育他去院子里解决,无果。这已经过了一个月了,我知道他们还挣扎在DogPotty Training 101。
中文---> English
In all honesty I was a dog person 100% (they're just too cute!), but now I know that cats can be just as adorable and make great companions (little kids). It also helps that Akari grew up to be extremely loving, attached to people, and the cutest thing in the world!! So for all you dog readers, I encourage you to take a second look with an open heart toanother possible ball of furry love in your life.
1. Scooping is Better than Picking up Fresh Hot Poo
At the time I knew I wanted a pet, I was working in investment banking full-time and wasn't confident I could walk a dog three times aday. Cats are able to go do their business in the litter box and I can scoop it out whenever it's convenient. I ended up working 12-18 hourshifts and was completely swamped so this was a much better decision. I can't imagine walking the dog an hour multiple times a day through rain, or shine, or snow with such a busy schedule.
2. Cats (Mostly) Don't Need to be Walked
Unless you have a bengal or savannah cat, you probably don'tneed to walk them if you don't want to (although it's still encouraged!).Personally I try to walk my cat a few times a week just so she can get somefresh air and eat some grass along the way.
3. Cats are (Mostly) Quiet
I do enjoy a bark or woof at times, but when you live in an apartment (no pets in dorms) it's easier and more acceptable to have a cat.
4. Cats are Clean
Every time I smell Akari, she always smells so good!!! I rarely give her a bath (help control shedding. no hair balls so far!) and she still smells great. That's because cats lick themselves everyday, but dogs don't. I have a lot of friends with dogs and as cute as they are, they still have a strong smell even after they took a bath the day before.
5. Cats can be Indoor Only
Keeping cats indoors is encouraged just because there are a lot of things that can happen if you let your cat outside unsupervised. Also if you have a busy life or you enjoy Netflix more than the great outdoors, cats are perfect!
6. Cats are I-n-d-e-p-e-n-d-e-n-t
Often times people see this as a con because they interpret it as unloving. But when I'm doing something, I don't want an overly excited dog jumping on me, constantly trying to lick my face. Akari is more than happy to sit right next to me and ask for a belly rub. Cats can be left alone for most of the day when you go out to work too and when you come home your place won't be a mess.
7. Cats Don't Shed as Much
Even though I brush Akari's fur to help prevent hair balls,she doesn't shed much if any. Dogs are known for shedding even if they have short hair. Brushing is still mandatory for them.
8. Cats Cost Less than Dogs
Whether it's a visit to the veterinarian, food, or even pet insurance, dogs just cost more.
9. Cats Generally Live Longer
Depending on the dog you have or are interested in (mutt or purebred for example) can depend on the average lifespan. However ingeneral, indoor cats live longer than dogs.
10. Cats Don't Need Much Space
Unless you have a small dog, it could be difficult to raise your pet in a studio apartment downtown somewhere. But regardless of where you live, cats don't need a lot of space. Akari just needs a window or a lap to sleep on.
11. Kittens Don't Need to be Trained
Puppies are notoriously known for "rough" behaviorin the early years because they need to be disciplined on where to go to the bathroom and what not to chew. Now kittens still need some behavioral adjustment like not to jump on countertops (if that's what you want) or not tochew on cables (not all cats do this including Akari). However overall I would say that kittens require very little training. If there is a litter around,they already go there once they find it. For Akari I just needed her off the countertops to be safe from the stove. And for fun I taught her how to sit and give me her paw on command.
In Conclusion. . .
Akari is adopted and extremely loving. In fact all animals deserve a loving home. So whether you choose a cat or dog, be sure to research all you need to know so you can accept the huge responsibility of caring for another life. I still adore dogs and would like one when I am confident I can fulfill their needs on a daily basis, but if you are like me and work a lot, sometimes staying at home with a purring kitty is a nice stress reliever.