Aug. 2018 草莓专题之 PB&J Sandwich

2018-08-07  本文已影响0人  宝玩学术专题乐园

大家是不是都很好奇 PB&J sandwich 究竟是什么呢?它就是我们今天要做的 peanut butter & jelly (or jam) sandwich!

Peanut butter 花生酱

Jelly or Jam 果酱

Today, let’s make a peanut butter & jelly sandwich!

First, take out two slices of white or wheat bread (white or wheat bread: 白吐司或全麦吐司).

Next, take out the peanut butter and jam.

Then, using a butter knife, spread the peanut butter on one slice of bread, and spread jam on the other slice of bread.

如果宝贝喜欢花生酱,可以说,I want more peanut butter, please. 如果喜欢吃果酱,那就告诉爸爸妈妈 I want more jam, Mommy (Daddy).

Lastly, put the two slices together, and we have a peanut butter & jelly sandwich! Yummy!

以后宝贝们想吃这个sandwich,就可以跟爸爸妈妈说 Can you make me a PB&J sandwich, please?

这个 sandwich 非常容易做,宝贝们想不想尝试做一个 peanut butter & jelly sandwich 给爸爸妈妈做早餐呢?Bon appétit!


