
2020-02-27  本文已影响0人  daisy境界的彼方


One night, the gaoler decided to play a joke on his colleague to find out if, after so many performances, he had managed to learn the contents of the letter by heart. The curtain went up on the final act of the play and revealed the aristocrat sitting alone behind bars in his dark cell. Just then, the gaoler appeared with the precious letter in his bands. He entered the cell and presented the letter to the aristocrat. But the copy he gave him had not been written out in full as usual. It was simply a blank sheet of paper. The gaoler looked on eagerly, anxious to see if his fellow actor had at last learnt his lines. The noble stared at the blank sheet of paper for a few seconds. Then, squinting his eyes, he said: "The light is dim. Read the letter to me”. And he promptly handed the sheet of paper to the gaoler. Finding that he could not remember a word of the letter either, the gaoler replied: “The light is indeed dim, sire, I must get my glasses.” With this, he hurried off the stage. Much to the aristocrat's amusement, the gaoler returned a few moments later with a pair of glasses and the usual copy of the letter with he proceeded to read to the prisoner.

/wʌn/ /naɪt/, /ðə/ /ˈdʒelɚ/ /ˌdɪˈsaɪdɪd/ /tu/ /pleɪ/ /ə/ /ʤoʊk/ /ɑn/ /hɪz/ /ˈkɑlig/ /tu/ /faɪnd/ /aʊt/ /ɪf/, /ˈæftər/ /soʊ/ /ˈmɛni/ /pərˈfɔrmənsəz/, /hi/ /hæd/ /ˈmænəʤd/ /tu/ /lɜrn/ /ðə/ /'kɑntɛnts/ /ʌv/ /ðə/ /ˈlɛtər/ /baɪ/ /hɑrt/. /ðə/ /ˈkɜrtən/ /wɛnt/ /ʌp/ /ɑn/ /ðə/ /'faɪnəl/ /ækt/ /ʌv/ /ðə/ /pleɪ/ /ænd/ /rɪˈvild/ /ði/ /əˈrɪstəˌkræt/ /ˈsɪtɪŋ/ /əˈloʊn/ /bɪˈhaɪnd/ /bɑrz/ /ɪn/ /hɪz/ /dɑrk/ /sɛl/. /ʤʌst/ /ðɛn/, /ðə/ /ˈdʒelɚ/ /əˈpɪrd/ /wɪð/ /ðə/ /ˈprɛʃəs/ /ˈlɛtər/ /ɪn/ /hɪz/ /bændz/. /hi/ /ˈɛntərd/ /ðə/ /sɛl/ /ænd/ /priˈzɛntəd/ /ðə/ /ˈlɛtər/ /tu/ /ði/ /əˈrɪstəˌkræt/. /bʌt/ /ðə/ /ˈkɑpi/ /hi/ /geɪv/ /hɪm/ /hæd/ /nɑt/ /bɪn/ /'rɪtən/ /aʊt/ /ɪn/ /fʊl/ /æz/ /ˈjuʒəwəl/. /ɪt/ /wʌz/ /ˈsɪmpli/ /ə/ /blæŋk/ /ʃit/ /ʌv/ /ˈpeɪpər/. /ðə/ /'dʒelɚ/ /lʊkt/ /ɑn/ /ˈigərli/, /ˈæŋkʃəs/ /tu/ /si/ /ɪf/ /hɪz/ /ˈfɛloʊ/ /ˈæktər/ /hæd/ /æt/ /læst/ /lɜrnt/ /hɪz/ /laɪnz/. /ðə/ /ˈnoʊbəl/ /stɛrd/ /æt/ /ðə/ /blæŋk/ /ʃit/ /ʌv/ /ˈpeɪpər/ /fɔr/ /ə/ /fju/ /ˈsɛkəndz/. /ðɛn/, /ˈskwɪntɪŋ/ /hɪz/ /aɪz/, /hi/ /sɛd/: "/ðə/ /laɪt/ /ɪz/ /dɪm/. /rid/ /ðə/ /ˈlɛtər/ /tu/ /mi/”. /ænd/ /hi/ /ˈprɑmptli/ /ˈhændəd/ /ðə/ /ʃit/ /ʌv/ /ˈpeɪpər/ /tu/ /ðə/ /ˈdʒelɚ/. /ˈfaɪndɪŋ/ /ðæt/ /hi/ /kʊd/ /nɑt/ /rɪˈmɛmbər/ /ə/ /wɜrd/ /ʌv/ /ðə/ /ˈlɛtər/ /ˈiðər/, /ðə/ /ˈdʒelɚ/ /rɪˈplaɪd/: “/ðə/ /laɪt/ /ɪz/ /ɪnˈdid/ /dɪm/, /ˈsaɪər/, /aɪ/ /mʌst/ /gɛt/ /maɪ/ /ˈglæsəz/.” /wɪð/ /ðɪs/, /hi/ /ˈhɜrid/ /ɔf/ /ðə/ /steɪʤ/. /mʌʧ/ /tu/ /ði/ /əˈrɪstəˌkræts/ /əmˈjuzmənt/, /ðə/ /ˈdʒelɚ/ /rɪˈtɜrnd/ /ə/ /fju/ /ˈmoʊmənts/ /ˈleɪtər/ /wɪð/ /ə/ /pɛr/ /ʌv/ /ˈglæsəz/ /ænd/ /ðə/ /ˈjuʒəwəl/ /ˈkɑpi/ /ʌv/ /ðə/ /ˈlɛtər/ /wɪð/ /hi/ /prəˈsidəd/ /tu/ /rid/ /tu/ /ðə/ /ˈprɪzənər/.



colleague n.同事

play a joke on 拿......开玩笑

cell n.小牢房,单人监房,监号

behind bars 在监狱里,在牢房里

reveal v.揭露

squint v.斜眼看

dim adj.暗淡的  a dim light

sire n.陛下




