
【导读2001】New Habits, New Life!

2020-01-04  本文已影响0人  Leon叫里昂

一、Message from Deepak Menon


It’s Built by Action, Not Accident。


My fellow Toastmasters,
I wish you a happy, successful, and “trustworthy” new year!

二、Member Story

1. Meet the Six New Accredited Speakers

除了DTM之外,头马还有一个荣誉叫AS,也就是Accredited Speakers。从1981年设立至今,一共有87位候选人成为AS。2019年,我们诞生了6位AS。他们和他们的传奇分别是,当~当~当~当~

※ Paul Artale, DTM
He helps people and organizations overcome challenges so they can break through barriers and perform at their peak.

※ Yelena Balabanova,DTM
She has performed recitals and presented workshops on peak performance, artistry, and creativity internationally.

※ Michael Bayer
He turned his 31 years of experience in change-management leadership into a successful business speaking career.

※ Sima Dahl, DTM
She is an international keynote speaker and consultant who teaches people how to increase what she calls Sway Factor™.

※ Thomas Iland, DTM
He shows that someone with a social-communication disorder could master the art of public speaking, which is essentially socializing and communicating!

※ Greg Van Borssum
He is an ambassador for Lifeline and Suicide Prevention Australia and spoke at national conventions, charities, and community events.


2. In Command

都说头马里的人是弱势群体,来来来,本期介绍一位女将军(major general)Laura Yeager。在2019年,她成为了美国第一位领导第40步兵军的女性指挥官。她也是美国首位领导第40战斗航空旅的女性指挥官。Laura原本是一名黑鹰战机的飞行员,于2011年参加了伊拉克战争,负责医疗救护与逃生。值得一提的是,Laura的父亲也是一名少将。



“Being able to effectively communicate is an essential skill in the military that we do prioritize,” says Yeager. “The best way to improve is through repetition and by getting constructive feedback, which are opportunities provided by Toastmasters.” 


三、Public Speaking & Leadership

1. Introducing Your Club Path Master

俱乐部的核心是什么?教育。那这个核心的直接负责人是谁?当然就是我们的Vice President Education (VPE)。那VPE的职责是什么呢?来听听Craig Harrison, DTM的观点吧

The VPE’s primary job is to promote continuing education for all members. The club’s success—and future—depends on members meeting their educational goals with a high degree of satisfaction, proficiency, and confidence.


※ A Favorite Officer Role 虽辛苦,但有成就感。
※ Staying on Track 跟进进度,奖励先进。
※ Encourage the S-T-R-E-T-C-H 超越现在,看见未来。
※ Leave No Toastmaster Behind 一个头马人,都不能少。

WE love VPE~

2. Tips For Time Management

※ Create a time audit. 30或60 min一个单位,看看究竟你弄了啥。
※ Try a power hour. 别拖了,用一个小时搞定全部吧。
※ Batch similar tasks together. 相似的事情统一处理啦。
※ Rate your tasks based on importance or difficulty and organize your day accordingly. 重要的事情优先处理。
※ Create routines. 有计划有规划。
※ Set time limits to get things done. 时间节点。
※ Similarly, challenge yourself to put a time limit on tasks. 定时定点。

Write a list of things you want to try in the coming year. 写下你的新年计划。
Write your obituary. 要不,就给你准备一个追悼词吧,看看你的人生。

3. The Magic of Walt Disney’s Words

Walt Disney是一个好的speaker吗?是一个world-class motivational speaker吗?他的优势是什么呢?Visionary communication?Body Language?来听听Author and Disney expert Bill Capodagli 对他的评价

“Walt Disney was a dreamer and a visionary, but more importantly, he was a communicator.”

你知道迪士尼的头马俱乐部叫什么吗?ToastMousters Club。

bring more laughter


4. Now’s the Time to Set Some Goals

Bill Brown, DTM的专栏又如约而至啦~美哒哒!2020年1月1日是新年,也是19-20头马年的一半,还有一半的时间大家要怎么计划?撸起袖子,加油干吧~你有什么flag呢?

※ Educational goals. 说,想要到那个Level?
※ Leadership goals. 说,想要当哪个Officer?
※ Contest goals. 说,想要参加哪个Contest?
※ 其他goals?

What will you achieve in the next six months?

5. In My Skin

Alex Kiester是一位作家,写小说是她的梦想。然鹅,作家和speaker并不画等号。实际上,为新书开发布会,做演讲是她的噩梦。那么,怎么克服呢?越害怕就会更害怕。鼓起勇气的她走进了头马俱乐部,不止一家,而是成为双会员。现在的她,自豪地说,“I’m Alex Kiester, author and speaker.”问题来了,文章题目In my skin是什么意思?快来看看吧

四、Wisdom of Toastmasters

1. New Habits, New Life!


- 文章作者Peggy Beach says: “Yet habits have the power to change our lives. Small tasks add upto big accomplishments.”
- Annie Dillard put it, “How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.”
- Dr. Wendy Wood, provost professor of psychology and business at University of Southern California and the author of Good Habits, Bad Habits, says“Habits don’t work just by people making a conscious decision to change,” Wood says. “They form only slowly as we learn by doing.”


※ Get Enough Sleep 睡好才有精力培养好习惯
※ Start Small and Start Now 先定一个小目标和小计划吧
※ Repeat, Repeat, Repeat 重复直到成为习惯
※ Change the Circumstance or Location 孟母三迁
※ Set a Schedule, Find a Partner 同伴的力量


2. Tomorrow, tomorrow …

John Cadley的专题是《Funny You Should Say That》。我的最爱之一!什么是明天?It’s the bane of our existence — and the one thing that keeps us from going absolutely, completely nuts. 为什么这么说呢?来读一读这令人发笑的哲学文章~

Tomorrow, tomorrow …





“READ and SHARE Toastmaster Magazine”是19-20年度D88大区的LEAD (Leadership Experience for Advanced Development)项目之一。本活动旨在通过阅读和分享头马杂志内容,更加了解头马国际发展、认识全球优秀头马伙伴,学习演讲和领导力,达到更好的个人成长并宣传头马带来的好处。

欢迎关注,一起Read and Share,留下你的Comments吧~



President of Datang Advanced TMC (19.7-19.12)
Club No: 07110355, D88, Area H2
Charter Date: Dec. 9, 2018

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