B1-Go to the bakery
Hey guys, Welcome back to Open Language.
This is Lisa.
And this is Johnny.
Today we are going to the bakery面包店.
That’s right. In fact, that is the title of today’s lesson, going to the bakery.
Yes, so whenever you want to buy bread you have to go to the bakery, but there are a
lot of different types of bread. Today we’re going to talk a little bit about that.
Okay, let’s go ahead and take a listen to out dialogue.
Sounds good.
Hi, welcome tho Bob's Bakery. What can i get you?
A couple muffins, please, And what kind of you have?
We have white and whole wheat[wiːt] ?
Sure. Do you what the loaves 一条(面包)sliced切成薄片?
Please. What are those over there?
Those are our famous pies.They're fresh from the oven. Would you like one?
Maybe next time. But, could I get 6 bread rolls卷 too.
Sure! Your total comes to $20.50. Cash or card?
I'll pay with cash please.
We are back. We have two people here, the shop helper and the customer whose name is Joe. It starts with the shop helper here and she says:"Hi, welcome to Bob's Bakery. What can I get you?"
He's at the bakery and like Lisa said, that's where we buy bread and other stuff东西 that has been baked.
That is the verb "to bake something", so you bake bread, you bake a cake, and you bake cookies.
Yeah, that's what I always get at the bakery, cookies.
But what does our customer want today?
So the shop helper ask "What can I get you?" and our customer replies回复 by saying "A couple muffins两个松饼🥞, please."
Why don't we look at this word "muffins" first? A muffin is a little bit similar to a cake and we often eat it for breakfast. It's kind of like a sweet bread有点像甜面包. Common flavor风味 might be bluebery muffins or banana muffins or ... What kind of muffins do you eat?
My favorite are chocolate muffins definitely[ˈdefɪnətli] 肯定的.
Always a good choice. But what about this word that we have in front, a couple muffins?
We're probably[ˈprɑːbəbli] 大概 wondering[ˈwʌndərɪŋ] 想知道 how many muffins is he gonna 将要(等于going to)get? In this case在这种情况下, when you're asking for a couple muffins or maybe a couple sandwiches, it means you want two, two muffins.
Yes, but sometimes we use couple to mean three or four. But here he means two. Can you give the some more examples?
Sure. for example, if you're at the bar and you want two beers, you could say a couple beers, please.
Or for example, if you're ordering sandwiches you could say, "Could I get a couple sanwiches, please?"
Righ, I say that all the time.
When you're buying sandwiches, it's important to know kind of bread they have. And that is what Joe asks next. He says "And what kind of bread do you have?"
And the shop helper answers by saying "We have white and whole wheat." So we're looking at two types of bread here.
White bread is the most common types of bread, it's not very healthy but it tastes really good味道好 .
Yeah, I usually use it on my sandwiches and the color is white. It's a pretty common type of bread.
Just be careful with the pronunciation[prəˌnʌnsiˈeɪʃn] 发音 here. we're saying white, white, not "huite", white.
So our next bread is whole wheat.
So this is the kind of bread that I actually like. It's a little bit brown in color and it's a little bit more healthy.
Yeah, so here we have our two types of bread, white bread and whole wheat, whole wheat.
That's right. So when the customer goes to buy the bread he says. "Okay I'll take two loaves专门形容面包数量的词. One white and one whole wheat".
He wants one of each type, and that word "loaves", what does that mean?
Loaves is a counting word for bread, and it is spelled L-O-A-V-E-S. This is a plural[ˈplʊrəl]复数counter, so if he wants two, he has to say two loaves.
So if he just wants to buy one, what would he say?
He would have to say "I'll take one loaf". L-O-A-F. So when it singular, it's loaf, and when it's more than one, it's loaves.
Moving on here. Next the shop helper asks, "Do you want the loaves sliced切成薄片的?"
The shop owner wants to know if he wants the loaf(一条面包) to be cut up.
Yeah, exactly. So when we slice something, it means we cut it into a bunch堆,群 of pieces.
Yes, and we often use it as an adjective, too. So sliced pizza or like a sliced apple.
And it can also be a noun as well, you can ask just for a slice.
Yeah, like a slice of cake or a slice of pie. And speaking of pies, actually our customer Joe asks about the next. He says, "What are those over there?"
Those are their famous pies.
Okay, so pies, this is another excellent卓越堆 types of dessert甜点. It has like a kind of like a bread on the outside, and it's got a lot of fruit in the middle.
Yeah, if you know me, you know I eat a lot of pies in the summer.
Yeah, so what are the most common types of pies?
Blueberry pies, stawberry pies, rhubarb[ˈruːbɑːrb] 大黄 pies.
All very goog, especially when they're fresh from the oven[ˈʌvn] 烤箱.
Yes, and when all the fruit is fresh in the summer.
That's right. Okay so "oven", actually let's look at this word first. The oven is, I guess, similar to a stove火炉, it's what you use to cook the break, muffins or cake.
Exactly正是, so most homes have an oven in them and people use them often to cook dinner.
Yes, okay. So let's look at this word oven first. Now we use the oven to bake bread, so when you make bread you put it int the oven and that is where it bakes or cooks.
Right, and there's a bunch of other stuff that we can also bake烤, like a pizza, or a pie, or some muffins.
That's right. But what is this phrase mean, they're fresh from the oven?
Ah, yeah. So "fresh from the oven" means it just came out of the oven, and it's probably still quite hot.
Yes, and making use "fresh from" with diffrent things as well. For example, if you're talking about seafood or fish, you might say it's fresh from the sea.
Or if you're talking about eggs, you can say they're fresh from the farm.
Well, it sounds like thes pies taste delicious, because they're fresh from the oven. So the shop helper购物助手 says, "Would you like one?"
And it seems the customer is not interested this time, but instead he wants to buy six bread rolls.
So bread rolls, rolls, these are similar to buns臀部,小面包 right?
Yeah, we sometimes call them dinner rolls晚餐小卷, because we usually eat them at dinner time. But they are basically just a little bun但是基本上就是一个小圆面包.
Yes, and they could be you know like white bread rolls or whole wheat bread rolls.
Right, the come in all sorts.
But it looks like he wants six bread rolls, too. And the shop helper says "Sure! Your total comes to $20.50. Cash or card?"
Right, so let's go back and look at that word "total". So when we're talking about the total of something. we're talking about the cost of everything.
Yes, everything together. So he is buying a couple muffins, you know two loaves, six bread rolls, and the total cost is going to be 20.50.
And that word total, we can also use it in different ways. If I want to talk about all the total people together, I can say the total number of people is five.
Here we are talking about the total cost. Now you've probably大概 head people say, your total is $20.50, but here you hear your total comes to $20.50.
Okay, so we're just heard two different ways to sort of say the same thing, right?
Yeah, So "your total comes to" is the same as saying "your total is". For example, I could also say the soup and sandwich combo连招,结合体 comes to ten dollars.
Right, or you could say "my phone bill comes to a hundred dollars".
Now, this is actually实际上adv. our grammar point for today, so please go ahead and check out those examples. What does the shop helper ask next?
Next, the shop helper asks "Cash or card?" and these are two main ways of paying for things in North America, right?
Yes, and the customer says "I'll pay with cash, please". Just be careful with the preposition介词 here, he says "I'll pay with cash."
Right, you don't want to say "pay by cash." We don't say that.
Yes, when we talk about cash we always use "with." That brings us to the end of our lesson for today. So why don't we go ahead and listen to that one more time?
Sounds good.
All this talking about food is really making me hungry, and I don't know about you but I love going to the bakery. I have a huge sweet tooth我特别喜欢吃甜食, so I'm always buying things like muffins and cookies. What about you?
I am just like you. I have a sweet tooth. But I have to be careful, if I eat too much baked goods, my stomach[ˈstʌmək] 胃部,肚子 just gets too big.
Yeah, that's true. What about bread though? Do you often buy like sliced bread? You like whole wheat bread or do you prefer white bread?
That's a good question. Sometimes I get whole wheat bread, but lately I've just been trying to avoid bread altogether.
Okay, makes sense感觉,是有意义的. What about you guys兄弟,各位? Do you like going to the bakery? What are your favorite things to buy? Are you a pie person or hey do you like bread rolls?
Or do you guys like to bake at home? What do you like to bake? Let us know.
Please leave us a comment if you have any questions too. We'll be looking forward to reading those. Thanks for listening. Catch you again next time下次再见.
See you later.