
2019-05-22  本文已影响0人  彩云梦泽


Next time it's next time, this time it's this time


It is easy to equate each time in the mindset. The illusion is that the last time is equivalent to this time, this time is equivalent to the next time. This should be defined as the sword-seeking effect.


This sword-carving effect, in nature, ignores the changes in the environment, stick to the static state of matter. In fact, matter is a matter of movement, and even if you sleep in bed, you can run 108 thousand miles a night. Because the earth is spinning, you're just not moving relative to the fixed matter in the bed or the room, but relatively more matter, you're moving, for example, you're not 108 thousand miles relative to a moving photon?

这样的效应,让人联系到日常生活中的小事。This effect makes people connected to the little things in daily life.


Small things, many and small things, especially things that are often done without knowing it, are terrible, and that is what is seen. The difference between people is that the formula is slightly farther away (interpretation: small changes, after a long period of exercise, resulting in greater and greater distance between the two), similar sex, similar habits, that is the truth, so this is terrible.

联系到自己,有的小事,做着一半,或者没有做之前,就想着先放下 ,下次吧,但是下次有时候不知道隔了多久,比如扫地、浇花、洗脸、洗碗、学习几个单词,打个盹。

Contact yourself, some small things, do half, or did not do before, think about putting it down, next time, but the next time sometimes do not know how long apart, such as sweeping the floor, watering flowers, washing dishes, learning a few words, take a nap.


Because it is too small, too small to mention, people often forget it.


These little things can not carry out a good cycle, it will pile up, after a long time, it will cause irreversible facts, will slowly bring fatal harm, killing people's will and self-confidence.


So, the philosophical basis for finding a way to do something small that makes sense is, this time, this time, this time, not last time, not next time.


Well, this is a speculation today, as for the practice of the three links will not be discussed, "yet monkeys are still calling on both banks behind me, to my boat these ten thousand mountains away", let us use Li Bai's poem to end this article, to celebrate the understanding of another small step forward.


