Astrophysics-dust to dust
This article derived from Jan.2015 the economist. Because it is from the “science and technology” part, it is so unfamiliar and difficult for me to understand. That’s why I have spent more time and energy that others.
This article mainly demonstrated the discovery of evidence which used to prove the theory of cosmic inflation by the BICEP-2, but then the team behind Planck casts serious doubt on the BICEP-2 result and stated that the result was lack of preciseness. By the way, the author’s attitude is neutral and moreover he express a hopeful expectation that these two teams will work with each other one day.
Throughout the article, what the author said “ but science, ideally, proceeds by exactly this sort of good-faith argument and honourable squabbling until the weight of evidence forces one side to admit defeat” impressed me a lot, which I totally agree with this new definition of science.