I suppose that many of you have at least ever heard of or even have read the book Pride and Prejudice written by Jane Austen,an English woman novelist. Needless to say, it's definitely a masterpiece, based on which many versions of movies were shot. And each one was a real success. I personally like the 1995 version most merely for its cast of characters. Recently I bought a book from Cat's Book(荒岛书店)during my visit to Qingdao. Honestly speaking, I didn't have the intention of buying one, but my roomie found this book with both copies of Chinese and English. So I took it delightedly without a second thought. I'm sure you'll like the book at first sight considering its beautifully designed cover. Comparing with the one that my mom gave me when I was a child, this new one is more attractive to me maybe for my English level is higher than a few years ago. You can see the picture below showing the two different versions of the same book, the upper one contains both Chinese and English, the one below is only written in English. Judging from their thickness, you can tell that the latter is more appealing that the other.

Some people wereborn with a silver spoon in mouth(出身富裕),yet some of us were not that lucky. Or we can say that this is in fact common and ordinary. There's a famous Chinese saying goes, the poor man's child shares the household burden. He who can grow up faster mentally is normally the one born in a rather poor family. I personally have no doubt of that. But it's not always the truth vice versa.
"Pride(骄傲)" can be a good word and also a bad one. When a person's pride outweighs his or her own capability, then it may not be a satisfying thing. When someone can hide his pride for a moment for future glory, then that's good pride.

Never judge a book by its cover? I take it with a grain of salt.
Prejudice(偏见), or you can say it's a kind ofstereotype(刻板印象), is commonplace in our everyday life. We live in a society full of people of different characteristics and personalities, it's hard for anyone of us not to have our own stereotype. The reason people do make up, dress fancy, read more books or make a large fortune is for the fact that remains in this worldly society. There are norms, standards andcriteria gradually set by people silently. We need to obey these if we still want to lead a life.
What we can always manage is ourselves. We can choose from right and wrong. We can control our own behaviors. We can talk under the condition that we know the facts. But there are always at least two different stories about even the same thing. People view things with different perspectives and have almost equal rights to say a few words. If you were misjudged, you can debate if you want. If you misjudge other people. they also have the same right to defend themselves. The thing is, why do we have to?
For those who like criticizing others, reflect on your own every time you want to say something mean. For those who may misguide others, try to put yourself into their shoes. Maybe a different occasion will have a rather contrary effect.
No one is perfect and don't even try to be one. One step at a time towards a better person.
Pride and prejudice apply to every moment of our lives. Take some of your good pride, shrug off some unnecessary prejudice and strut forward.