
matlab 图像反畸变

2019-06-21  本文已影响0人  Kerwin_H



A =[720 0 360; 

    0    810 405; 

    0 0 1]; 

D = [-0.267 0.636 0 0 0]; 

fx = A(1,1); 

fy = A(2,2); 

cx = A(1,3); 

cy = A(2,3); 

k1 = D(1); 

k2 = D(2); 

k3 = D(5); 

p1 = D(3); 

p2 = D(4); 

K = A; 

Idistorted = imread('F:\a01.png'); 

Idistorted = rgb2gray(Idistorted); 

Idistorted = im2double(Idistorted); 

I = zeros(size(Idistorted)); 

[i, j] = find(~isnan(I)); 

% Xp = the xyz vals of points on the z plane 

Xp = (K)\[j i ones(length(i),1)]'; 

% Now we calculate how those points distort i.e forward map them through the distortion 

r2 = Xp(1,:).^2+Xp(2,:).^2; 

x = Xp(1,:); 

y = Xp(2,:); 

x = x.*(1+k1*r2 + k2*r2.^2 + k3*r2.^3) + 2*p1.*x.*y + p2*(r2 + 2*x.^2); 

y = y.*(1+k1*r2 + k2*r2.^2 + k3*r2.^3) + 2*p2.*x.*y + p1*(r2 + 2*y.^2); 

% u and v are now the distorted cooridnates 

u = reshape(fx*x + cx,size(I)); 

v = reshape(fy*y + cy,size(I)); 

% Now we perform a backward mapping in order to undistort the warped image coordinates 

I = interp2(Idistorted, u, v); 

subplot(121); imagesc(Idistorted); 

subplot(122); imagesc(I);

imwrite(I,'a04.png') %export picture

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