70-483.C1O3-5.Manage program flo

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Objective 1.3: Implement program flow

1.31 Working with Boolean expressions

*If the runtime notices that the left part of your OR operation is true, it doesn’t have to evaluate the right part of your expression. This is called short-circuiting. So does AND operation.

The Exclusive OR operator (XOR) returns true only when exactly one of the operands is true.

1.32 Making decisions

The null-coalescing operator

The ?? operator is called the null-coalescing operator. It returns the left value if it’s not null; otherwise, the right operand.

LISTING 1-59 Nesting the null-coalescing operator

int? x = null; 
int? z = null; 
int y = x ?? 
        z ?? 

The conditional operator

The ?: operator is called the conditional operator. If the expression is true, the first value is returned; otherwise, the second.

1.33 Iterating across collections

The for loop

You can use multiple statements in each part of your for loop.

LISTING 1-65 A for loop with multiple loop variables

int[] values = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }; 
for (int x = 0, y = values.Length - 1;  
    ((x < values.Length) && (y >= 0));  
    x++, y--) 
// Displays 
// 162534435261

LISTING 1-66 A for loop with a custom increment

int[] values = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }; 
for (int index = 0; index < values.Length; index += 2) 
// Displays 
// 135

The foreach loop

In foreach loop The loop variable cannot be modified. You can make modifications to the object that the variable points to, but you can’t assign a new value to it.

LISTING 1-72 Changing items in a foreach

class Person 
    public string FirstName { get; set; } 
    public string LastName { get; set; } 
void CannotChangeForeachIterationVariable() 
    var people = new List<Person> 
        new Person() { FirstName = "John", LastName = "Doe"}, 
        new Person() { FirstName = "Jane", LastName = "Doe"}, 
    foreach (Person p in people) 
        p.LastName = "Changed"; // This is allowed 
        // p = new Person(); // This gives a compile error 

LISTING 1-73 The compiler-generated code for a foreach loop

List<Person>.Enumerator e = people.GetEnumerator(); 
    Person v; 
    while (e.MoveNext()) 
        v = e.Current; 
    System.IDisposable d = e as System.IDisposable; 
    if (d != null) d.Dispose(); 

If you change the value of e.Current to something else, the iterator pattern can’t determine what to do when e.MoveNext is called. This is why it’s not allowed to change the value of the iteration variable in a foreach statement.

Jump statements

You should try to avoid break and continue to improve the readability of your code. As a guideline, you should try to avoid using goto.


Objective summary

Objective 1.4: Create and implement events and callbacks

An event can be used to provide notifications.

1.41 Understanding delegates

In C#, delegates form the basic building blocks for events. A delegate is a type that defines a method signature.

LISTING 1-75 Using a delegate

public delegate int Calculate(int x, int y); 
public int Add(int x, int y) { return x + y; } 
public int Multiply(int x, int y) { return x * y; } 
public void UseDelegate() 
    Calculate calc = Add; 
    Console.WriteLine(calc(3, 4)); // Displays 7 
    calc = Multiply; 
    Console.WriteLine(calc(3, 4)); // Displays 12 

Delegates can be nested in other types and they can then be used as
a nested type.

An instantiated delegate is an object; you can pass it around and give it as an argument to other methods.

You can combine delegates together. This is called multi-casting.

LISTING 1-76 A multicast delegate

public void MethodOne()  
public void MethodTwo() 
public delegate void Del(); 
public void Multicast() 
    Del d = MethodOne; 
    d += MethodTwo; 
// Displays 
// MethodOne 
// MethodTwo

All this is possible because delegates inherit from the System.MulticastDelegate class that in turn inherits from System.Delegate.

You can find out how many methods a multicast delegate is going to call.

int invocationCount = del.GetInvocationList().GetLength(0);

When you assign a method to a delegate, the method signature does not have to match the delegate exactly. This is called covariance and contravariance. Covariance makes it possible that a method has a return type that is more derived than that defined in the delegate. Contravariance permits a method that has parameter types that are less derived than those in the delegate type.

LISTING 1-77 Covariance with delegates

public delegate TextWriter CovarianceDel(); 
public StreamWriter MethodStream() { return null; } 
public StringWriter MethodString() { return null; } 
CovarianceDel del; 
del = MethodStream; 
del = MethodString;

Because both StreamWriter and StringWriter inherit from TextWriter, you can use the CovarianceDel with both methods.

LISTING 1-78 Contravariance with delegates

void DoSomething(TextWriter tw) { } 
public delegate void ContravarianceDel(StreamWriter tw); 
ContravarianceDel del = DoSomething;


1.42 Using lambda expressions

LISTING 1-79 Lambda expression to create a delegate

Calculate calc = (x, y) => x + y; 
Console.WriteLine(calc(3, 4)); // Displays 7 
calc = (x, y) => x * y; 
Console.WriteLine(calc(3, 4)); // Displays 12

When reading this code, you can say go or goes to for the special lambda syntax. For example, the first lambda expression in Listing 1-79 is read as "x and y goes to adding x and y."

Lambda functions have no specific name. Because of this, they are called anonymous functions.

LISTING 1-80 Creating a lambda expression with multiple statements

Calculate calc = 
    (x, y) => 
        Console.WriteLine("Adding numbers"); 
        return x + y; 
int result = calc(3, 4); 
// Displays 
// Adding numbers 

.NET Framework has a couple of built-in delegate types that you can use when declaring delegates.

Func<…> types can be found in the System namespace and they represent delegates that return a type and take 0 to 16 parameters.

If you want a delegate type that doesn’t return a value, you can use the System.Action types.

LISTING 1-81 Using the Action delegate

Action<int, int> calc = (x, y) => 
    Console.WriteLine(x + y); 
calc(3, 4); // Displays 7

Things start to become more complex when your lambda function starts referring to variables declared outside of the lambda expression (or to the this reference). Normally, when control leaves the scope of a variable, the variable is no longer valid. But what if a delegate refers to a local ariable and is then returned to the calling method? Now, the delegate has a longer life than the variable. To fix this, the compiler generates code that makes the life of the captured variable at least as long as the longest-living delegate. This is called a closure.

1.43 Using events

A popular design pattern (a reusable solution for a recurring problem) in application development is that of publish-subscribe. You can subscribe to an event and then you are notified when the publisher of the event raises a new event. This is used to establish loose coupling between components in an application.

LISTING 1-82 Using an Action to expose an event

public class Pub 
    public Action OnChange { get; set; } 
    public void Raise() 
        if (OnChange != null) 
public void CreateAndRaise() 
    Pub p = new Pub(); 
    p.OnChange += () => Console.WriteLine("Event raised to method 1"); 
    p.OnChange += () => Console.WriteLine("Event raised to method 2"); 

When calling CreateAndRaise, your code creates a new instance of Pub, subscribes to the event with two different methods and then raises the event by calling p.Raise. The Pub class is completely unaware of any subscribers. It just raises the event.

If there would be no subscribers to an event, the OnChange property would be null. This is why the Raise method checks to see whether OnChange is not null.

Weaknesses of LISTING 1-82:

  1. If you change the subscribe line for method 2 to the following, you would effectively remove the first subscriber by using = instead of +=:
p.OnChange = () => Console.WriteLine("Event raised to method 2");
  1. Nothing prevents outside users of the class from raising the event. By just calling p.OnChange() every user of the class can raise the event to all subscribers.

LISTING 1-83 Using the event keyword

public class Pub 
    public event Action OnChange = delegate { }; 
    public void Raise() 


  1. You are no longer using a public property but a public field. Normally, this would be a step back. However, with the event syntax, the compiler protects your field from unwanted access.
  2. An event cannot be directly assigned to (with the = instead of +=) operator. So you don’t have the risk of someone removing all previous subscriptions, as with the delegate syntax.
  3. No outside users can raise your event. It can be raised only by code that’s part of the class that defined the event.
  4. Outside users of your class can’t set the event to null; only members of your class can.

To follow the coding conventions in the .NET Framework. You should use the EventHandler or EventHandler<T> instead of using the Action type for your event.

EventHandler is declared as the following delegate:

public delegate void EventHandler(object sender, EventArgs e);

By default, it takes a sender object and some event arguments. The sender is by convention the object that raised the event (or null if it comes from a static method). By using EventHandler<T>, you can specify the type of event arguments you want to use.

LISTING 1-84 Custom event arguments

public class MyArgs : EventArgs 
    public MyArgs(int value) 
        Value = value; 
    public int Value { get; set; } 
public class Pub 
    public event EventHandler<MyArgs> OnChange = delegate { }; 
    public void Raise() 
        OnChange(this, new MyArgs(42)); 
public void CreateAndRaise() 
    Pub p = new Pub(); 
    p.OnChange += (sender, e)  
        => Console.WriteLine("Event raised: {0}", e.Value); 

Although the event implementation uses a public field, you can still customize addition and removal of subscribers. This is called a custom event accessor.

LISTING 1-85 Custom event accessor

public class Pub 
    private event EventHandler<MyArgs> onChange = delegate { }; 
    public event EventHandler<MyArgs> OnChange 
            lock (onChange) 
                onChange += value; 
            lock (onChange) 
                onChange -= value; 
    public void Raise() 
        onChange(this, new MyArgs(42)); 

It’s important to put a lock around adding and removing subscribers to make sure that the operation is thread safe.

Events are not delegates, they are a convenient wrapper around delegates.

LISTING 1-86 Exception when raising an event

public class Pub 
    public event EventHandler OnChange = delegate { }; 
    public void Raise() 
        OnChange(this, EventArgs.Empty); 
public void CreateAndRaise() 
    Pub p = new Pub(); 
    p.OnChange += (sender,e ) 
        => Console.WriteLine("Subscriber 1 called"); 
    p.OnChange += (sender, e) 
        => { throw new Exception(); }; 
    p.OnChange += (sender,e ) 
        => Console.WriteLine("Subscriber 3 called"); 
// Displays 
// Subscriber 1 called

LISTING 1-87 Manually raising events with exception handling

public class Pub
    public event EventHandler OnChange = delegate { }; 
    public void Raise() 
        var exceptions = new List<Exception>(); 
        foreach (Delegate handler in OnChange.GetInvocationList()) 
                handler.DynamicInvoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); 
            catch (Exception ex) 
        if (exceptions.Any()) 
            throw new AggregateException(exceptions); 
public void CreateAndRaise() 
    Pub p = new Pub(); 
    p.OnChange += (sender, e) 
        => Console.WriteLine("Subscriber 1 called"); 
    p.OnChange += (sender, e) 
        => { throw new Exception(); }; 
    p.OnChange += (sender, e) 
        => Console.WriteLine("Subscriber 3 called"); 
    catch (AggregateException ex) 
// Displays 
// Subscriber 1 called 
// Subscriber 3 called 
// 1

Objective summary

Objective 1.5: Implement exception handling

1.51 Handling exceptions

When an error occurs somewhere in an application, an exception is raised.

An exception not only has a user-friendly message but it also contains the location in which the error happened and it can even store extra data, such as an address to a page that offers some help.

If an exception goes unhandled, it will cause the current process to terminate.

LISTING 1-88 Parsing an invalid number

namespace ExceptionHandling 
    public static class Program 
        public static void Main() 
            string s = "NaN"; 
            int i = int.Parse(s); 
// Displays 
// Unhandled Exception: System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format. 
//   at System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options,  
//        NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal) 
//   at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style,  
//        NumberFormatInfo info) 
//   at System.Int32.Parse(String s) 
//   at ExceptionHandling.Program.Main() in c:\Users\Wouter\Documents\  
//   Visual Studio 2012\Projects\ExamRefProgrammingInCSharp\Chapter1\Program.cs:line 9

LISTING 1-89 Catching a FormatException

using System; 
namespace ExceptionHandling 
    public static class Program 
        public static void Main() 
            while (true) 
                string s = Console.ReadLine(); 
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s)) break; 
                    int i = int.Parse(s); 
                catch (FormatException) 
                    Console.WriteLine("{0} is not a valid number. Please try again", s); 

You need to surround the code that can potentially throw an exception with a try statement. Following the try statement, you can add several different catch blocks. A catch block can specify the type of the exception it wants to catch. All exceptions in the .NET Framework inherit from System.Exception.

The catch blocks should be specified as most-specific to least-specific because this is the order in which the runtime will examine them. When an exception is thrown, the first matching catch block will be executed. If no matching catch block can be found, the exception will fall through.

LISTING 1-90 Catching different exception types

    int i = int.Parse(s); 
catch (ArgumentNullException) 
    Console.WriteLine("You need to enter a value"); 
catch (FormatException) 
    Console.WriteLine("{0} is not a valid number. Please try again", s); 

In C# 1, you could also use a catch block without an exception type. This could be used to catch exceptions that were thrown from other languages like C++ that don’t inherit from System.Exception (in C++ you can throw exceptions of any type). Nowadays, each exception that doesn’t inherit from System.Exception is automatically wrapped in a System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeWrappedException. Since this exception inherits from System.Exception, there is no need for the empty catch block anymore.

It’s important to make sure that your application is in the correct state when the catch block finishes. This could mean that you need to revert changes that your try block made before the exception was thrown.

The finally block will execute whether an exception happens or not.

LISTING 1-91 Using a finally block

using System; 
namespace ExceptionHandling 
    public static class Program 
        public static void Main() 
            string s = Console.ReadLine(); 
                int i = int.Parse(s); 
            catch (ArgumentNullException) 
                Console.WriteLine("You need to enter a value"); 
            catch (FormatException)
                Console.WriteLine("{0} is not a valid number. Please try again", s); 
                Console.WriteLine("Program complete."); 
// Displays 
// a 
// a is not a valid number. Please try again 
// Program complete.

When the try block goes into an infinite loop, or in situations such as a power outage, a finally block won’t run.

Preventing the finally block from running can be achieved by using Environment.FailFast. When this method is called, the message (and optionally the exception) are written to the Windows application event log, and the application is terminated.

LISTING 1-92 Using Environment.FailFast

using System; 
namespace ExceptionHandling 
    public static class Program 
        public static void Main() 
            string s = Console.ReadLine(); 
                int i = int.Parse(s); 
                if (i == 42) Environment.FailFast("Special number entered"); 
                Console.WriteLine("Program complete."); 

The line Program Complete won’t be executed if 42 is entered. Instead the application shuts down immediately.

TABLE 1-3 System.Exception properties

Name Description
StackTrace A string that describes all the methods that are currently in execution. This gives you a way of tracking which method threw the exception and how that method was reached.
InnerException When a new exception is thrown because another exception happened, the two are linked together with the InnerException property.
Message A (hopefully) human friendly message that describes the exception.
HelpLink A Uniform Resource Name (URN) or uniform resource locater (URL) that points to a help file.
HResult A 32-bit value that describes the severity of an error, the area in which the exception happened and a unique number for the exception This value is used only when crossing managed and native boundaries.
Source The name of the application that caused the error. If the Source is not explicitly set, the name of the assembly is used.
TargetSite Contains the name of the method that caused the exception. If this data is not available, the property will be null.
Data A dictionary of key/value pairs that you can use to store extra data for your exception. This data can be read by other catch blocks and can be used to control the processing of the exception.

When using a catch block, you can use both an exception type and a named identifier. This way, you effectively create a variable that will hold the exception for you so you can inspect its properties.

LISTING 1-93 Inspecting an exception

using System; 
namespace ExceptionHandling 
    public static class Program 
        public static void Main() 
                int i = ReadAndParse(); 
                Console.WriteLine("Parsed: {0}", i); 
            catch (FormatException e) 
                Console.WriteLine("Message: {0}",e.Message); 
                Console.WriteLine("StackTrace: {0}", e.StackTrace); 
                Console.WriteLine("HelpLink: {0}", e.HelpLink); 
                Console.WriteLine("InnerException: {0}", e.InnerException); 
                Console.WriteLine("TargetSite: {0}", e.TargetSite); 
                Console.WriteLine("Source: {0}", e.Source); 
        private static int ReadAndParse() 
            string s = Console.ReadLine(); 
            int i = int.Parse(s); 
            return i; 
//Message: Input string was not in a correct format. 
//StackTrace:    at System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, 
// NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal) 
//   at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, 
//        NumberFormatInfo info) 
//   at System.Int32.Parse(String s) 
//   at ExceptionHandling.Program.ReadAndParse() in  
//      c:\Users\Wouter\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Projects\ 
//        ExamRefProgrammingInCSharp\Chapter1\Program.cs:line 27 
//   at ExceptionHandling.Program.Main() in c:\Users\Wouter\Documents\ 
//        Visual Studio 2012\Projects\ExamRefProgrammingInCSharp\ 
//        Chapter1\Program.cs:line 10 
// HelpLink: 
// InnerException: 
// TargetSite: Void StringToNumber(System.String, System.Globalization.NumberStyles 
// , NumberBuffer ByRef, System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo, Boolean) 
// Source: mscorlib

It’s important to make sure that your finally block does not cause any exceptions.

You should only catch an exception when you can resolve the issue or when you want to log the error. Because of this, it’s important to avoid general catch blocks at the lower layers of your application. This way, you could accidentally swallow an important exception without even knowing that it happened. Logging should also be done somewhere higher up in your application. That way, you can avoid logging duplicate errors at multiple layers in your application.

1.52 Throwing exceptions

LISTING 1-94 Throwing an ArgumentNullException

public static string OpenAndParse(string fileName) 
    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fileName)) 
        throw new ArgumentNullException("fileName", "Filename is required"); 
    return File.ReadAllText(fileName); 

You should not try to reuse exception objects. Each time you throw an exception, you should create a new one, especially when working in a multithreaded environment, the stack trace of your exception can be changed by another thread.

When catching an exception, you can choose to rethrow the exception in three ways:

LISTING 1-95 Rethrowing an exception

catch (Exception logEx) 
    throw; // rethrow the original exception 

LISTING 1-96 Throwing a new exception that points to the original one

catch (MessageQueueException ex) 
    throw new OrderProcessingException("Error while processing order", ex); 

ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw method in the System.Runtime.ExceptionServices namespace can be used to throw an exception and preserve the original stack trace.

LISTING 1-97 Using ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw

ExceptionDispatchInfo possibleException = null; 
    string s = Console.ReadLine(); 
catch (FormatException ex) 
    possibleException =  ExceptionDispatchInfo.Capture(ex); 
if (possibleException != null) 

// Displays
// Unhandled Exception: System.FormatException:
// Input string was not in a correct format.
// at System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options,
// NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)
// at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style,
// NumberFormatInfo info)
// at System.Int32.Parse(String s)
// at ExceptionHandling.Program.Main() in c:\Users\Wouter\Documents\
// Visual Studio 2012\Projects\ExamRefProgrammingInCSharp\Chapter1\
// Program.cs:line 17
//--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
// at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
// at ExceptionHandling.Program.Main() in c:\Users\Wouter\Documents\
// Visual Studio 2012\Projects\ExamRefProgrammingInCSharp\Chapter1\
// Program.cs:line 6

This feature can be used when you want to catch an exception in one thread and throw it on another thread.

Exception handling changes the normal expected flow of your program. This makes it harder to read and maintain code that uses exceptions.

Using exceptions also incurs a slight performance hit. Because the runtime has to search all outer catch blocks until it finds a matching block, and when it doesn’t, has to look if a debugger is attached, it takes slightly more time to handle.

When you need to throw an exception of your own, it’s important to know which exceptions are already defined in the .NET Framework.

Some exceptions are thrown only by the runtime. You shouldn’t use those exceptions from your own code.

TABLE 1-4 Runtime exceptions in the .NET Framework

Name Description
ArithmeticException A base class for other exceptions that occur during arithmetic operations.
ArrayTypeMismatchException Thrown when you want to store an incompatible element inside an array.
DivideByZeroException Thrown when you try to divide a value by zero.
IndexOutOfRangeException Thrown when you try to access an array with an index that’s less than zero or greater than the size of the array.
InvalidCastException Thrown when you try to cast an element to an incompatible type.
NullReferenceException Thrown when you try to reference an element that’s null.
OutOfMemoryException Thrown when creating a new object fails because the CLR doesn’t have enough memory available.
OverflowException Thrown when an arithmetic operation overflows in a checked context.
StackOverflowException Thrown when the execution stack is full. This can happen in a recursive operation that doesn’t exit.
TypeInitializationException Thrown when a static constructor throws an exception that’s goes unhandled.

TABLE 1-5 Popular exceptions in the .NET Framework

Name Description
Exception The base class for all exceptions. Try avoiding throwing and catching this exception because it’s too generic.
ArgumentException Throw this exception when an argument to your method is invalid.
ArgumentNullException A specialized form of ArgumentException that you can throw when one of your arguments is null and this isn’t allowed.
ArgumentOutOfRangeException A specialized form of ArgumentException that you can throw when an argument is outside the allowable range of values.
FormatException Throw this exception when an argument does not have a valid format.
InvalidOperationException Throw this exception when a method is called that’s invalid for the object’s current state.
NotImplementedException This exception is often used in generated code where a method has not been implemented yet.
NotSupportedException Throw this exception when a method is invoked that you don’t support.
ObjectDisposedException Throw when a user of your class tries to access methods when Dispose has already been called.

You should avoid directly using the Exception base class both when catching and throwing exceptions. Instead you should try to use the most specific exception available.

1.53 Creating custom exceptions

A custom exception is especially useful when developers working with your code are aware of those exceptions and can handle them in a more specific way than the framework exceptions.

A custom exception should inherit from System.Exception. You need to provide at least a parameterless constructor. It’s also a best practice to add a few other constructors: one that takes a string, one that takes both a string and an exception, and one for serialization.

LISTING 1-98 Creating a custom exception

public class OrderProcessingException : Exception, ISerializable 
    public OrderProcessingException(int orderId) 
        OrderId = orderId; 
        this.HelpLink = "http://www.mydomain.com/infoaboutexception"; 
    public OrderProcessingException(int orderId, string message) 
        : base(message) 
        OrderId = orderId; 
        this.HelpLink = "http://www.mydomain.com/infoaboutexception"; 
    public OrderProcessingException(int orderId, string message,  
                                     Exception innerException) 
        : base(message, innerException) 
        OrderId = orderId; 
        this.HelpLink = "http://www.mydomain.com/infoaboutexception"; 
    protected OrderProcessingException(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) 
        OrderId = (int)info.GetValue("OrderId", typeof(int)); 
    public int OrderId { get; private set; } 
    public void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) 
        info.AddValue("OrderId", OrderId, typeof(int)); 

By convention, you should use the Exception suffix in naming all your custom exceptions.

It’s also important to add the Serializable attribute, which makes sure that your exception can be serialized and works correctly across application domains (for example, when a web service returns an exception).

You should never inherit from System.ApplicationException. The original idea was that all C# runtime exceptions should inherit from System.Exception and all custom exceptions from System.ApplicationException. However, because the .NET Framework doesn’t follow this pattern, the class became useless and lost its meaning.

Objective summary

Chapter summary

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