MySql 存储过程
2017-03-07 本文已影响9人
-- Name: ordertotal
-- Parameters: onumber = order number
-- taxable = 0 if not taxable, 1 if taxable
-- ototal = order total variable
create procedure ordertotal(
in onumber int,
in taxable boolean,
out ototal decimal(8,2)
) comment 'obtain order total, optionally adding tax'
-- declare variable for total
declare total decimal(8,2);
-- declare tax percentage
declare taxrate int default 6;
-- get the order total
select sum(item_price * quantity)
from orderitems
where order_num = onumber
into total;
-- Is this taxable?
if taxable then
-- yes, so add taxrate to the total
select total + (total / 100 * taxrate) into total;
end if;
-- finally, save to our variable
select total into ototal;
call ordertotal(20005, 0 @total);
select @total;
| @total |
| 149.87 |
call ordertotal(20005, 1 @total);
select @total;
| @total |
| 158.86 |
delimiter //
使用drop procedure ordertotal;删除存储过程