2022-05-13(239)Engineering law a

2022-05-13  本文已影响0人  木金木水火土的木


14. (1)1 Within 21 days after the acceptance of his Tender the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for his approval a programme showing the order of procedure2 in which he proposes to carry out the Works and thereafter shall furnish such further details and information as the Engineer may reasonably require in regard thereto.3 The Contractor shall at the same time also provide in writing for the information of the Engineer a general description of the arrangements and methods of construction which the Contractor proposes to adopt for the carrying out of the Works.4


(2) Should it appear to the Engineer at any time that the actual progress of the Works does not conform with the approved programme5 referred to in subclause (1) of this Clause the Engineer shall be entitled to require the Contractor to produce a revised programme showing the modifications to the original programme necessary to ensure completion of the Works or any Section within the time for completion as defined in Clause 43 or extended time granted pursuant to Clause 44 (2).5a


(3) If requested by the Engineer the Contractor shall submit at such times and in such detail as the Engineer may reasonably require6 such information pertaining to the methods of construction (including Temporary Works and the use of Constructional Plant) which the Contractor proposes to adopt or use and such calculations of stresses strains and deflections that will arise in the Permanent Works or any parts thereof during construction from the use of such methods as will enable the Engineer to decide whether if these methods are adhered to the Works can be executed in accordance with the Drawings and Specification7 and without detriment to the Permanent Works when completed.8,9


(4) The Engineer shall inform the Contractor in writing within a reasonable period after receipt of the information10 submitted in accordance with sub-clause (3) of this Clause either:

(a) that the Contractor’s proposed methods have the consent of the Engineer; or

(b) in what respects in the opinion of the Engineer they fail to meet the requirements of the Drawings or Specification or will be detrimental to the Permanent Works.11

In the latter event the Contractor shall take such steps or make such changes in the said methods12 as may be necessary to meet the Engineer’s requirements and to obtain his consent. The Contractor shall not change the methods which have received the Engineer’s consent without the further consent in writing of the Engineer which shall not be unreasonably withheld.13


(5) The Engineer shall provide to the Contractor such design criteria relevant to the Permanent Works or any Temporary Works designed by the Engineer as may be necessary to enable the Contractor to comply14 with sub-clauses (3) and (4) of this Clause.


(6) If the Engineer’s consent to the proposed methods of construction shall be unreasonably delayed15 or if the requirements of the Engineer pursuant to sub-clause (4) of this Clause or any limitations imposed by any of the design criteria supplied by the Engineer pursuant to sub-clause (5) of this Clause could not reasonably have been foreseen by an experienced contractor16 at the time of tender17 and if in consequence of any of the aforesaid the Contractor unavoidably incurs delay or cost18 the Engineer shall take such delay into account in determining any extension of time to which the Contractor is entitled under Clause 44 and the Contractor shall subject to Clause 52 (4) be paid in accordance with Clause 6019 such sum in respect of the cost incurred as the Engineer considers fair in all the circumstances.20,21


(7) Approval by the Engineer of the Contractor’s programme in accordance with sub-clauses (1) and (2) of this Clause and the consent of the Engineer to the Contractor’s proposed methods of construction in accordance with sub-clause (4) of this Clause shall not relieve the Contractor of any of his duties or responsibilities under the Contract.

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