
2021-04-23  本文已影响0人  Uncle_Sam



作为类比,美国Beyond Meat 2018年销售额为8800万美元,亏损了3000万美元。Beyond Meat 于 2019年5月上市。


全球范围内,餐饮服务(咖啡和茶店)和零售商店和其它渠道的销售占比是 25%:75%。Oatly在亚洲的零售和餐饮服务网点与美国的一样多,其中包括4700家星巴克在中国的门店。





Vital Statistics of Oatly 

Oatly is soon going public as OTLY on Nasdaq. Here are some highlights of their IPO prospectus:

In 2020 its revenue improved by 106% to $421.4m, while in 2019 the revenue rose 73% YOY. Its loss also expanded to $60.4m. from $35.6m in 2019.

The losses were nothing surprising when one recalls that Beyond Meat's sales was $88m, with a loss of $30m (2018) when it went IPO in May 2019.

The company plans to double its production capacity to 600m litres in 2021 from 2020, and further increase to one billion in 2022 litres, 1.4 billion litres in 2023.

Foodservice (coffee and tea shops): retail stores and other = 25% /75%. Oatly is present at as many retail and foodservice outlets in Asia as in the US (approx. 17k each), including 4,700 Starbucks stores in China

Asia is also the fastest-growing region, more than 5x YoY in 2020 vs. 2.5x in Americas vs. 1.7x in Europe & ME.

In China, e-commerce accounted for 21% of its revenue In 2020. Its prospectus claimed that on Tmall.com it outsold plant-based competitors by at least three times.

"We purchase our oats from farmers in Sweden, Canada, the Baltic states, Malaysia, and Finland," it claimed. "Within our core markets of Sweden, UK and Germany, our brand contributed the most sales growth to the plant-based milk category in 2020."

Full prospectus: https://bit.ly/3tIs79t

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