0720 小米手机
Xiaomi the way forward:next stop,Brazil
最值钱的,估值最高的创业公司在本国的发展空间受到了限制的时候他们会做些什么?rhetorical question 设问句,明确了文章了整个主旨 they will do something
Startup: 创业公司 v.变为n.
run out of growing home 增长空间消耗
that's the challenge facing Xiaomi. 两种搭配
1.X is now facing the challenge of running out of growing room at home.
2.running out of growing room at home is the challenge facing X
be valued at ...in its latest investment被。。估值在最近的一轮投资中 Angel capital...A round B round...E round 五轮投资
Market penetration:渗透率
34.7m= 三千四百七十万部 小米卖得很多,而且智能机渗透率已70%
it's looking abroad to India..已经将自己的目光转向海外市场/ is eyeing ...next ,and starting today,Brazil
中间省略 to look abroad to Brazil 更为简洁明快
start today 从今天开始,today 作副词 对today词性的定义
High-spec: high-specification/高规格 low-cost 高配置低成本=性价比高
Blue Ocean Strategy 哈佛商学院一个教授所出,blue ocean 蓝海,市场饱和不高,red ocean 红海,饱和高
mob the launch 非常疯狂的参与发布会
I am eyeing and counting on you guys