机器学习与数据挖掘Python语言与信息数据获取和机器学习大数据 爬虫Python AI Sql


2017-10-14  本文已影响1468人  数据蛙datafrog

这篇文章讲述的是Kaggle上一个赛题的解决方案——Titanic幸存预测.问题背景是我们大家都熟悉的【Jack and Rose】的故事,豪华游艇与冰山相撞,大家惊慌而逃,可是救生艇的数量有限,无法人人都有。赛题官方提供训练数据和测试数据两份数据,训练数据主要是一些乘客的个人信息以及存活状况,测试数据也是乘客的个人信息但是没有存活状况的显示。所以本文的主要目的就是,根据训练数据生成合适的模型并预测测试数据中乘客的生存状况。




library(readr) # File read / write
library(ggplot2) # Data visualization
library(ggthemes) # Data visualization
library(scales) # Data visualization
library(plyr)# Data manipulation
library(stringr) # String manipulation
library(InformationValue) # IV / WOE calculation
library(MLmetrics) # Mache learning metrics.e.g. Recall, Precision,Accuracy, AUC
library(rpart) # Decision tree utils
library(randomForest) # Random Forest
library(dplyr) # Data manipulation
library(e1071) # SVM
library(Amelia) # Missing value utils
library(party) # Conditional inference trees
library(gbm) # AdaBoost
library(class) # KNN.


train <-read_csv("train.csv")
test <-read_csv("test.csv")
data<- bind_rows(train, test)  #组合
train.row<- 1:nrow(train)
test.row<- (1 + nrow(train)):(nrow(train) + nrow(test))


  1. 这里是把训练数据和测试数据合并了,原因是之后的操作过程中要对数据的格式做转换,还会对分类变量增加新的level(比如:分类变量性别,我们的操作就是,原有的基础之上,增加一个字段 为男的列和一个字段为女的列)为了避免重复操作和出错,所以就干脆一起操作了。
  2. bind_rows()用法:
    When row-binding, columns are matched by name, and any missing columns with be filled with NA,简单的来说就是按照列来组合两份数据,少列的自动填充为NA值(大家查资料的时候,能用谷歌就用谷歌吧,并在英文状态下搜索)


> str(data)     
Classes ‘tbl_df’, ‘tbl’ and 'data.frame':   1309 obs. of  12 variables:
 $ PassengerId: int  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
 $ Survived   : int  0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 ...
 $ Pclass     : int  3 1 3 1 3 3 1 3 3 2 ...
 $ Name       : chr  "Braund, Mr. Owen Harris" "Cumings, Mrs. John Bradley (Florence Briggs Thayer)" "Heikkinen, Miss. Laina" "Futrelle, Mrs. Jacques Heath (Lily May Peel)" ...
 $ Sex        : chr  "male" "female" "female" "female" ...
 $ Age        : num  22 38 26 35 35 NA 54 2 27 14 ...
 $ SibSp      : int  1 1 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 1 ...
 $ Parch      : int  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 ...
 $ Ticket     : chr  "A/5 21171" "PC 17599" "STON/O2. 3101282" "113803" ...
 $ Fare       : num  7.25 71.28 7.92 53.1 8.05 ...
 $ Cabin      : chr  NA "C85" NA "C123" ...
 $ Embarked   : chr  "S" "C" "S" "S" ...

> str(test)
Classes ‘tbl_df’, ‘tbl’ and 'data.frame':   418 obs. of  11 variables:
 $ PassengerId: int  892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 ...

> str(train)
Classes ‘tbl_df’, ‘tbl’ and 'data.frame':   891 obs. of  12 variables:
 $ PassengerId: int  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...



我们这一步的主要目的看看除了PassengerId 整型变量以外,其他10个变量和乘客的幸存率之间是什么关系。让我们先看一下训练集中的乘客幸存率是如何的。

> table(train$Survived)
  0   1 
549 342 
> prop.table((table(train$Survived))) #prop.table()是计算表中值的百分比,这里就是我们的得到的列联表
      0         1 
0.6161616 0.3838384 



data$Survived <- factor(data$Survived) #变成因子型变量
ggplot(data = data[1:nrow(train),], mapping = aes(x = Pclass, y = ..count.., fill=Survived)) + 
 geom_bar(stat = "count", position='dodge') + 
 xlab('Pclass') + 
 ylab('Count') + 
 ggtitle('How Pclass impact survivor') + 
 scale_fill_manual(values=c("#FF0000", "#00FF00")) +
 geom_text(stat = "count", aes(label = ..count..), position=position_dodge(width=1), , vjust=-0.5) + 
 theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5), legend.position="bottom")


其实当我们要用模型方法(逻辑回归、随机森林、决策树等)构建数学模型时,经常会剔除掉一些变量,比如有100个变量,可能会取其中的几十个。那你可能要问筛选的原则是什么呢?其实最主要和最直接的衡量标准是就是变量的预测能力,可以简单理解成这个变量能够预测一个结果发生的可信度。而衡量变量的预测能力的主要的指标是IV(Information Value)信息价值,但是在计算IV之前,要先计算出WOE,因为IV的计算是以WOE为基础的(WOE的全程为Weight Of Evidence,即是证据权重),暂时先知道这些名词的意思吧,写主智商着急,不会证明啊。

> WOETable(X=factor(data$Pclass[1:nrow(train)]), Y=data$Survived[1:nrow(train)])
  CAT GOODS BADS TOTAL     PCT_G     PCT_B        WOE         IV
1   1   136   80   216 0.3976608 0.1457195  1.0039160 0.25292792
2   2    87   97   184 0.2543860 0.1766849  0.3644848 0.02832087
3   3   119  372   491 0.3479532 0.6775956 -0.6664827 0.21970095
> IV(X=factor(data$Pclass[1:nrow(train)]), Y=data$Survived[1:nrow(train)])
[1] 0.5009497
[1] "Highly Predictive"

从结果可以看出,Pclass的IV为0.5,且“Highly Predictive”。由此可以暂时将Pclass作为预测模型的特征变量之一。

如果大家看过这部电影的话,应该对当时副船长说的【lady and kid first!】有印象,这么说是不是女性的幸存率要比男性高呢?让我们先来看看。

data$Sex<- as.factor(data$Sex)
= data[1:nrow(train),], mapping = aes(x = Sex, y = ..count.., fill=Survived)) +
geom_bar(stat = 'count', position='dodge') + 
xlab('Sex') + 
ylab('Count') + 
ggtitle('How Sex impact survivo') + 
geom_text(stat = "count", aes(label
= ..count..), position=position_dodge(width=1), , vjust=-0.5) + 
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5),


> WOETable(X=data$Sex[1:nrow(train)], Y=data$Survived[1:nrow(train)])
     CAT GOODS BADS TOTAL     PCT_G    PCT_B        WOE        IV
1 female   233   81   314 0.6812865 0.147541  1.5298770 0.8165651
2   male   109  468   577 0.3187135 0.852459 -0.9838327 0.5251163
> IV(X=data$Sex[1:nrow(train)], Y=data$Survived[1:nrow(train)])
[1] 1.341681
[1] "Highly Predictive"

Sex的IV为1.34且”Highly Predictive”,也可暂将Sex作为特征变量。


> ggplot(data = data[(!is.na(data$Age)) & row(data[, 'Age']) <= 891, ], aes(x = Age, color=Survived)) + 
+     geom_line(aes(label=..count..), stat = 'bin', binwidth=5)  + 
+     labs(title = "How Age impact survivor", x = "Age", y = "Count", fill = "Survived")
Warning: Ignoring unknown aesthetics: label

上图所示,Age < 18的乘客中,幸存人数确实高于遇难人数。同时青壮年乘客中,遇难人数远高于幸存人数。对于Age这个变量没有算出IV值,我想应该是对它的计算没有理解的缘故,我猜想是分类变量才能算出,那现在就姑且把Age也当作是特征变量吧。

我们知道乘客姓名重复度太低,拿过来分析也没有太多意义。但是姓名中包含Mr. Mrs. Dr.等具有文化特征的信息,这些称谓既可以体现出性别又可以体现出年龄还有等级,这应该是一个很好的特征变量,现在可将之抽取出来。

data$Title <- sapply(data$Name, FUN=function(x) {strsplit(x, split='[,.]')[[1]][2]})
data$Title <- sub(' ', '', data$Title)
data$Title[data$Title %in% c('Mme', 'Mlle')] <- 'Mlle'
data$Title[data$Title %in% c('Capt', 'Don', 'Major', 'Sir')] <- 'Sir'
data$Title[data$Title %in% c('Dona', 'Lady', 'the Countess', 'Jonkheer')] <- 'Lady'
data$Title <- factor(data$Title)


ggplot(data = data[1:nrow(train),], mapping = aes(x = Title, y = ..count.., fill=Survived)) + 
 geom_bar(stat = "count", position='stack') + 
 xlab('Title') + 
 ylab('Count') + 
 ggtitle('How Title impact survivor') + 
 scale_fill_discrete(name="Survived", breaks=c(0, 1), labels=c("Perish", "Survived")) + 
 geom_text(stat = "count", aes(label = ..count..), position=position_stack(vjust = 0.5)) +
 theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5), legend.position="bottom")


> WOETable(X=data$Title[1:nrow(train)], Y=data$Survived[1:nrow(train)])
      CAT GOODS BADS TOTAL       PCT_G       PCT_B         WOE           IV
1     Col     1    1     2 0.002873563 0.001808318  0.46315552 4.933741e-04
2      Dr     3    4     7 0.008620690 0.007233273  0.17547345 2.434548e-04
3    Lady     2    1     3 0.005747126 0.001808318  1.15630270 4.554455e-03
4  Master    23   17    40 0.066091954 0.030741410  0.76543639 2.705859e-02
5    Miss   127   55   182 0.364942529 0.099457505  1.30000942 3.451330e-01
6    Mlle     3    3     3 0.008620690 0.005424955  0.46315552 1.480122e-03
7      Mr    81  436   517 0.232758621 0.788426763 -1.22003757 6.779360e-01
8     Mrs    99   26   125 0.284482759 0.047016275  1.80017883 4.274821e-01
9      Ms     1    1     1 0.002873563 0.001808318  0.46315552 4.933741e-04
10    Rev     6    6     6 0.017241379 0.010849910  0.46315552 2.960244e-03
11    Sir     2    3     5 0.005747126 0.005424955  0.05769041 1.858622e-05
> IV(X=data$Title[1:nrow(train)], Y=data$Survived[1:nrow(train)])
[1] 1.487853
[1] "Highly Predictive"

从计算结果可见,IV为1.520702,且”Highly Predictive”。因此,可暂将Title作为预测模型中的一个特征变量


ticket.count <- aggregate(data$Ticket, by =list(data$Ticket), function(x) sum(!is.na(x)))


data$TicketCount <-
apply(data, 1, function(x) ticket.count[which(ticket.count[, 1] == x['Ticket']), 2])
data$TicketCount <-
factor(sapply(data$TicketCount, function(x) ifelse(x > 1, 'Share', 'Unique')))
ggplot(data = data[1:nrow(train),], mapping =
aes(x = TicketCount, y = ..count.., fill=Survived)) + 
geom_bar(stat = 'count', position='dodge') + 
xlab('TicketCount') + 
ylab('Count') + 
ggtitle('How TicketCount impact survivor') + 
geom_text(stat = "count",
aes(label = ..count..), position=position_dodge(width=1), , vjust=-0.5) + 
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5), legend.position="bottom")


> WOETable(X=data$TicketCount[1:nrow(train)], Y=data$Survived[1:nrow(train)])
     CAT GOODS BADS TOTAL    PCT_G     PCT_B        WOE        IV
1  Share   212  198   410 0.619883 0.3606557  0.5416069 0.1403993
2 Unique   130  351   481 0.380117 0.6393443 -0.5199641 0.1347889
> IV(X=data$TicketCount[1:nrow(train)], Y=data$Survived[1:nrow(train)])
[1] 0.2751882
[1] "Highly Predictive"

其IV为0.2751882,且”Highly Predictive”


> ggplot(data = data[(!is.na(data$Fare)) & row(data[, 'Fare']) <= 891, ], aes(x = Fare, color=Survived)) + 
+     geom_line(aes(label=..count..), stat = 'bin', binwidth=10)  + 
+     labs(title = "How Fare impact survivor", x = "Fare", y = "Count", fill = "Survived")
Warning: Ignoring unknown aesthetics: label


ggplot(data = data[1:nrow(train),], mapping = aes(x = SibSp, y = ..count.., fill=Survived)) + 
 geom_bar(stat = 'count', position='dodge') + 
 labs(title = "How SibSp impact survivor", x = "Sibsp", y = "Count", fill = "Survived") + 
 geom_text(stat = "count", aes(label = ..count..), position=position_dodge(width=1), , vjust=-0.5) + 
 theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5), legend.position="bottom")


> WOETable(X=as.factor(data$SibSp[1:nrow(train)]), Y=data$Survived[1:nrow(train)])
  CAT GOODS BADS TOTAL       PCT_G       PCT_B        WOE          IV
1   0   210  398   608 0.593220339 0.724954463 -0.2005429 0.026418349
2   1   112   97   209 0.316384181 0.176684882  0.5825894 0.081387334
3   2    13   15    28 0.036723164 0.027322404  0.2957007 0.002779811
4   3     4   12    16 0.011299435 0.021857923 -0.6598108 0.006966604
5   4     3   15    18 0.008474576 0.027322404 -1.1706364 0.022063953
6   5     5    5     5 0.014124294 0.009107468  0.4388015 0.002201391
7   8     7    7     7 0.019774011 0.012750455  0.4388015 0.003081947
> IV(X=as.factor(data$SibSp[1:nrow(train)]),Y=data$Survived[1:nrow(train)])
[1] 0.1448994
[1] "Highly Predictive"

IV为0.1448994,且”Highly Predictive”。可以让SibSp这一个变量当作特征变量。

ggplot(data = data[1:nrow(train),], mapping = aes(x = Parch, y = ..count.., fill=Survived)) + 
 geom_bar(stat = 'count', position='dodge') + 
 labs(title = "How Parch impact survivor", x = "Parch", y = "Count", fill = "Survived") + 
 geom_text(stat = "count", aes(label = ..count..), position=position_dodge(width=1), , vjust=-0.5) + 
 theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5), legend.position="bottom")
ggplot(data = data[1:nrow(train),], mapping = aes(x = Parch, y = ..count.., fill=Survived)) + 
 geom_bar(stat = 'count', position='dodge') + 
 labs(title = "How Parch impact survivor", x = "Parch", y = "Count", fill = "Survived") + 
 geom_text(stat = "count", aes(label = ..count..), position=position_dodge(width=1), , vjust=-0.5) + 
 theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5), legend.position="bottom")


> WOETable(X=as.factor(data$Parch[1:nrow(train)]), Y=data$Survived[1:nrow(train)])
  CAT GOODS BADS TOTAL       PCT_G       PCT_B        WOE          IV
1   0   233  445   678 0.671469741 0.810564663 -0.1882622 0.026186312
2   1    65   53   118 0.187319885 0.096539162  0.6628690 0.060175728
3   2    40   40    80 0.115273775 0.072859745  0.4587737 0.019458440
4   3     3    2     5 0.008645533 0.003642987  0.8642388 0.004323394
5   4     4    4     4 0.011527378 0.007285974  0.4587737 0.001945844
6   5     1    4     5 0.002881844 0.007285974 -0.9275207 0.004084922
7   6     1    1     1 0.002881844 0.001821494  0.4587737 0.000486461
> IV(X=as.factor(data$Parch[1:nrow(train)]),Y=data$Survived[1:nrow(train)])
[1] 0.1166611
[1] "Highly Predictive"

IV为0.1166611,且”Highly Predictive”,也可把Parch作为一个特征变量


data$FamilySize <- data$SibSp + data$Parch + 1
ggplot(data = data[1:nrow(train),], mapping = aes(x = FamilySize, y = ..count.., fill=Survived)) + 
 geom_bar(stat = 'count', position='dodge') + 
 xlab('FamilySize') + 
 ylab('Count') + 
 ggtitle('How FamilySize impact survivor') + 
 geom_text(stat = "count", aes(label = ..count..), position=position_dodge(width=1), , vjust=-0.5) + 
 theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5), legend.position="bottom")


> WOETable(X=as.factor(data$FamilySize[1:nrow(train)]), Y=data$Survived[1:nrow(train)])
  CAT GOODS BADS TOTAL       PCT_G      PCT_B        WOE           IV
1   1   163  374   537 0.459154930 0.68123862 -0.3945249 0.0876175539
2   2    89   72   161 0.250704225 0.13114754  0.6479509 0.0774668616
3   3    59   43   102 0.166197183 0.07832423  0.7523180 0.0661084057
4   4    21    8    29 0.059154930 0.01457195  1.4010615 0.0624634998
5   5     3   12    15 0.008450704 0.02185792 -0.9503137 0.0127410643
6   6     3   19    22 0.008450704 0.03460838 -1.4098460 0.0368782940
7   7     4    8    12 0.011267606 0.01457195 -0.2571665 0.0008497665
8   8     6    6     6 0.016901408 0.01092896  0.4359807 0.0026038712
9  11     7    7     7 0.019718310 0.01275046  0.4359807 0.0030378497
Warning message:
In grid.draw.grob(x$children[[i]], recording = FALSE) :
  reached elapsed time limit
> IV(X=as.factor(data$FamilySize[1:nrow(train)]), Y=data$Survived[1:nrow(train)])
[1] 0.3497672
[1] "Highly Predictive"

IV为0.3497672,且“Highly Predictive”,因此,可将这个派生变量FamilySize作为特征变量。


ggplot(data[1:nrow(train), ], mapping = aes(x = as.factor(sapply(data$Cabin[1:nrow(train)], function(x) str_sub(x, start = 1, end = 1))), y = ..count.., fill = Survived)) +
geom_bar(stat = 'count', position='dodge') + 
xlab('Cabin') +
ylab('Count') +
ggtitle('How Cabin impact survivor') +
geom_text(stat = "count", aes(label = ..count..), position=position_dodge(width=1), , vjust=-0.5) + 
 theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5), legend.position="bottom")


> data$Cabin <- sapply(data$Cabin, function(x) str_sub(x, start = 1, end = 1))
> WOETable(X=as.factor(data$Cabin[1:nrow(train)]), Y=data$Survived[1:nrow(train)])
  CAT GOODS BADS TOTAL       PCT_G       PCT_B        WOE          IV
1   A     7    8    15 0.020408163 0.014571949  0.3368366 0.001965851
2   B    35   12    47 0.102040816 0.021857923  1.5408094 0.123546555
3   C    35   24    59 0.102040816 0.043715847  0.8476622 0.049439873
4   D    25    8    33 0.072886297 0.014571949  1.6098023 0.093874571
5   E    24    8    32 0.069970845 0.014571949  1.5689803 0.086919776
6   F     8    5    13 0.023323615 0.009107468  0.9403716 0.013368461
7   G     2    2     4 0.005830904 0.003642987  0.4703680 0.001029126
8   T     1    1     1 0.002915452 0.001821494  0.4703680 0.000514563
9   X   206  481   687 0.600583090 0.876138434 -0.3776231 0.104056065
> IV(X=as.factor(data$Cabin[1:nrow(train)]), Y=data$Survived[1:nrow(train)])
[1] 0.4747148
[1] "Highly Predictive"

Cabin的IV为0.1866526,且“Highly Predictive”,可以作为特征变量


ggplot(data[1:nrow(train), ], mapping = aes(x = Embarked, y = ..count.., fill = Survived)) +
 geom_bar(stat = 'count', position='dodge') + 
 xlab('Embarked') +
 ylab('Count') +
 ggtitle('How Embarked impact survivor') +
 geom_text(stat = "count", aes(label = ..count..), position=position_dodge(width=1), , vjust=-0.5) + 
 theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5), legend.position="bottom")


> WOETable(X=as.factor(data$Embarked[1:nrow(train)]), Y=data$Survived[1:nrow(train)])
  CAT GOODS BADS TOTAL     PCT_G     PCT_B         WOE           IV
1   C    93   75   168 0.2719298 0.1366120  0.68839908 9.315265e-02
2   Q    30   47    77 0.0877193 0.0856102  0.02433748 5.133014e-05
3   S   219  427   646 0.6403509 0.7777778 -0.19442458 2.671917e-02
> IV(X=as.factor(data$Embarked[1:nrow(train)]), Y=data$Survived[1:nrow(train)])
[1] 0.1199231
[1] "Highly Predictive"

从上述计算结果可见,IV为0.1227284,且“Highly Predictive”,可以作为特征变量


> attach(data)
> missing <- list(Pclass=nrow(data[is.na(Pclass), ]))
> missing$Name <- nrow(data[is.na(Name), ])
> missing$Sex <- nrow(data[is.na(Sex), ])
> missing$Age <- nrow(data[is.na(Age), ])
> missing$SibSp <- nrow(data[is.na(SibSp), ])
> missing$Parch <- nrow(data[is.na(Parch), ])
> missing$Ticket <- nrow(data[is.na(Ticket), ])
> missing$Fare <- nrow(data[is.na(Fare), ])
> missing$Cabin <- nrow(data[is.na(Cabin), ])
> missing$Embarked <- nrow(data[is.na(Embarked), ])
> for (name in names(missing)) {
+     if (missing[[name]][1] > 0) {
+         print(paste('', name, ' miss ', missing[[name]][1], ' values', sep = ''))
+     }
+ }
[1] "Age miss 263 values"
[1] "Fare miss 1 values"
[1] "Cabin miss 1014 values"
[1] "Embarked miss 2 values"
> detach(data)


age.model <- rpart(Age ~ Pclass + Sex + SibSp + Parch + Fare + Embarked + Title + FamilySize, data=data[!is.na(data$Age), ], method='anova')
data$Age[is.na(data$Age)] <- predict(age.model, data[is.na(data$Age), ])
  data$Fare[is.na(data$Fare)] <- median(data$Fare, na.rm=TRUE)  


  data$Cabin<- as.factor(sapply(data$Cabin, function(x)ifelse(is.na(x), 'X', str_sub(x, start = 1, end = 1))))
data$Embarked[c(62,830)] = "S"
  data$Embarked <- factor(data$Embarked)


  1. 对于不起重要预测作用的变量选择直接删除列
  2. 不需要十分精确的估算的直接替换
  3. 最近邻插补——kNN
  4. 分类回归大树——rpart
    rpart()建立分类回归树模型,对于分类变量,添加参数:method = “class”
    对于数值变量,添加参数:method = “anova”



model <-
cforest(Survived ~ Pclass + Title + Sex + Age + SibSp + Parch + FamilySize +
TicketCount + Fare + Cabin + Embarked, data = data[train.row, ],
controls=cforest_unbiased(ntree=2000, mtry=3))


cv.summarize <- function(data.true, data.predict) {
 print(paste('Recall:', Recall(data.true, data.predict)))
 print(paste('Precision:', Precision(data.true, data.predict)))
 print(paste('Accuracy:', Accuracy(data.predict, data.true)))
 print(paste('AUC:', AUC(data.predict, data.true)))
cv.test.sample <- sample(1:nrow(train), as.integer(0.3 * nrow(train)), replace = TRUE)
cv.test <- data[cv.test.sample,]
cv.prediction <- predict(model, cv.test, OOB=TRUE, type = "response")
cv.summarize(cv.test$Survived, cv.prediction)

[1] "Recall: 0.953757225433526"
[1] "Precision: 0.841836734693878"
[1] "Accuracy: 0.853932584269663"
[1] "AUC: 0.811984995695486"
predict.result <- predict(model, data[(1+nrow(train)):(nrow(data)), ], OOB=TRUE, type = "response")
output <- data.frame(PassengerId = test$PassengerId, Survived = predict.result)
write.csv(output, file = "cit1.csv", row.names = FALSE)


data$Surname <- sapply(data$Name, FUN=function(x) {strsplit(x, split='[,.]')[[1]][1]})
data$FamilyID <- paste(as.character(data$FamilySize), data$Surname, sep="")
data$FamilyID[data$FamilySize <= 2] <- 'Small'
# Delete erroneous family IDs
famIDs <- data.frame(table(data$FamilyID))
famIDs <- famIDs[famIDs$Freq <= 2,]
data$FamilyID[data$FamilyID %in% famIDs$Var1] <- 'Small'
# Convert to a factor
data$FamilyID <- factor(data$FamilyID)


  1. 部分西方国家中人名的重复度较高,而姓氏重复度较低,姓氏具有一定辨识度
  2. 部分国家的姓氏具有一定的身份识别作用
  3. 姓氏相同的乘客,可能是一家人(这一点也基于西方国家姓氏重复度较低这一特点),而一家人同时幸存或遇难的可能性较高
  4. 考虑到只出现一次的姓氏不可能同时出现在训练集和测试集中,不具辨识度和预测作用,因此将只出现一次的姓氏均命名为’Small’。
model <- cforest(as.factor(Survived) ~ Pclass + Sex + Age + Fare + Embarked + Title + FamilySize + FamilyID + TicketCount, data = data[train.row, ], controls=cforest_unbiased(ntree=2000, mtry=3))
predict.result <- predict(model, data[test.row, ], OOB=TRUE, type = "response")
submit <- data.frame(PassengerId = test$PassengerId, Survived = predict.result)
write.csv(submit, file = "cit4.csv", row.names = FALSE)




在上图中,绿颜色框中的“数据”“API”“回测”“模拟交易”就是这个决策树中的特征。如果特征的顺序不同,同样的数据集构建出的决策树也可能不同。特征的顺序分别是“数据”“API”“回测”“模拟交易”。如果我们选取特征的顺序分别是“数据”“模拟交易”“API”“回测”,那么构建的决策树就完全不同了。在如何选取特征方面主要有三个算法:ID3算法(J. Ross Quinlan于1986年提出),采用信息增益最大的特征;C4.5算法(J. Ross Quinlan于1993年提出)采用信息增益比选择特征;CART算法(Breiman等人于1984年提出)利用基尼指数最小化准则进行特征选择。





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