The usage of this blog

2016-04-27  本文已影响0人  包红前当了回撤并让开我来

AbelZhu blog

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This blog system is built from a jekyll template Thanks to Huxpro

Wellcome to use it as a template of your own blog:

$ git clone



If you have jekyll installed, simply run jekyll serve in Command Line
and preview the themes in your browser. You can use jekyll serve --watch to watch for changes in the source files as well.

Get Started

You can easily get started by modifying _config.yml and _post:
Reference Docuement



This theme support both Disqus and Duoshuo as the third party discussion system.

First, you need to sign up and get your own account. Repeat, DO NOT use mine! (I have set Trusted Domains) It is deathly simple to sign up and you will get the full power of management system. Please give it a try!

Second, from V1.5, you can easily complete your comment configuration by just adding your short name into _config.yml:

duoshuo_username: _your_duoshuo_short_name_
# OR
disqus_username: _your_disqus_short_name_

To the old version user, it's better that you pull the new version, otherwise you have to replace code in post.html, keynote.html and about.html by yourselves.

Furthermore, Duoshuo support Sharing. if you only wanna use Duoshuo comment without sharing, you can set duoshuo_share: false. You can use Duoshuo Sharing and Disqus Comments together also.


From V1.5, we support Google Analytics and Baidu Tongji officially with a deathly simple config:

# Baidu Analytics
ba_track_id: 4cc1f2d8f3067386cc5cdb626a202900

# Google Analytics
ga_track_id: 'UA-49627206-1'            # Format: UA-xxxxxx-xx

Just checkout the code offered by Google/Baidu, and copy paste here, all the rest is already done for you.

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