AFNetWorking3 源码学习— AFNetworkRea

2017-11-14  本文已影响22人  Claire_wu

1 AFNetworkReachabilityManager属性及方法

@interface AFNetworkReachabilityManager : NSObject

 The current network reachability status.
@property (readonly, nonatomic, assign) AFNetworkReachabilityStatus networkReachabilityStatus;

 Whether or not the network is currently reachable.
@property (readonly, nonatomic, assign, getter = isReachable) BOOL reachable;

 Whether or not the network is currently reachable via WWAN.
@property (readonly, nonatomic, assign, getter = isReachableViaWWAN) BOOL reachableViaWWAN;

 Whether or not the network is currently reachable via WiFi.
@property (readonly, nonatomic, assign, getter = isReachableViaWiFi) BOOL reachableViaWiFi;

/// @name Initialization

 Returns the shared network reachability manager.
+ (instancetype)sharedManager;

 Creates and returns a network reachability manager with the default socket address.
 @return An initialized network reachability manager, actively monitoring the default socket address.
+ (instancetype)manager;

 Creates and returns a network reachability manager for the specified domain.

 @param domain The domain used to evaluate network reachability.

 @return An initialized network reachability manager, actively monitoring the specified domain.
+ (instancetype)managerForDomain:(NSString *)domain;

 Creates and returns a network reachability manager for the socket address.

 @param address The socket address (`sockaddr_in6`) used to evaluate network reachability.

 @return An initialized network reachability manager, actively monitoring the specified socket address.
+ (instancetype)managerForAddress:(const void *)address;

 Initializes an instance of a network reachability manager from the specified reachability object.

 @param reachability The reachability object to monitor.

 @return An initialized network reachability manager, actively monitoring the specified reachability.
- (instancetype)initWithReachability:(SCNetworkReachabilityRef)reachability NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;

/// @name Starting & Stopping Reachability Monitoring

 Starts monitoring for changes in network reachability status.
- (void)startMonitoring;

 Stops monitoring for changes in network reachability status.
- (void)stopMonitoring;

/// @name Getting Localized Reachability Description

 Returns a localized string representation of the current network reachability status.
- (NSString *)localizedNetworkReachabilityStatusString;

/// @name Setting Network Reachability Change Callback

 Sets a callback to be executed when the network availability of the `baseURL` host changes.

 @param block A block object to be executed when the network availability of the `baseURL` host changes.. This block has no return value and takes a single argument which represents the various reachability states from the device to the `baseURL`.
- (void)setReachabilityStatusChangeBlock:(nullable void (^)(AFNetworkReachabilityStatus status))block;


2 AFNetworkReachabilityManager使用方法


  1. 头文件提供方法
 Starts monitoring for changes in network reachability status.
- (void)startMonitoring;

 Stops monitoring for changes in network reachability status.
- (void)stopMonitoring;
  1. 具体调用
[[AFNetworkReachabilityManager sharedManager] startMonitoring];  // 监控
  1. 网络状态改变时,监听的回调有两种方法:
- (void)setReachabilityStatusChangeBlock:(nullable void (^)(AFNetworkReachabilityStatus status))block;
  1. 一些其他使用
[[AFNetworkReachabilityManager sharedManager] isReachableViaWiFi];
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