Adler:I've never been. Is it nice?我没去过。那里很美吗?
S:Where's John?约翰去哪儿了?
Adler:He went out, a couple of hours ago.他几个小时之前出去了
S:I was just talking to him.我在和他说话
Adler:He said you do that. What's Coventry got to do with anything?他说你会这样,考文垂和事情有什么联系?
S:It's a story, probably not true in the Second World War, the Allies knew Coventry was going to get bombed, because they'd broken the German code, but didn't want the Germans to know that, so they let it happen anyway.-有一个故事,不一定是真的,二战期间,同盟国知道考文垂会被轰炸,他们破译了德军的密码,但是不想让德军知道,所以就任其发生了。
Adler:Have you ever had anyone?你有和谁亲密接触过吗?
S:I'm sorry?什么?
Adler:And when I say had, I'm being indelicate.我说的有过,是露骨的那种。
S:I don't understand.我不明白。
Adler:I'll be delicate then. Let's have dinner.那我就优雅一点吧,一起吃晚餐吧。
Adler:You might be hungry.你也许饿了。
S:I'm not.我没有。
S:Why would I...wantto have dinner... if I wasn't hungry? 为什么我想...要吃晚餐...如果我不饿的话。
Adler:Mr. Holmes, if it was the end of the world, if this was the very last night... would you have dinner with me?福尔摩斯先生如果这是世界末日,如果这是最后一晚,你会和我共进晚餐吗?
Mrs H:Sherlock?夏洛克?
Adler:Too late.太迟了。
S:That's not the end of the world, that's Mrs Hudson.不是世界末日,是赫德森太太。
Mrs H:Sherlock, this man was at the door, is the bell still not working? He shot it.夏洛克,这人在门外,门铃还是不响吗?他拿枪打坏的。
S:Have you come to take me away again?你又要来把我带走吗?
Man B:Yes, Mr Holmes.是的,福尔摩斯先生。
S:Well, I decline.我拒绝。
Man B:I don't think you do.我觉得你不会的。
S:There's going to bea bomb on a passenger jet. The British and Americans know about it, but ratherthan expose their source they're going to let it happen - the plane will blowup. Coventry all over again. The wheel turns, nothing is ever new. 客机上有炸弹要爆炸,英国和美国都知道,可为了不暴露情报来源,他们任其发生,飞机会被炸开花,考文垂事件再度重演。局势如车轮转动,天下没有新鲜事。
S:Well, you're looking all better. How you feeling?你看起来状态不错。感觉如何?
Man C:Like putting a bullet in your brain, sir.感觉想朝你头上开一枪,先生。
Man C:They'd pin a medal on me if I did..sir..我真开枪,他们会给我发奖章的...先生。
Mycroft:The Coventry conundrum. What do you think of my solution? The flight of the dead.考文垂难题,你觉得我的解决办法如何?飞机上全是死人。
S:Plane blows up midair, mission accomplished for the terrorists, hundreds of casualties, but nobody dies.飞机在半空中爆炸恐怖主义者的任务完成上百人的事故,但是没人会死。
Mycroft:Neat, don't you think? You've been stumbling around the fringes of this one for ages. Or were you too bored to notice the pattern? We ran a similar project with the Germans a while back, though I believe one of our passengers didn't make the flight. But that's the deceased for you... late, in every sense of the word.干净利落对吧?你在整件事边缘绕了这么久,还是你太无聊了,没注意到规律?我们之前和德国人有过类似的合作,但我想有一个乘客没赶上飞机,不过对死人也不好强求,迟了(又意去世了)各种意义上都是。
S:How is the plane going to fly? Oh, of course, unmanned aircraft, hardly new.那飞机怎么起飞?当然了,无人驾驶,一点不新鲜。
Mycroft:It doesn't fly. It will never fly. This entire project is cancelled. The terrorist cells have been informed we know about the bomb. We can't fool them now. We've lost everything. One fragment of one email, and months and years of planning - finished.它不会起飞,永远不会起飞,整个计划被取消,有人告诉恐怖分子,我们知道炸弹的事了,现在无法欺骗他们了,我们满盘皆输。一封邮件的一个片段泄露,成年累月的计划化为泡影。
S:Your MOD man.国防部那个人。
Mycroft:That's all it takes. One lonely, naive man, desperate to show off, and a woman clever enough to make him feel special.老鼠屎坏了一锅粥,一个孤独天真急于炫耀的男人,一个聪明到能让他自以为特别的女人。
S:You should screen your defence people more carefully.你该更严格审查你的国防人员了
Mycroft:I'm not talking about the MOD man, Sherlock, I'm talking about you! The damsel in distress. In the end, are you really so obvious? Because this was textbook. The promise of love, the pain of loss, the joy of redemption. Then give him a puzzle and watch him dance.我没在说国防部那人,夏洛克,我是说你。落难弱女子。到最后了你还这么执迷不悟?简直是教科书式的经典案例,爱的承诺,失去的苦楚,赎罪的欢愉,然后给他一个难题,看他起舞。
S:Don't be absurd!别开玩笑了。
Mycroft:Absurd? How quickly did you decipher that email for her? Was it the full minute? Or were you really eager to impress?开玩笑?你花了多少时间为她解读这封邮件?有一分钟吗?你就真么渴望取悦她吗?
Adler:I think it was less than five seconds.我想还不到5秒。
Mycroft:I drove you into her path. I'm sorry, I didn't know.我把你送进了她的陷阱。对不起,我也不知道
Adler:Mr Holmes, I think we need to talk.福尔摩斯先生,我们得谈谈。
S:So do I, there are a number of aspects I'm still not clear on.我同意,还有很多部分我还没弄清楚。
Adler:Not you, Junior, you're done now. There's more, loads more. On this phone I've got secrets, pictures and scandals that could topple your whole world. You have no idea how much havoc I can cause and exactly one way to stop me. Unless you want to tell your masters that your biggest security leak is your own little brother.不是你,小福,你的部分结束了。还有很多,很多,这部手机里还有很多秘密图片,足以让你们整个世界颠覆的丑闻,你不知道我能闹到多大,只一个办法能阻止我,除非你想告诉你主子们,你最大的安全漏洞是你年轻的亲弟弟。
Mycroft:We have people who can get into this.我们有人可以破解它。
Adler:I tested that theory for you. I let Sherlock Holmes try it for six months. Sherlock, dear, tell him what you found when you x-rayed my phone.我帮你验证过了。我让夏洛克·福尔摩斯研究了6个月。亲爱的夏洛克告诉他给手机照X光时发现了什么。
S:Four additional units wired inside the casing, I suspect containing acid or a small explosive. Any attempt to open it will burn the hard drive.内部加装了4个部件,金属线连接,里面大概是强酸或小型炸药,一旦强制打开,硬盘就会烧毁。
Adler:Explosive. It's more me.是炸药,这比较像我。
Mycroft:Some data is always recoverable.有些数据还可以修复的。
Adler:Take that risk.冒险试试。
Mycroft:You have a passcode to open this. I deeply regret to say, we have people who can extract it from you.只需要一个密码,我深表遗憾的说,我们有人能逼你说出来。
S:There will be two passcodes - one to open the phone, one to burn the drive. Even under duress, you can't know which one she's given and there would be no second attempt.有两个密码,一个打开手机,一个烧掉硬件。就算胁迫她你也不知道她会给你哪一个,没有第二次输入的机会。
Adler:He's good, isn't he? I should have him on a leash. In fact, I might.他很棒对吧?我该拿皮带栓走他,也许我真的会呢。
Mycroft:We destroy this, then. No-one has the information.那我们毁了它,就没人能得到这些信息了。
Adler:Fine, good idea.好,很好的想法。
Adler:Unless there are lives of British citizens depending on the information you burn.不过这些信息可能关系着英国人民的生死。
Mycroft:Are there?有吗?
Adler:Telling you would beplaying fair. I'm not playing any more. A list of my requests, and some ideasabout my protection once they're granted. I'd say it wouldn't blow much of ahole in the wealth of a nation, but then I'd be lying. I imagine you'd like tosleep on it.要是告诉你,就是公平游戏了。我已经不玩游戏了,这是我的要求和一些确保我安全的想法,我想说这不会花国家多少钱,但那就是撒谎了。你一定在想拿到了就可以安睡了。
Mycroft:Thank you, yes.谢谢,是的。
Adler:Too bad.Off you pop and talk topeople.太糟了。快去跟人们谈条件吧。
Mycroft:You've beenvery...thorough. I wish our lot were half as good as you. 你真是...滴水不漏。真希望我们的人有你一半厉害。
Adler:I can't take all the credit, I had a bit of help. Jim Moriarty sends his love. Yes, he's been in touch. Seems desperate for my attention, which I'm sure can be arranged. I had all this stuff and never knew what to do with it. Thank God for the consultant criminal. Gave me a lot of advice about how to play the Holmes boys.功劳也不是我一个人的,我得到了一点帮助。金·莫里亚蒂让我转达致意,是的,他就没消停过,急着想得到我的注意。这我当然可以安排,我有这么多东西却不知道该怎么做,谢天谢地,有这个犯罪顾问。给我很多建议,如何与福尔摩斯兄弟玩游戏。