Day 30: The presentation
TV true man shows <The exciting offer 1> there is a series for English presentation. It refers to a legal law analysis report for revealing the client solution of the presidential risk and legal risk.
The presenter is the best presenter I saw ever. He gave a very short to introduce his team, background for opening.
He spoke, slow, clear and precise in short. Everyone in the public heard very clearly and understanding it better compare to the other competition group. The structure is virtual so the client really understanding what the presenter spoke and provided. The client can provide feedback easily. And the PPT very brief and clear to view. The presenter gave a without looking the notes presentation. The whole presentation well controls the speak and the flow.
But the losing point is they still not prepare well as when client raised an important question, the supporting team cannot give a positive confirmation. So the client seems does not very satisfied with it.
But I learned something new. A very good lesson.