2020-01-30:day 4!
2020-01-30 本文已影响0人
序号 | 单词 | 词性 | 释义 |
1 | impart | v. | 传授;告知 |
2 | amalgamation | n. | 联合;合并 |
3 | incoming | adj. & n. | 正来临的;新任的 & 到来;收入(pl.);新来的东西 |
4 | commission | v. & n. | 委托;委任 |
5 | territory | n. | 领土;领地;(知识)领域;范围 |
6 | stage | n. | 阶段;步骤;舞台 |
7 | minority | n. | 少数;少数民族 |
8 | frugal | adj. | 节俭的 |
9 | raft | n. & v. | 筏 & 用筏运送;乘筏渡河 |
10 | relative | n. & adj. | 亲属 & 相对的;比较的 |
序号 | 短语 | 释义 |
1 | a collective decision | 集体的决定 |
2 | a comparative study of two systems | 关于两种制度的对比研究 |
3 | a comprehensive study | 一项全面的研究 |
4 | wildlife conservation | 野生动物保护 |
5 | contemporary poems | 当代诗歌 |
- A satellite that was carried to space aboard the shuttle Discovery 20 years ago is about to fall to earth, but nobody knows where the debris will hit.
- It's a lofty, probably impossible goal.