At present I have met some problems difficult to solve in applying the stencil method to the AT9012 project.The most intractable issues are:after printing thermal grease the PCBA board will be stuck to the stencil,another issue is when the LED board screwed sown to the back heatsink, it is not conveinent to solder the cable to the pads, because the space is too small.
The thermal grease is not the more,the better,we just need to make sure the PCB board is completely attached to the heatsink.On the contrary,too much grease will reduce the heat transfer effect,and then affect the lumen output
Time for learning are mostly concentrated at 9 to 11 o'clock in the evening
The reason of the terminal block burn and turns to black is the probe is not down to the right height,lead to the pin is not completely touch the terminal screw,the contact resistance becomes higher,hinder the current and then the contact point becomes very very hot, burn the terminal element.
Today we start using the new thermal grease,compare with the old one,new grease looks more sticky,this will make it easier to apply the stencil method to the AT9012 project I think.