TEM 001-2

2021-03-15  本文已影响0人  c51ebd4f18de

TEM 001-2

Claim that=it is claim that… 声称

The cost through one’s insurance 某人通过保险索赔

Submit a claim to the insurer 向保险公司提出索赔

there's no scarp of truth in the claim这种说法毫无真实性

Lay claim to 声称对… 有权

Claimant 索赔人 继承人

obtain a search warrant 获得搜查令

You had no warrant for doing that 你那样做毫无道理

Warrant such a punishment  接受如此大的惩罚

To provide adequate grounds for 证明 ..是正当的

To justify a decision, action, or idea means to show or prove that it is reasonable or necessary. 去判断一个决定 行动或者主意意味着展示或证明他是合理或必要的

The warranty lapsed two months ago 这项保证两个月前失效

Under warranty 在保修期内

Have the authority to arrest lawbreakers 有权利逮捕违法人员

See him as an authority on the subject 把他看作这方面的专家

Authoritarian 独裁者 专制的

Administration 管理

Slash at 猛击

slash the administration for its polities 严厉批评政府的政策

Relate to running a company, school, or other organization 关于管理一家公司、一座学校或者其他组织

Strong point 特长

The administration of justice 司法

Maladministration 腐败 舞弊 处理不善=Careless or dishonest management

This definition excludes accidental or deliberate excessive dosage or maladministration 这一定意义上排除了意外或者故意过度用药和用药不当

A municipal library 市图书馆

Municipal government市政府

Rickshaw puller黄包车/人力车车夫

The function of sth 某件东西的作用 功能

Head of state 国家首脑

Attend numerous functions  出席很多重大聚会

x is a function of y x是y的函数

function=to work=to operate 运转 

Function properly正常运转

Oil it regularly 经常上油

To make sth. Smooth or slippery 是某样东西润滑

Lubricate the moving parts  给运动件上润滑油

Require oil as a lubricant 需要用油做润滑剂

Decimal 小数

Index 指数

Fraction 分数

Percentage 百分数 比


The date is lost due to a software malfunction.由于软件故障导致数据丢失导

China mobile中国移动

Able to move or travel easily 行动 活动方便

Much more mobile 出行方便

A mobile phone 移动电话 

Mobile number 手机号码

Left him immobile 使他无法动弹 瘫痪

Mobilize our friends 组织我们的朋友

Demobilize =to discharge from military service or use; to disband (troop) 让服役军人退役 遣散部队

Soldiers were demobilized 士兵被遣散

Car is in motion 车正在行驶

A bending motion 屈体动作

The motion was adopted by a majority of six votes 这项提议以6票的多数票获得采纳

motioned me to come 示意我过去

Motionless 不动的 静止的

evoke=to produce a strong feeling or memory in sb再现 唤起某人强烈 感情或记忆

The Grapes Of Wrath is a novel that evokes the Depression. 愤怒的葡萄是一部再现经济萧条的小说


How could you demonstrate that 你如何证明

Please demonstrate how to use this microwave cooker 请示范下如何使用微波炉

You need to demonstrate 你应该表现出

Supporters demonstrated outside the courtroom during the trial. 审讯期间,支持者在法庭外面游行

Demonstrable 可表明的 可证实的

manifest = plan and easy to see 明显

Be pleased at sth 对 感到喜悦

Manifest improvement 明显改善

The disease typically manifests itself in a high fever and chest pains. 疾病的典型症状是高烧和胸口疼

Manifesto宣言 生命

Manifestation of the disease 病症

Food riots/ race riots 食物暴乱  种族暴动

Manifestation of growing discontent 日益不满的情绪

Illustrate the immense power of the media 显示新闻媒体的巨大威力

Our textbook is very well illustrated 我们的课本有丰富的插图



illustrious=well know and very distinguished; eminent 著名

Don’t pull your illustrious past on me 别把你辉煌的过去灌输给我 

Hire another secretary 聘请另一位秘书

lighten one’s workload 减轻某人的工作量

The sky began to lighten 天渐渐亮了

The darkness of the basement 黑暗的地下室

Lighten the conversation 谈话变得轻松

Heart lightened  心情变得轻松

Her face lightened at the sight of her friend. 见到朋友她面露喜色

Lighten up 放松

Emissary 秘史

Monastery entrance 寺院大门 修道院大门

Accompanied by the same monk and the elderly abbot 陪同的还是同一位和尚以及一位老住持

Lightning is usually accompanied by thunder.  闪电通常伴随着打雷

The thunder of distant cannons.  远处的大炮的隆隆声

Hide under the bed 藏在床下

The huge aircraft thunder along the runway 巨大的飞机延着跑道滑行发出隆隆声


Horrible news 可怕的消息=Thunderclap 


Younger shoots 嫩芽

Have been damaged by a late frost  晚霜毁坏了

Frost up 结霜

To cover with frost 结霜于

Hail 冰雹

mist薄雾 迷雾

Don’t let the meat defrost too quickly 别让肉解冻太快

Defrost the frozen meat and fish for lunch 把肉和鱼解冻以备午餐之用

Defrost the freezer 冷冻柜解冻

Ancient monument 古老的纪念碑

erect 为。 而建立

Monumental 纪念性的 不朽的

An enormous storm system 一个巨大的暴风系统


Multiple purposes 多种用途

10 is a multiple of 5. 10 是5 的倍数

Vast multitude of birds 大批鸟

Political power 政权

Place in 在某处

The hands of the multitude 群众的手中

A multitude of/multitudes of 大量 许多

The magnitude of traffic flow of Guangzhou City 广州的车流量

Expand its market 扩大市场

Stay on top 保持领先

Extend 延长

Capable of expanding or tending to expand 易膨胀的

Expansive materials 膨胀性的材质

Open and communicative 开朗健谈

A bewildering array of emotions  一系列纷繁复杂的情绪

In holiday array 穿上节日的盛装

Banners are arrayed on the wall. 横幅挂在墙上

esp 特别

array oneself 倒腾自己穿上漂亮的衣物

Beautiful garment 漂亮的衣服

Personal life 个人生活

Fall into disarray 陷入混乱

Stimulate economic growth 促进经济增长

Be stimulated by 受刺激

Light stimulates plant growth 阳光促进植物生长

stimulant 兴奋剂

disloyalty 不忠

Resolutely left home 坚决离家

Wool irritates my skin 毛线刺激我的皮肤


Extreme mental or physical pain  极大的精神和生理痛苦

Be in agony 痛苦不堪

Agonizing  使人痛苦 焦虑不已

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