Facebook should heed the lessons

2018-12-03  本文已影响0人  Sallyspeaking

本周末因家事学习时间有限,匆匆记录学习笔记,重点总结了一些比较精彩的表达,anyway, I think it's better than nothing.


  1. Even a year ago the idea would have been unthinkable.
  2. The past week has brought more bad news.
  3. The comparison to Yahoo is imperfect.
  4. But people who watched Yahoo’s collapse see ominous similarities.
  5. In another echo, the run of negative headlines is harming employee morale.
  6. A big part of Facebook’s answer to this is Instagram, which executives see as a saviour.
  7. Already users are spending more time on products that do not offer the same opportunities for advertising.
  8. This transition away from public consumption of content on social networks to more private interactions is a substantial vulnerability for Facebook’s business.
  9. Such gripes aside, the marketing industry has two principal complaints.


heed = pay attention to, take notice of; 可以搭配 take heed of, give heed to; 文中heed the lessons of 可以理解为 听从学习。。。的教训。
fend off = to defend yourself against an attack;fend off critics
overdue = should have happened before now 早该发生的
unflattering = it makes a person or thing seem less attractive than they really are; 比如说 these photos are unflattering.
plunge = descend, dip, dive, drop, fall, nose-dive, plummet, sink, tumble 同义词
thriving = prosperous, blooming, booming, burgeoning, flourishing, healthy
mired = 陷入困境、泥潭 in a difficult situation;文中句子:it has become mired in a series of controversies 陷入系列的争议当中。
force onto the airwaves = airwaves 是复数名词,广播。文中的表达很形象。
downplay = try to make people think that it is less important or serious than it really is 轻描淡写。Downplay 经常可以修饰 extent, importance, incident, role, seriousness, significance。比如,The company is trying downplay the scandal to minimize its negative effect on the branding.
deflect blame onto = 转移,引开(批评、注意力等) It's a maneuver to deflect the attention of the people from what is really happening.
tarnish (the critics)= stain, blacken, blemish, blot, darken, discolour, sully, taint 玷污,败坏,损害(名誉或形象) 这些词可以替换使用,比affect, hurt, destroy的效果要好多了。
cement (the idea) = stick together, attach, bind, bond, combine, glue, join, plaster, seal, unite, weld 同义词。可以说,cement a partnership/relationship, 例句:Nothing cements a friendship between countries so much as trade.
competitive landscape = 竞争格局
hoover up = to make things cleaner or tidier
ominous similarities = 不吉利的相同点
unprecedented = extraordinary, abnormal, new, novel, original, remarkable, singular, unheard-of 空前的
echo = distant, faint | clear, distinct, loud, strong 这些词可以形容echo, 文中用In another echo,echo 可以理解为reverberation。
precariously balanced = 危险地保持着平衡
grapple with = 努力解决(问题);设法克服(困难) If you grapple with a problem or difficulty, you try hard to solve it.
ramp up = 增加,提高。例句 We’ve had to ramp up production to meet demand. 原句:It is quickly ramping up the number of adverts users see there.
irk = irritate/annoy 可与这两个词互换。造句:His incessant complaints irked me.
scroll through = 翻;* document, posts and ads
interspersed = 点缀着…的;夹杂着…的;散布着…的
roll out ads = to introduce a new product or service
lucrative = profitable, advantageous, fruitful, productive, remunerative, well-paid
dent = 削减;削弱;损害
such gripes aside = 抛开牢骚
pad its audience numbers = pad 做动词使用,本意为 给…加衬垫;垫衬,在这里引申为 让受众的人数显得更多
onus = burden, liability, load, obligation, responsibility, task 例句:The onus is on the shopkeeper to provide goods which live up to the quality of their description...

三. 造句练习

  1. Even at its peak Yahoo never boasted a business as large and profitable as Facebook’s.
    造句:Even at his peak, the actor never boasted his career as successful and lucrative as his counterpart.

  2. One of the main reasons Yahoo declined is because it lost out to a powerful rival, Google, in online search.
    造句:One of the main reasons she quit is because she lost out to many rivals at the same time.

  3. Today there is no company that truly competes with Facebook’s suite of apps, partly because it has hoovered up competitors such as Instagram, the wildly successful photo app that is at the centre of its future plans.
    句型提炼:Today there is no other company that truly competes with XXX, partly because it has hoovered up XXX.

  4. Adults over the age of 18 are spending 31% less time on Facebook’s core social network compared with two years ago, which will translate into fewer opportunities to sell ads.
    造句:People over the age of 60 are spending 50% more time on online shopping compared with five years ago, which will translate into more opportunities to sell ads.

  5. This transition away from public consumption of content on social networks to more private interactions is a substantial vulnerability for Facebook’s business.
    造句:This transition away from package holiday to DIY tours is an increasing vulnerability for tourist companies.

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