
2020-03-03  本文已影响0人  方毛

Thanks to the sweeping change of business model brought by globalization and technological innovation, it is necessary to build unprecedentedly mutually-trusted relations between business and customers.

The rise of E-commerce is a mixed blessing:it facilitates people’s life and make finance sense (带来经济效益)for businesses ,yet worries about credit system has emerged in a wide range ares,from marketing counterfeit to customers’ interest. As a customer,mention shopping online and what it comes to mind is disparities between real goods and pictures the online merchants provided. The crisis of trust has been thrown into sharp relief (使注目、问题更加突出)by  some commercial fraud.At the other end of the spectrum (与之相反)are the honesty brings customers’ loyalty.

Hence, seeking profit with too little regard for establishing trust among customers often puts business on a slipper slop(危险处境).It is high time to strengthen the importance of maintaining trust between business and customers.

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