Day 12-A Thousand Splendid Suns(
Part 1 Vocabulary
1. corner: to force a person or an animal into a place or situation from which they cannot easily escape 将(人或动物)逼入困境;使陷入绝境,使走投无路
That same winter, Tariq had cornered a kid.
Eg: Once the police had cornered her in the basement, she gave herself up.
2. duck: to move your head or the top part of your body quickly down, especially to avoid being hit(尤指为避免被击中而)猛低头,猛弯腰
He did it with such speed that she had no time to retreat or duck, or even raise a protective arm
Eg: Duck your head or you'll bang it on the doorframe.
3. get around to sth: to do something that you have intended to do for a long time做(早就想做的事情)
Rasheed had been meaning to carve into somethings for Zalmai but had never gotten around to doing.
Eg: I still haven't got around to fixing that tap.
4. disown: to make it known that you no longer have any connection with someone that you were closely connected with 声明与(某人)断绝关系
They could disown their past and find their shelter.
Eg: It's a story set in the last century about a girl whose parents disowned her when she married a foreigner.
Part 2 Summary
Laila and Tariq have a long talk downstairs. Tariq tells Laila what he has experienced since he left Kabul with his parents and his parents died. Tariq agrees to earn money by smuggling so as to cover the living cost for his mother. But he is arrested and ends up in prison. Having spent seven years in prison, Tariq turns to Sayeed in Muree, working as janitor and handyman there. Laila tells Tariq about her marriage to Rasheed, but Tariq does not blame her at all, with no hidden reproach or recrimination in his eyes. What's more, Laila tells him Aziza is his daughter.
Rasheed gets to know Tariq's visit from his son and hits the ceiling. After locking Zalmai in the room, Rasheed again pounces on Laila, beating her violently. Mariam tries to defend Laila against Rasheed, but he turns on her after letting out Laila. From Rasheed's indifferent gaze, Mariam finally understands his cruelty, relentlessness, continual assaults to her. At the moment, Laila picks a drinking glass up and throws it to Rasheed. So enraged Rasheed is that he lunges at Laila again, choking her throat. Mariam knows Rasheed really means to suffocate her. Without thinking further, Mariam grabs a shovel in the toolshed and swings at him. Seeing murder and no regret in Rasheed's eyes, Mariam raises the shovel high and hits him again, leaving Rasheed dead this time.
Mariam wakes Laila up, who has lost consciousness. Laila sees Rasheed's body lying on the ground. She freaks out, stammering her words and trembling all over, while Mariam appears calm, thoughtful and self-possessed. Mariam comforts Laila, saying everything will be fine and they will go someplace remote and safe. No matter how Laila pleads with Mariam to go with them, Mariam refuses and insists on her being responsible for Rasheed's death. The next morning, Mariam sees them off and Laila never sees her again.
Part 3 随感
1. 久别重逢话曾经。Tariq和Laila,彼此都经历了很多苦难,所以能体会对方的难处,除了怜惜和珍惜,在没别的。
2. 后面的几章,都是Mariam蜕变的过程,少女时期的烂漫,初婚时的希望和对Rasheed的信任,流产后的妥协退让和忍耐,到后来的醒悟和宽恕。原本以为生活真的会如她向Laila描述的那样,从此过上幸福的生活。可是这个饱受苦难的女人,用她的慈悲承担一切,保证Laila和孩子的安全。这么多年相依为命,既是“母女”,也是挚友。是Laila让她对生活燃起了新的希望和念想。为了让她的希望和念想继续下去,她奋起反抗,深知唯有抗争才能结束他们无尽的苦难。这几章,读的都是揪心的心疼。
Had she been a deceitful wife? she asked herself. A complacent wife? A dishonorable woman? Discreditable? Vulgar? What harmful thing had she willfully done to this man to warrant his malice, his continual assaults, the relish with which he tormented her? Had she not looked after him when he was ill? Fed him, and his friends, cleaned up after him dutifully? Had she not given this man her youth? Had she ever justly deserved his meanness?
Mariam勤勤恳恳的照顾丈夫,打理家庭,最后却轮到被家暴,被折磨。从心底的怀疑和动摇让她彻底放弃了Rasheed, 这个她曾经给过青春和感情的人,不配。
"For me, it ends here. There's nothing more I want. Everything I'd ever wished for as a little girl you've already given me. You and your children have made me so very happy. It's all right, Laila jo. This is all right. Don't be sad."
从第一次流产,到后面的习惯性流产再到不育,Mariam 一直渴望的是有个能寄托希望和感情的孩子吧,Laila给了她这一切,生命的后几年,有了他们的陪伴,从小孤单的Mariam真切体会到了爱和陪伴。
3. 今天的笔记写的太拖沓了,上午就开始写,中间陆陆续续干了别的事,拖着好久才写完。每次写还要在回顾一遍。规划时间,控制自己的生活。