All I know is that a feeling of utter horror had come over me, and that I'd felt that unless I left the room at once, you would have done, or tried to do, something that would have been even to you, a source of life long shame. It was not the first time I had been obliged to save you from yourself.
You concluded your letter by saying:" When you are not on your pedestal. you are not interesting. The next time you are ill I will go away at once."
What entire lack of imagination! How callous! How common!How often have those words come back to me in the wretched solitary cell of the various prisons I have been sent to. I settled with myself drive to your father to state that I determined never under any circumstances to allow you to enter my house, to talk to me, walk with me, or anywhere and anytime to be my companion at all.
On Friday morning, as I was sitting at breakfast
I happened to open the newspaper and saw in it that your elder brother had been found dead in a ditch with his gun lying discharged beside him.
The horror of the circumstances now known to have been an accident, but then stained with a darker suggestion; the pathos of the sudden death of one so loved by all who knew him, my idea of what your own sorrow would, or should be; my consciousness of the misery awaiting your mother at the loss of the one who, as she told me once herself, had never caused her to shed a single tear. Out of the confluence of these thoughts and emotions came infinite pity for you and your family. I telegraphed to you my deepest sympathy, and in the letter that followed invited you to come to my house as soon as you were able.
On your return to town you came at once to me very sweetly and very simply, in your suit of woe, and with your eyes dim with tears. You sought my consolation and help, as a child might seek it. I opened to you my house, my home, my heart. I made your sorrow mine also, that you might have help in bearing it.
Your grief, which was real, seemed to me to bring you nearer to me.
The flowers you took from me to put on your brother's grave were to be a symbol not merely of the beauty of his life, but of the beauty that in all lives lies dormant and may be brought to light. The gods are strange. It is not of our vices only they make instruments to torture us. They bring us to ruin through what in us is good, gentle,humane, loving. But for my pity and affection for you, I would not now be weeping in this terrible place.
( 图片来自好友,感谢Mary•L!)
———\ 一丝怪念组合🤩🤗