「转」Websites that Chinese JavaScr

2019-02-21  本文已影响0人  WXL_JIANSHU

Not really sure if people from English world are interested. I’m going to just add some notes here in case someone needs.

Social medias

知乎 http://www.zhihu.com/ is like Quora, but surprising this year it’s becoming more and more popular since many more companies joined and sending posts. From early 2012 tech began to appear on that small site, now more and more developers, and surely a lot of them are JavaScript developers. My friend started a very famous front-end column there translating English tech articles. My company has a well known column on Zhihu too.

微博 http://weibo.com is like Twitter. Tech messages here are not as dense as those on Twitter, but at least there are some messages posting on Weibo. A big part of them are news translated or grabbed from English communities. Sometimes we argue with Weibo too. Like on Twitter but far fewer messages.

Developer communities

SegmentFault https://segmentfault.com/ is like StackOverflow + Quora + EchoJS +?? It’s features kept counting in the past years. People ask, answer, write on this site. Also watching lessons, read news. SegmentFault has a team holding Hackathons(not sure what called). They maintain a Weibo account too to send news. Personally I have been using it’s Markdown editor for years to write my blogs. It’s based in Hangzhou and I was in Hangzhou.

掘金 https://juejin.im/ A HashNode? A Reddit? I’m not sure. It’s relatively new to me but recent years I saw a lot of attractions of its founder. It’s more about sharing and reading. As a contrast, SegmentFault focuses more on asking&answering.


CNode https://cnodejs.org/ It’s an old forum, I was posting messages on it when I was on college. It’s built for Node.js , but I see people talking about front-end stuffs too. I think it’s the most active forum on this area in China. It was created by some friends in Taobao, or Alibaba.

React China http://react-china.org/ A forum for React users in China. It’s now maintained by Strikingly. There are many React users in China as I said before.

V2EX http://v2ex.com aka “way 2 explore”. This is a very interesting site with many topics. From code to shopping, sometimes news, I don’t how to describe, but all kinds of things they are discussing.

Ruby China https://ruby-china.org/topics well, it focuses more on backend, but many of them can write websites, so sometimes they talk about JavaScript too.


Besides, there are countless QQ groups and WeChat groups out there. I joined the groups “React China”, “Vue.js”, “WebAssembly”, “jsconf”, so I can hear news from people around me. But there are definitely a lot more WeChat groups , sometimes I heard some from my friends. It’s just too easy to create WeChat groups.


Those websites above are the places I hang around quite often. I want to stay on the places there search engines still work. No doubt there are more of them, just less famous. We have many developers in China and the number is still counting. A lot of people chose to make a living with JavaScript, even though I can’t really agree JavaScript is a well-designed tool.

Luckily a big part of developers use GitHub too. And some of them are using Twitter, which you can infer from the name. I’m on Twitter. I tweet quite often these days. I want to mention ClojureScript since recently I spent a lot of time on it. Some less mainstream languages don’t have many users here. ClojureScript, Elm, BuckleScript, very few users. Sometimes I found the Chinese JavaScript community like a blackhole, which does not emit messages back to the English world, or sometimes like an island only people can swim delivers the messages. However it’s too many people to be an island.

COVER FROM:https://medium.com/@jiyinyiyong/websites-that-chinese-javascript-developers-often-visit-c30525eb548e

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