20160331 ‘Bulging pipeline’ of i
2016-04-02 本文已影响0人
‘Bulging pipeline' of investment projects boosts China bulls part I#
despite the avalanche of soft data emanating from other sectors
[解释]A fall or slide of a large mass, as of snow or rock, down a mountainside; 雪崩,山崩:大块物质如雪或岩石,沿着山坡降落或下滑
[解释]To come or send forth, as from a source; 发出,散发:散发或发射出,如从一个发射源 -
the growth rate was a punchier still 41.1 per cent.
[解释]a punchy piece of writing or speech is short but very clear and effective -
areas such as water conservation and environmental management are in vogue
[in vogue]
Much of the economic data from China of late has been disappointing, with industrial activity, retail sales and trade figures all on the soft side.
[分析] with的英语结构翻译成中文需要变成一个单独的句子
[翻译] 近来中国许多经济数据令人失望,工业活动、零售和贸易数据都偏弱。
[解释] 季节性调整是指针对某些经济指标因受季节性因素影响而出现可预期的高峰或低谷所进行的调整。对经济指标作季节性调整有助于察觉其潜在趋势。通过自目前的变化中扣除过去数年的平均变动,可说明此上涨或下跌是否是不寻常的,或纯粹只是季节性现象。