
2020-02-13  本文已影响0人  Eddie_52d3

1. 调研几个Niche的长尾关键词,用小预算adwords 广告做引流,因为这些人都是有意图购买的用户,后期可以用这部分流量来建立类似的受众

2. 视频素材跑PPE广告,收集观看95%以上的1000个用户,做相似受众,然后用相同的素材跑WC。

3. 可以考虑先用traffic ads跑A/Btest,来发现反馈比较好的兴趣、人群、地区(通过这个手段,可以有效提高CR和降低费用),然后对反馈比较好的这部分人群,进行WC广告的retargeting投放。

4. 投放漏斗。从cold customer一步步到转化。首先,考虑通过blog和video途径,把cold audience变成warm audience。A. blog途径,可以在fan page添加一个比较权威的blog,然后对访问过这个blog的人进行自定义受众的建立,接着对这部分用户,用产品进行重定向ads投放。这部分用户成为warm audience。B. 通过视频素材,把观看超过50%的用户做成自定义受众,然后对这部分用户进行重定向,也可成为warm audience。接着,进行信息采集。用opt-in的方式,送免费的ebook或者其他什么东西,把warm用户的信息收集下来,邮箱等联系方式。然后,用email等方式,进一步warm并且转化用户。发送一个thanks邮件,拉进关系,附带商品链接。等待3天以后,再发送一个些更有价值的免费的东西。这样,你跟用户之间的关系就很好了,接着再发送一个带有优惠券的产品链接,推广真实的产品,可以考虑结合retarget来操作。这部分用户清单可以通过创建customer list来实现。

5. 相似受众的来源,My best performing LOOKALIKE AUDIENCES,are emails lists, Custom Audience website,traffic, and Facebook page fans!

6. All along the way I am split testing campaigns, one variable at a time, at all three levels (objective, ad set, and ad) to optimize for my key metrics (typically lowest cost per conversion).I am also shutting off non-performing ads at each step of the funnel every 2-3 days (i.e. too expensive of ads, non-performing, etc.)。Once I find winning ads (using all the variables I tested), I will slowly scale up their budget 20-30% every 2-3 days until I am at a daily budget I am comfortable spending. I am constantly testing ads to find more audiences and obtain cheaper results, but once you get a few of these winning ads, they truly can become EVERGREEN or lifelong ads for you!

7. Typically the narrower the audience on Facebook, the more expensive it is to target them, so start VERY broad at the top of the funnel. Split test targeting different DETAILED TARGETING (i.e. your competitors, demographics, etc.) at the Ad Set level to see which target market drives the best results for your ads.

8. 一套完整的漏斗测试案例:

First, I will split test TOP of funnel content to a BROAD  (1,000,000+ potential reach) audience, and to a NARROW audience (sometimes a split test targeting an ultra narrowed audience of 20,000 will outperform broad for me, but I wouldn’t have known if I didn’t test them at this top of funnel testing stage!)➢ For these ads, I will use a Traffic Objective and split test one variable at a time for 3-7 days at the AD SET and AD level. Things I tested include varying DETAILED TARGETING, AD  TEXT COPY, and AD MEDIA (images vs video).

My goal was to find a balance of low cost per click, but also highly relevant ads. So as you can see I achieved the low cost per click, but to see how the relevance of the ads was we need to select the campaign and navigate to the Ads tab.

I want the audience engaging with my ad at least in the top 50%  Relevance Scores (e.g. 50-100% or 5-10 Facebook relevancy scores). I left my top 2 performing ads toggled on and shut off the 2  poor performers.

Next, I will split test MIDDLE of funnel content targeted at the Custom Audience of website traffic (i.e. people who went to my top of funnel PILLAR content page).  This is a WARM audience! For these ads, I will use a Conversion Objective and split test one variable at a time for 3-7 days at the AD level. Things I tested include varying AD TEXT COPY and AD  MEDIA (images vs video).

As you can see a clear winner emerged from this test as it was producing the conversion metric LEADS for this ad campaign. My final step for the BOTTOM of this funnel was an  OFFLINE  EVENT. This includes my team following up with these HOT contacts via a CALL to see if we are fit for managing their Facebook Ads.

9. 相关度评分,相关度分数指标会综合考虑不同的广告质量和相关度因素,可以体现相对于定位相同目标受众的其他广告来说,您的广告与目标受众的相关度。这些因素包括正面反馈(例如:点击量、应用安装量和视频观看量)和负面反馈(例如:用户点击广告中的“不想看到此内容”)。它采用 1-10 的评分标准,1 表示与其他定位相同受众的广告相比,广告的相关度更低,10 表示广告的相关度相对更高。当广告展示次数达到大约 500 次后,即可查看此分数。值得注意的是,相关度分数旨在为您提供参考,并不能作为系统决策的依据。也就是说,我们整合这些因素,将它们转化为 1-10 的分数,是为了方便您了解广告的相对相关度。在广告参与竞拍时,我们的广告投放系统并不会将这一分数计算在“总价值”当中以用于确定展示的广告。而且,相关度分数还是是相对的,因此建议您不要太过专注于提高相关度分数。提高相关度分数与提升广告表现并没有直接关系。相反,您应该使用相关度分数了解广告的相关度,然后重点改善广告的定位和创意。例如,如果广告的相关度分数较低,但取得了成效,则可能不太需要更改。通过改善广告创意和受众定位,您可以进一步降低成本,但我们不建议仅为了提高相关度分数而更改广告。我们建议您在希望提升关键成效或降低成效成本的情况下作出更改。在更改广告时,如果相关度分数提高,这很好,但我们建议将此分数视为更改的附加收获,而非更改的目标。

10. 每日预算及winning ads的评判标准,I always advise split testing many ads at $5-$10 daily  budget per campaign. As you begin to see winning campaigns emerge (i.e. you see a high ROI or  Return on Investment), shut off the losers and continue to split test the winning variables until you  have an optimize and highly converting ad. WINNING METRICS =➢ Relevancy Score > 7➢ Cost Per Click (CPC) < $1➢ Click Through Rate (CTR) > 2%➢ Cost Per Lead (CPL) < $10 (for most industries; this can  be much higher depending on offer $)➢ Lead Capture Page Conversions > 10%

11. 如何扩大winning ad的预算,Once I have the winning variables and a highly converting  ad running, then and only then will I slowly scale up the daily budget by 25% every fews days or  50% once a week. NEVER jump from a $10 daily budget to $50 in a day… Facebook will just burn  through your ad spend. You want to slowly turn up the ad spend on winning campaigns. EXAMPLE: $10 week 1, $15 week 2, $22 week 3… and so on!

12. Carousel Ads的妙用,因为这种ad里面有多个素材,可以每个素材都加链接,这样的话,这个ad本身就是一个A/B test。后台可以观看哪个素材吸引了更多的点击。

13. video views广告的妙用,是把cold用户变成warm用户的一个不错选择,Video Views ads are great for targeting“cold  audiences”(remember cold is someone who has never seen your product/brand before, while a warm  audience is someone who has engaged with your brand already, and a hot audience is one that has  taken action i.e. purchase, etc.) Video Views ads are a perfect FIRST TOUCHPOINT with your  future customer. This is a way for you to get potential customers to see your product, logo,  business, etc. and then retarget them with a different ad by creating a Custom Audience of  people who engaged with your video at different levels (i.e. length of viewing).

14. traffic广告的作用,增加自定义受众群体像素的大小。The main way I put the Traffic objective ads to use for my client, is for GROWING your varying Custom Audiences pixel sizes, so you can not only retarget these warm audiences in the future, but also create Lookalike Audiences of them as well for future split test ads.

15. Lead Gernation广告常用于收集用户的手机号等信息,方便创建相似受众。Lead Generation ads have a higher conversion rate than a  Traffic or Conversion ad directing a user to your websites landing page.I see the highest ROI for my clients using Lead Generation  ads targeting Placement only on mobile devices.

16. Conversion类广告,不要再最开始的几周就使用,因为像素积累不够,The pixel/custom audience has so much data that it can  target the correct people that are most likely to take action! So do NOT  start Conversions Ads until you have built up your custom audiences and Facebook pixel data for at  least a few weeks!

17. 当用duplicate创建AB test广告时,记得刨除掉重复受众,避免浪费预算。When creating a duplicate, do note that if you don’t  completely exclude the first campaigns audience, there will be audience overlap, possible  audience fatigue, and wasted ad spend. This can be prevented via EXCLUDING audiences at the Ad  Set level.

18. 可以进行AB test的有Creative, Delivery Optimization, Audience, or  Placement。

19. facebook是一个社交平台,人们去亚马逊才是为了购物。People go to Amazon to shop, and Facebook/Instagram to be  social. So when creating your ads, THINK of your end customer with  this mindset. Simply start the relationship with them, offer value, be casual, and share  things WORTH sharing!

20. facebook广告素材上的文字不能超过素材的20%。

21. 视频素材在awareness和conversion广告中的ROI很高。超过80%的广告声音是被自动关闭的,所以不要过度依赖视频素材的声音

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