

2021-10-06  本文已影响0人  android小奉先






AudioFlinger::RecordThread::RecordThread(const sp<AudioFlinger>& audioFlinger,
                                         AudioStreamIn *input,
                                         audio_io_handle_t id,
                                         bool systemReady
                                         ) :
    ThreadBase(audioFlinger, id, RECORD, systemReady, false /* isOut */),
    // mRsmpInFrames, mRsmpInFramesP2, and mRsmpInFramesOA are set by readInputParameters_l()
    , mReadOnlyHeap(new MemoryDealer(kRecordThreadReadOnlyHeapSize,
            "RecordThreadRO", MemoryHeapBase::READ_ONLY))
    // mFastCapture below
    , mFastCaptureFutex(0)
    // mInputSource
    // mPipeSink
    // mPipeSource
    , mPipeFramesP2(0)
    // mPipeMemory
    // mFastCaptureNBLogWriter
    , mFastTrackAvail(false)
    , mBtNrecSuspended(false)
    snprintf(mThreadName, kThreadNameLength, "AudioIn_%X", id);
    mNBLogWriter = audioFlinger->newWriter_l(kLogSize, mThreadName);

    if (mInput->audioHwDev != nullptr) {
        mIsMsdDevice = strcmp(
                mInput->audioHwDev->moduleName(), AUDIO_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID_MSD) == 0;


    // TODO: We may also match on address as well as device type for
    // TODO: This property should be ensure that only contains one single device type.
    mTimestampCorrectedDevice = (audio_devices_t)property_get_int64(
            (int64_t)(mIsMsdDevice ? AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_BUS // turn on by default for MSD
                                   : AUDIO_DEVICE_NONE));

    // create an NBAIO source for the HAL input stream, and negotiate
    mInputSource = new AudioStreamInSource(input->stream); // 读取源头
    size_t numCounterOffers = 0;
    const NBAIO_Format offers[1] = {Format_from_SR_C(mSampleRate, mChannelCount, mFormat)};
    ssize_t index =
            mInputSource->negotiate(offers, 1, NULL, numCounterOffers);
    ALOG_ASSERT(index == 0);

    // initialize fast capture depending on configuration
    bool initFastCapture;
    switch (kUseFastCapture) {
    case FastCapture_Never:
        initFastCapture = false;
        ALOGV("%p kUseFastCapture = Never, initFastCapture = false", this);
    case FastCapture_Always:
        initFastCapture = true;
        ALOGV("%p kUseFastCapture = Always, initFastCapture = true", this);
    case FastCapture_Static:
        initFastCapture = (mFrameCount * 1000) / mSampleRate < kMinNormalCaptureBufferSizeMs;
        ALOGV("%p kUseFastCapture = Static, (%lld * 1000) / %u vs %u, initFastCapture = %d",
                this, (long long)mFrameCount, mSampleRate, kMinNormalCaptureBufferSizeMs,
    // case FastCapture_Dynamic:

    if (initFastCapture) {
        // create a Pipe for FastCapture to write to, and for us and fast tracks to read from
        NBAIO_Format format = mInputSource->format();
        // quadruple-buffering of 20 ms each; this ensures we can sleep for 20ms in RecordThread
        size_t pipeFramesP2 = roundup(4 * FMS_20 * mSampleRate / 1000);
        size_t pipeSize = pipeFramesP2 * Format_frameSize(format);
        void *pipeBuffer = nullptr;
        const sp<MemoryDealer> roHeap(readOnlyHeap());
        sp<IMemory> pipeMemory;
        if ((roHeap == 0) ||
                (pipeMemory = roHeap->allocate(pipeSize)) == 0 ||
                (pipeBuffer = pipeMemory->unsecurePointer()) == nullptr) {
            ALOGE("not enough memory for pipe buffer size=%zu; "
                    "roHeap=%p, pipeMemory=%p, pipeBuffer=%p; roHeapSize: %lld",
                    pipeSize, roHeap.get(), pipeMemory.get(), pipeBuffer,
                    (long long)kRecordThreadReadOnlyHeapSize);
            goto failed;
        // pipe will be shared directly with fast clients, so clear to avoid leaking old information
        memset(pipeBuffer, 0, pipeSize);
        Pipe *pipe = new Pipe(pipeFramesP2, format, pipeBuffer);
        const NBAIO_Format offers[1] = {format};
        size_t numCounterOffers = 0;
        ssize_t index = pipe->negotiate(offers, 1, NULL, numCounterOffers);
        ALOG_ASSERT(index == 0);
        mPipeSink = pipe;
        PipeReader *pipeReader = new PipeReader(*pipe);
        numCounterOffers = 0;
        index = pipeReader->negotiate(offers, 1, NULL, numCounterOffers);
        ALOG_ASSERT(index == 0);
        mPipeSource = pipeReader;
        mPipeFramesP2 = pipeFramesP2;
        mPipeMemory = pipeMemory;

        // create fast capture
        mFastCapture = new FastCapture();
        FastCaptureStateQueue *sq = mFastCapture->sq();
        // FIXME
        FastCaptureState *state = sq->begin();
        state->mCblk = NULL;
        state->mInputSource = mInputSource.get();
        state->mPipeSink = pipe;
        state->mFrameCount = mFrameCount;
        state->mCommand = FastCaptureState::COLD_IDLE;
        // already done in constructor initialization list
        //mFastCaptureFutex = 0;
        state->mColdFutexAddr = &mFastCaptureFutex;
        state->mDumpState = &mFastCaptureDumpState;
#ifdef TEE_SINK
        // FIXME
        mFastCaptureNBLogWriter = audioFlinger->newWriter_l(kFastCaptureLogSize, "FastCapture");
        state->mNBLogWriter = mFastCaptureNBLogWriter.get();

        // start the fast capture
        mFastCapture->run("FastCapture", ANDROID_PRIORITY_URGENT_AUDIO);
        pid_t tid = mFastCapture->getTid();
        sendPrioConfigEvent(getpid(), tid, kPriorityFastCapture, false /*forApp*/);
        // FIXME

        mFastTrackAvail = true;
#ifdef TEE_SINK
    mTee.set(mInputSource->format(), NBAIO_Tee::TEE_FLAG_INPUT_THREAD);
    mTee.setId(std::string("_") + std::to_string(mId) + "_C");
failed: ;

    // FIXME mNormalSource


void AudioFlinger::RecordThread::onFirstRef()
    run(mThreadName, PRIORITY_URGENT_AUDIO);


bool AudioFlinger::RecordThread::threadLoop()
processConfigEvents_l(); // 这个和播放一样,先处理配置命令

   size_t size = mActiveTracks.size();  // 便利所有的track
            if (size == 0) {
                // exitPending() can't become true here
                ALOGV("RecordThread: loop stopping");
                // go to sleep
                ALOGV("RecordThread: loop starting");
                goto reacquire_wakelock;

            bool doBroadcast = false;
            bool allStopped = true;
            for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ) {

                activeTrack = mActiveTracks[i];
                if (activeTrack->isTerminated()) { 
                    if (activeTrack->isFastTrack()) {
                        ALOG_ASSERT(fastTrackToRemove == 0);
                        fastTrackToRemove = activeTrack;
                    mActiveTracks.remove(activeTrack);// 已经结束的,直接移除

                TrackBase::track_state activeTrackState = activeTrack->mState;
                switch (activeTrackState) {

                case TrackBase::PAUSING:// 暂停的也移除
                    activeTrack->mState = TrackBase::PAUSED;
                    doBroadcast = true;

                case TrackBase::STARTING_1:
                    sleepUs = 10000;
                    allStopped = false;

                case TrackBase::STARTING_2:
                    doBroadcast = true;
                    if (mStandby) {
                        mStandby = false;
                    activeTrack->mState = TrackBase::ACTIVE;
                    allStopped = false;

                case TrackBase::ACTIVE:
                    allStopped = false;

                case TrackBase::IDLE:    // cannot be on ActiveTracks if idle
                case TrackBase::PAUSED:  // cannot be on ActiveTracks if paused
                case TrackBase::STOPPED: // cannot be on ActiveTracks if destroyed/terminated
                    LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL("%s: Unexpected active track state:%d, id:%d, tracks:%zu",
                            __func__, activeTrackState, activeTrack->id(), size);

                if (activeTrack->isFastTrack()) {
                    ALOG_ASSERT(fastTrack == 0);
                    // if the active fast track is silenced either:
                    // 1) silence the whole capture from fast capture buffer if this is
                    //    the only active track
                    // 2) invalidate this track: this will cause the client to reconnect and possibly
                    //    be invalidated again until unsilenced
                    if (activeTrack->isSilenced()) {
                        if (size > 1) {
                            ALOG_ASSERT(fastTrackToRemove == 0);
                            fastTrackToRemove = activeTrack;
                        } else {
                            silenceFastCapture = true;
                    fastTrack = activeTrack;





            if (allStopped) {
            if (doBroadcast) {

            // sleep if there are no active tracks to process
            if (activeTracks.isEmpty()) {
                if (sleepUs == 0) {
                    sleepUs = kRecordThreadSleepUs;
            sleepUs = 0;


   if (mPipeSource != 0) {
            size_t framesToRead = min(mRsmpInFramesOA - rear, mRsmpInFramesP2 / 2);

            // The audio fifo read() returns OVERRUN on overflow, and advances the read pointer
            // to the full buffer point (clearing the overflow condition).  Upon OVERRUN error,
            // we immediately retry the read() to get data and prevent another overflow.
            for (int retries = 0; retries <= 2; ++retries) {
                ALOGW_IF(retries > 0, "overrun on read from pipe, retry #%d", retries);
                framesRead = mPipeSource->read((uint8_t*)mRsmpInBuffer + rear * mFrameSize, // 通过hal 采集
                if (framesRead != OVERRUN) break;

            const ssize_t availableToRead = mPipeSource->availableToRead();
            if (availableToRead >= 0) {
                // PipeSource is the primary clock.  It is up to the AudioRecord client to keep up.
                LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF((size_t)availableToRead > mPipeFramesP2,
                        "more frames to read than fifo size, %zd > %zu",
                        availableToRead, mPipeFramesP2);
                const size_t pipeFramesFree = mPipeFramesP2 - availableToRead;
                const size_t sleepFrames = min(pipeFramesFree, mRsmpInFramesP2) / 2;
                ALOGVV("mPipeFramesP2:%zu mRsmpInFramesP2:%zu sleepFrames:%zu availableToRead:%zd",
                        mPipeFramesP2, mRsmpInFramesP2, sleepFrames, availableToRead);
                sleepUs = (sleepFrames * 1000000LL) / mSampleRate;
            if (framesRead < 0) {
                status_t status = (status_t) framesRead;
                switch (status) {
                case OVERRUN:
                    ALOGW("overrun on read from pipe");
                    framesRead = 0;
                case NEGOTIATE:
                    ALOGE("re-negotiation is needed");
                    framesRead = -1;  // Will cause an attempt to recover.
                    ALOGE("unknown error %d on read from pipe", status);
        // otherwise use the HAL / AudioStreamIn directly
        } else {
            size_t bytesRead;
            status_t result = mSource->read(
                    (uint8_t*)mRsmpInBuffer + rear * mFrameSize, mBufferSize, &bytesRead); // 通过hal 采集
            if (result < 0) {
                framesRead = result;
            } else {
                framesRead = bytesRead / mFrameSize;

// 接下来就是copy 采集音频给mActiveTracks
        size = activeTracks.size();

        // loop over each active track
        for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            activeTrack = activeTracks[i];

            // skip fast tracks, as those are handled directly by FastCapture
            if (activeTrack->isFastTrack()) {

            // TODO: This code probably should be moved to RecordTrack.
            // TODO: Update the activeTrack buffer converter in case of reconfigure.

            enum {
            } overrun = OVERRUN_UNKNOWN;

            // loop over getNextBuffer to handle circular sink
            for (;;) {

                activeTrack->mSink.frameCount = ~0;
                status_t status = activeTrack->getNextBuffer(&activeTrack->mSink);
                size_t framesOut = activeTrack->mSink.frameCount;
                LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF((status == OK) != (framesOut > 0));

                // check available frames and handle overrun conditions
                // if the record track isn't draining fast enough.
                bool hasOverrun;
                size_t framesIn;
                activeTrack->mResamplerBufferProvider->sync(&framesIn, &hasOverrun);
                if (hasOverrun) {
                    overrun = OVERRUN_TRUE;
                if (framesOut == 0 || framesIn == 0) {

                // Don't allow framesOut to be larger than what is possible with resampling
                // from framesIn.
                // This isn't strictly necessary but helps limit buffer resizing in
                // RecordBufferConverter.  TODO: remove when no longer needed.
                framesOut = min(framesOut,
                                framesIn, mSampleRate, activeTrack->mSampleRate));

                if (activeTrack->isDirect()) {
                    // No RecordBufferConverter used for direct streams. Pass
                    // straight from RecordThread buffer to RecordTrack buffer.
                    AudioBufferProvider::Buffer buffer;
                    buffer.frameCount = framesOut;
                    status_t status = activeTrack->mResamplerBufferProvider->getNextBuffer(&buffer);
                    if (status == OK && buffer.frameCount != 0) {
                        ALOGV_IF(buffer.frameCount != framesOut,
                                "%s() read less than expected (%zu vs %zu)",
                                __func__, buffer.frameCount, framesOut);
                        framesOut = buffer.frameCount;
                        memcpy(activeTrack->mSink.raw, buffer.raw, buffer.frameCount * mFrameSize);
                    } else {
                        framesOut = 0;
                        ALOGE("%s() cannot fill request, status: %d, frameCount: %zu",
                            __func__, status, buffer.frameCount);
                } else {
                    // process frames from the RecordThread buffer provider to the RecordTrack
                    // buffer
                    framesOut = activeTrack->mRecordBufferConverter->convert(

                if (framesOut > 0 && (overrun == OVERRUN_UNKNOWN)) {
                    overrun = OVERRUN_FALSE;

                if (activeTrack->mFramesToDrop == 0) {
                    if (framesOut > 0) {
                        activeTrack->mSink.frameCount = framesOut;
                        // Sanitize before releasing if the track has no access to the source data
                        // An idle UID receives silence from non virtual devices until active
                        if (activeTrack->isSilenced()) {
                            memset(activeTrack->mSink.raw, 0, framesOut * activeTrack->frameSize());
                } else {
                    // FIXME could do a partial drop of framesOut
                    if (activeTrack->mFramesToDrop > 0) {
                        activeTrack->mFramesToDrop -= (ssize_t)framesOut;
                        if (activeTrack->mFramesToDrop <= 0) {
                    } else {
                        activeTrack->mFramesToDrop += framesOut;
                        if (activeTrack->mFramesToDrop >= 0 || activeTrack->mSyncStartEvent == 0 ||
                                activeTrack->mSyncStartEvent->isCancelled()) {
                            ALOGW("Synced record %s, session %d, trigger session %d",
                                  (activeTrack->mFramesToDrop >= 0) ? "timed out" : "cancelled",
                                  (activeTrack->mSyncStartEvent != 0) ?
                                          activeTrack->mSyncStartEvent->triggerSession() :

                if (framesOut == 0) {

            switch (overrun) {
            case OVERRUN_TRUE:
                // client isn't retrieving buffers fast enough
                if (!activeTrack->setOverflow()) {
                    nsecs_t now = systemTime();
                    // FIXME should lastWarning per track?
                    if ((now - lastWarning) > kWarningThrottleNs) {
                        ALOGW("RecordThread: buffer overflow");
                        lastWarning = now;
            case OVERRUN_FALSE:
            case OVERRUN_UNKNOWN:

            // update frame information and push timestamp out
                    mSampleRate, mTimestamp);

// 接下来就是一些回收操作了,执行下面操作的时候就已经退出了loop了

        Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
        for (size_t i = 0; i < mTracks.size(); i++) {
            sp<RecordTrack> track = mTracks[i];


    ALOGV("RecordThread %p exiting", this);..



    public void startRecording(MediaSyncEvent syncEvent)
    throws IllegalStateException {
        if (mState != STATE_INITIALIZED) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("startRecording() called on an "
                    + "uninitialized AudioRecord.");

        // start recording
        synchronized(mRecordingStateLock) {
            if (native_start(syncEvent.getType(), syncEvent.getAudioSessionId()) == SUCCESS) {
                mRecordingState = RECORDSTATE_RECORDING;


static jint
android_media_AudioRecord_start(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz, jint event, jint triggerSession)
    sp<AudioRecord> lpRecorder = getAudioRecord(env, thiz);
    if (lpRecorder == NULL ) {
        jniThrowException(env, "java/lang/IllegalStateException", NULL);
        return (jint) AUDIO_JAVA_ERROR;

    return nativeToJavaStatus(
            lpRecorder->start((AudioSystem::sync_event_t)event, (audio_session_t) triggerSession));


status_t AudioRecord::start(AudioSystem::sync_event_t event, audio_session_t triggerSession)
    const int64_t beginNs = systemTime();
    ALOGV("%s(%d): sync event %d trigger session %d", __func__, mPortId, event, triggerSession);
    AutoMutex lock(mLock);

    status_t status = NO_ERROR;
    mediametrics::Defer defer([&] {
                    : mCallerName.c_str())
            .set(AMEDIAMETRICS_PROP_EXECUTIONTIMENS, (int64_t)(systemTime() - beginNs))
            .set(AMEDIAMETRICS_PROP_STATE, stateToString(mActive))
            .set(AMEDIAMETRICS_PROP_STATUS, (int32_t)status)
            .record(); });

    if (mActive) {
        return status;

    // discard data in buffer
    const uint32_t framesFlushed = mProxy->flush();
    mFramesReadServerOffset -= mFramesRead + framesFlushed;
    mFramesRead = 0;
    mProxy->clearTimestamp();  // timestamp is invalid until next server push
    mTimestampRetrogradePositionReported = false;
    mTimestampRetrogradeTimeReported = false;

    // reset current position as seen by client to 0
    mProxy->setEpoch(mProxy->getEpoch() - mProxy->getPosition());
    // force refresh of remaining frames by processAudioBuffer() as last
    // read before stop could be partial.
    mRefreshRemaining = true;

    mNewPosition = mProxy->getPosition() + mUpdatePeriod;
    int32_t flags = android_atomic_acquire_load(&mCblk->mFlags);

    // we reactivate markers (mMarkerPosition != 0) as the position is reset to 0.
    // This is legacy behavior.  This is not done in stop() to avoid a race condition
    // where the last marker event is issued twice.
    mMarkerReached = false;
    // mActive is checked by restoreRecord_l
    mActive = true;

    if (!(flags & CBLK_INVALID)) {
        status = mAudioRecord->start(event, triggerSession).transactionError();  // 通过Record binder 调用Record的start
        if (status == DEAD_OBJECT) {
            flags |= CBLK_INVALID;
    if (flags & CBLK_INVALID) {
        status = restoreRecord_l("start");

    // Call these directly because we are already holding the lock.

    if (status != NO_ERROR) {
        mActive = false;
        ALOGE("%s(%d): status %d", __func__, mPortId, status);
        mMediaMetrics.markError(status, __FUNCTION__);
    } else {
        mTracker->recordingStarted(); // 记录启动事件,这样可以被client感知到有应用开启采集了
        sp<AudioRecordThread> t = mAudioRecordThread; // 驱动采集回调线程
        if (t != 0) {
        } else {
            mPreviousPriority = getpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, 0);
            get_sched_policy(0, &mPreviousSchedulingGroup);
            androidSetThreadPriority(0, ANDROID_PRIORITY_AUDIO);

        // we've successfully started, log that time
    return status;


bool AudioRecord::AudioRecordThread::threadLoop()
        AutoMutex _l(mMyLock);
        if (mPaused) {
            // TODO check return value and handle or log
            // caller will check for exitPending()
            return true;
        if (mIgnoreNextPausedInt) {
            mIgnoreNextPausedInt = false;
            mPausedInt = false;
        if (mPausedInt) {
            if (mPausedNs > 0) {
                // TODO check return value and handle or log
                (void) mMyCond.waitRelative(mMyLock, mPausedNs);
            } else {
                // TODO check return value and handle or log
            mPausedInt = false;
            return true;
    if (exitPending()) {
        return false;
    nsecs_t ns =  mReceiver.processAudioBuffer();
    switch (ns) {
    case 0:
        return true;
    case NS_INACTIVE:
        return true;
    case NS_NEVER:
        return false;
    case NS_WHENEVER:
        // Event driven: call wake() when callback notifications conditions change.
        ns = INT64_MAX;
        LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(ns < 0, "%s() returned %lld", __func__, (long long)ns);
        return true;


nsecs_t AudioRecord::processAudioBuffer()
    if (mAwaitBoost) {
        mAwaitBoost = false;
        static const int32_t kMaxTries = 5;
        int32_t tryCounter = kMaxTries;
        uint32_t pollUs = 10000;
        do {
            int policy = sched_getscheduler(0) & ~SCHED_RESET_ON_FORK;
            if (policy == SCHED_FIFO || policy == SCHED_RR) {
            pollUs <<= 1;
        } while (tryCounter-- > 0);
        if (tryCounter < 0) {
            ALOGE("%s(%d): did not receive expected priority boost on time", __func__, mPortId);
        // Run again immediately
        return 0;

    // Can only reference mCblk while locked
    int32_t flags = android_atomic_and(~CBLK_OVERRUN, &mCblk->mFlags);

    // Check for track invalidation
    if (flags & CBLK_INVALID) {
        (void) restoreRecord_l("processAudioBuffer");
        // Run again immediately, but with a new IAudioRecord
        return 0;

    bool active = mActive;

    // Manage overrun callback, must be done under lock to avoid race with releaseBuffer()
    bool newOverrun = false;
    if (flags & CBLK_OVERRUN) {
        if (!mInOverrun) {
            mInOverrun = true;
            newOverrun = true;

    // Get current position of server
    Modulo<uint32_t> position(mProxy->getPosition());

    // Manage marker callback
    bool markerReached = false;
    Modulo<uint32_t> markerPosition(mMarkerPosition);
    // FIXME fails for wraparound, need 64 bits
    if (!mMarkerReached && markerPosition.value() > 0 && position >= markerPosition) {
        mMarkerReached = markerReached = true;

    // Determine the number of new position callback(s) that will be needed, while locked
    size_t newPosCount = 0;
    Modulo<uint32_t> newPosition(mNewPosition);
    uint32_t updatePeriod = mUpdatePeriod;
    // FIXME fails for wraparound, need 64 bits
    if (updatePeriod > 0 && position >= newPosition) {
        newPosCount = ((position - newPosition).value() / updatePeriod) + 1;
        mNewPosition += updatePeriod * newPosCount;

    // Cache other fields that will be needed soon
    uint32_t notificationFrames = mNotificationFramesAct;
    if (mRefreshRemaining) {
        mRefreshRemaining = false;
        mRemainingFrames = notificationFrames;
        mRetryOnPartialBuffer = false;
    size_t misalignment = mProxy->getMisalignment();
    uint32_t sequence = mSequence;

    // These fields don't need to be cached, because they are assigned only by set():
    //      mTransfer, mCbf, mUserData, mSampleRate, mFrameSize


    // perform callbacks while unlocked
    if (newOverrun) {
        mCbf(EVENT_OVERRUN, mUserData, NULL);
    if (markerReached) {
        mCbf(EVENT_MARKER, mUserData, &markerPosition); // 采集到了预先设置的位置了
    while (newPosCount > 0) {
        size_t temp = newPosition.value(); // FIXME size_t != uint32_t
        mCbf(EVENT_NEW_POS, mUserData, &temp); // 采集到了预先设置的长度了
        newPosition += updatePeriod;
    if (mObservedSequence != sequence) {
        mObservedSequence = sequence;
        mCbf(EVENT_NEW_IAUDIORECORD, mUserData, NULL);

    // if inactive, then don't run me again until re-started
    if (!active) {
        return NS_INACTIVE;

    // Compute the estimated time until the next timed event (position, markers)
    uint32_t minFrames = ~0;
    if (!markerReached && position < markerPosition) {
        minFrames = (markerPosition - position).value();
    if (updatePeriod > 0) {
        uint32_t remaining = (newPosition - position).value();
        if (remaining < minFrames) {
            minFrames = remaining;

    // If > 0, poll periodically to recover from a stuck server.  A good value is 2.
    static const uint32_t kPoll = 0;
    if (kPoll > 0 && mTransfer == TRANSFER_CALLBACK && kPoll * notificationFrames < minFrames) {
        minFrames = kPoll * notificationFrames;

    // Convert frame units to time units
    nsecs_t ns = NS_WHENEVER;
    if (minFrames != (uint32_t) ~0) {
        // This "fudge factor" avoids soaking CPU, and compensates for late progress by server
        static const nsecs_t kFudgeNs = 10000000LL; // 10 ms
        ns = ((minFrames * 1000000000LL) / mSampleRate) + kFudgeNs;

    // If not supplying data by EVENT_MORE_DATA, then we're done
    if (mTransfer != TRANSFER_CALLBACK) {
        return ns;

    struct timespec timeout;
    const struct timespec *requested = &ClientProxy::kForever;
    if (ns != NS_WHENEVER) {
        timeout.tv_sec = ns / 1000000000LL;
        timeout.tv_nsec = ns % 1000000000LL;
        ALOGV("%s(%d): timeout %ld.%03d",
                __func__, mPortId, timeout.tv_sec, (int) timeout.tv_nsec / 1000000);
        requested = &timeout;

    size_t readFrames = 0;
    while (mRemainingFrames > 0) {

        Buffer audioBuffer;
        audioBuffer.frameCount = mRemainingFrames;
        size_t nonContig;
        status_t err = obtainBuffer(&audioBuffer, requested, NULL, &nonContig); // 获取采集数据
        LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF((err != NO_ERROR) != (audioBuffer.frameCount == 0),
                "%s(%d): obtainBuffer() err=%d frameCount=%zu",
                __func__, mPortId, err, audioBuffer.frameCount);
        requested = &ClientProxy::kNonBlocking;
        size_t avail = audioBuffer.frameCount + nonContig;
        ALOGV("%s(%d): obtainBuffer(%u) returned %zu = %zu + %zu err %d",
                __func__, mPortId, mRemainingFrames, avail, audioBuffer.frameCount, nonContig, err);
        if (err != NO_ERROR) {
            if (err == TIMED_OUT || err == WOULD_BLOCK || err == -EINTR) {
            ALOGE("%s(%d): Error %d obtaining an audio buffer, giving up.",
                    __func__, mPortId, err);
            return NS_NEVER;

        if (mRetryOnPartialBuffer) {
            mRetryOnPartialBuffer = false;
            if (avail < mRemainingFrames) {
                int64_t myns = ((mRemainingFrames - avail) *
                        1100000000LL) / mSampleRate;
                if (ns < 0 || myns < ns) {
                    ns = myns;
                return ns;

        size_t reqSize = audioBuffer.size;
        mCbf(EVENT_MORE_DATA, mUserData, &audioBuffer); // 利用有数据了
        size_t readSize = audioBuffer.size;

        // Validate on returned size
        if (ssize_t(readSize) < 0 || readSize > reqSize) {
            ALOGE("%s(%d):  EVENT_MORE_DATA requested %zu bytes but callback returned %zd bytes",
                    __func__, mPortId, reqSize, ssize_t(readSize));
            return NS_NEVER;

        if (readSize == 0) {
            // The callback is done consuming buffers
            // Keep this thread going to handle timed events and
            // still try to provide more data in intervals of WAIT_PERIOD_MS
            // but don't just loop and block the CPU, so wait
            return WAIT_PERIOD_MS * 1000000LL;

        size_t releasedFrames = readSize / mFrameSize;
        audioBuffer.frameCount = releasedFrames;
        mRemainingFrames -= releasedFrames;
        if (misalignment >= releasedFrames) {
            misalignment -= releasedFrames;
        } else {
            misalignment = 0;

        readFrames += releasedFrames;

        // FIXME here is where we would repeat EVENT_MORE_DATA again on same advanced buffer
        // if callback doesn't like to accept the full chunk
        if (readSize < reqSize) {

        // There could be enough non-contiguous frames available to satisfy the remaining request
        if (mRemainingFrames <= nonContig) {
    if (readFrames > 0) {
        AutoMutex lock(mLock);
        mFramesRead += readFrames;
        // mFramesReadTime = systemTime(SYSTEM_TIME_MONOTONIC); // not provided at this time.
    mRemainingFrames = notificationFrames;
    mRetryOnPartialBuffer = true;

    // A lot has transpired since ns was calculated, so run again immediately and re-calculate
    return 0;

这儿的mCbf就是jni的一个回调 recorderCallback:

static void recorderCallback(int event, void* user, void *info) {
    audiorecord_callback_cookie *callbackInfo = (audiorecord_callback_cookie *)user;
        Mutex::Autolock l(sLock);
        if (sAudioRecordCallBackCookies.indexOf(callbackInfo) < 0) {
        callbackInfo->busy = true;

    switch (event) {
    case AudioRecord::EVENT_MARKER: {
        JNIEnv *env = AndroidRuntime::getJNIEnv();
        if (user != NULL && env != NULL) {
                javaAudioRecordFields.postNativeEventInJava, // 回调java
                callbackInfo->audioRecord_ref, event, 0,0, NULL);
            if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
        } break;

    case AudioRecord::EVENT_NEW_POS: {
        JNIEnv *env = AndroidRuntime::getJNIEnv();
        if (user != NULL && env != NULL) {
                callbackInfo->audioRecord_ref, event, 0,0, NULL);
            if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
        } break;

        Mutex::Autolock l(sLock);
        callbackInfo->busy = false;


   private static void postEventFromNative(Object audiorecord_ref,
            int what, int arg1, int arg2, Object obj) {
        //logd("Event posted from the native side: event="+ what + " args="+ arg1+" "+arg2);
        AudioRecord recorder = (AudioRecord)((WeakReference)audiorecord_ref).get();
        if (recorder == null) {

        if (what == AudioSystem.NATIVE_EVENT_ROUTING_CHANGE) {

        if (recorder.mEventHandler != null) {
            Message m =
                recorder.mEventHandler.obtainMessage(what, arg1, arg2, obj);



 public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
            OnRecordPositionUpdateListener listener = null;
            synchronized (mPositionListenerLock) {
                listener = mAudioRecord.mPositionListener;

            switch (msg.what) {
            case NATIVE_EVENT_MARKER:
                if (listener != null) {
            case NATIVE_EVENT_NEW_POS:
                if (listener != null) {
                loge("Unknown native event type: " + msg.what);

当前只处理了NATIVE_EVENT_MARKER和NATIVE_EVENT_NEW_POS。也就是只支持提前设置好需要提醒的位置点(setNotificationMarkerPosition)和采集到预先设置的数据量(setPositionNotificationPeriod)。也就是OnRecordPositionUpdateListener 接口定义的回调。


status_t AudioFlinger::RecordThread::RecordTrack::start(AudioSystem::sync_event_t event,
                                                        audio_session_t triggerSession)
    sp<ThreadBase> thread = mThread.promote();
    if (thread != 0) {
        RecordThread *recordThread = (RecordThread *)thread.get();
        return recordThread->start(this, event, triggerSession);
    } else {
        ALOGW("%s track %d: thread was destroyed", __func__, portId());
        return DEAD_OBJECT;


status_t AudioFlinger::RecordThread::start(RecordThread::RecordTrack* recordTrack,
                                           AudioSystem::sync_event_t event,
                                           audio_session_t triggerSession)
    ALOGV("RecordThread::start event %d, triggerSession %d", event, triggerSession);
    sp<ThreadBase> strongMe = this;
    status_t status = NO_ERROR;

    if (event == AudioSystem::SYNC_EVENT_NONE) {
    } else if (event != AudioSystem::SYNC_EVENT_SAME) {
        recordTrack->mSyncStartEvent = mAudioFlinger->createSyncEvent(event,
        // Sync event can be cancelled by the trigger session if the track is not in a
        // compatible state in which case we start record immediately
        if (recordTrack->mSyncStartEvent->isCancelled()) {
        } else {
            // do not wait for the event for more than AudioSystem::kSyncRecordStartTimeOutMs
            recordTrack->mFramesToDrop = -(ssize_t)
                    ((AudioSystem::kSyncRecordStartTimeOutMs * recordTrack->mSampleRate) / 1000);

        // This section is a rendezvous between binder thread executing start() and RecordThread
        AutoMutex lock(mLock);
        if (recordTrack->isInvalid()) {
            ALOGW("%s track %d: invalidated before startInput", __func__, recordTrack->portId());
            return DEAD_OBJECT;
// 修改recordTrack的状态
        if (mActiveTracks.indexOf(recordTrack) >= 0) {
            if (recordTrack->mState == TrackBase::PAUSING) {
                // We haven't stopped yet (moved to PAUSED and not in mActiveTracks)
                // so no need to startInput().
                ALOGV("active record track PAUSING -> ACTIVE");
                recordTrack->mState = TrackBase::ACTIVE;  
            } else {
                ALOGV("active record track state %d", recordTrack->mState);
            return status;

        // TODO consider other ways of handling this, such as changing the state to :STARTING and
        //      adding the track to mActiveTracks after returning from AudioSystem::startInput(),
        //      or using a separate command thread
        recordTrack->mState = TrackBase::STARTING_1;
        mActiveTracks.add(recordTrack); // 加入mActiveTracks列表,这样在ThreadLoop中采集到数据就会拷贝给recordTrack
        status_t status = NO_ERROR;
        if (recordTrack->isExternalTrack()) {
            status = AudioSystem::startInput(recordTrack->portId()); 
            if (recordTrack->isInvalid()) {
                if (status == NO_ERROR && recordTrack->mState == TrackBase::STARTING_1) {
                    recordTrack->mState = TrackBase::STARTING_2;
                    // STARTING_2 forces destroy to call stopInput.
                ALOGW("%s track %d: invalidated after startInput", __func__, recordTrack->portId());
                return DEAD_OBJECT;
            if (recordTrack->mState != TrackBase::STARTING_1) {
                ALOGW("%s(%d): unsynchronized mState:%d change",
                    __func__, recordTrack->id(), recordTrack->mState);
                // Someone else has changed state, let them take over,
                // leave mState in the new state.
                return INVALID_OPERATION;
            // we're ok, but perhaps startInput has failed
            if (status != NO_ERROR) {
                ALOGW("%s(%d): startInput failed, status %d",
                    __func__, recordTrack->id(), status);
                // We are in ActiveTracks if STARTING_1 and valid, so remove from ActiveTracks,
                // leave in STARTING_1, so destroy() will not call stopInput.
                return status;
                AUDIO_CLIENT_STARTED, recordTrack->creatorPid(), recordTrack->portId());

        recordTrack->logBeginInterval(patchSourcesToString(&mPatch)); // log to MediaMetrics

        // Catch up with current buffer indices if thread is already running.
        // This is what makes a new client discard all buffered data.  If the track's mRsmpInFront
        // was initialized to some value closer to the thread's mRsmpInFront, then the track could
        // see previously buffered data before it called start(), but with greater risk of overrun.

        if (!recordTrack->isDirect()) {
            // clear any converter state as new data will be discontinuous
        recordTrack->mState = TrackBase::STARTING_2;
        // signal thread to start
        return status;



    public void stop()
    throws IllegalStateException {
        if (mState != STATE_INITIALIZED) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("stop() called on an uninitialized AudioRecord.");

        // stop recording
        synchronized(mRecordingStateLock) {
            mRecordingState = RECORDSTATE_STOPPED;


static void
android_media_AudioRecord_stop(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz)
    sp<AudioRecord> lpRecorder = getAudioRecord(env, thiz);
    if (lpRecorder == NULL ) {
        jniThrowException(env, "java/lang/IllegalStateException", NULL);

    //ALOGV("Called lpRecorder->stop()");


void AudioFlinger::RecordThread::RecordTrack::stop()
    sp<ThreadBase> thread = mThread.promote();
    if (thread != 0) {
        RecordThread *recordThread = (RecordThread *)thread.get();
        if (recordThread->stop(this) && isExternalTrack()) {

bool AudioFlinger::RecordThread::stop(RecordThread::RecordTrack* recordTrack) {
    AutoMutex _l(mLock);
    // if we're invalid, we can't be on the ActiveTracks.
    if (mActiveTracks.indexOf(recordTrack) < 0 || recordTrack->mState == TrackBase::PAUSING) {
        return false;
    // note that threadLoop may still be processing the track at this point [without lock]
    recordTrack->mState = TrackBase::PAUSING; // 设置标记,验证了猜想。

    // NOTE: Waiting here is important to keep stop synchronous.
    // This is needed for proper patchRecord peer release.
    while (recordTrack->mState == TrackBase::PAUSING && !recordTrack->isInvalid()) {
        mWaitWorkCV.broadcast(); // signal thread to stop

    if (recordTrack->mState == TrackBase::PAUSED) { // successful stop
        ALOGV("Record stopped OK");
        return true;

    // don't handle anything - we've been invalidated or restarted and in a different state
    ALOGW_IF("%s(%d): unsynchronized stop, state: %d",
            __func__, recordTrack->id(), recordTrack->mState);
    return false;


read 分析


    public int read(@NonNull byte[] audioData, int offsetInBytes, int sizeInBytes,
            @ReadMode int readMode) {
        // Note: we allow reads of extended integers into a byte array.
        if (mState != STATE_INITIALIZED  || mAudioFormat == AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_FLOAT) {
            return ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION;

        if ((readMode != READ_BLOCKING) && (readMode != READ_NON_BLOCKING)) {
            Log.e(TAG, " called with invalid blocking mode");
            return ERROR_BAD_VALUE;

        if ( (audioData == null) || (offsetInBytes < 0 ) || (sizeInBytes < 0)
                || (offsetInBytes + sizeInBytes < 0)  // detect integer overflow
                || (offsetInBytes + sizeInBytes > audioData.length)) {
            return ERROR_BAD_VALUE;

        return native_read_in_byte_array(audioData, offsetInBytes, sizeInBytes,
                readMode == READ_BLOCKING);


template <typename T>
static jint android_media_AudioRecord_readInArray(JNIEnv *env,  jobject thiz,
                                                  T javaAudioData,
                                                  jint offsetInSamples, jint sizeInSamples,
                                                  jboolean isReadBlocking) {
    // get the audio recorder from which we'll read new audio samples
    sp<AudioRecord> lpRecorder = getAudioRecord(env, thiz);
    if (lpRecorder == NULL) {
        ALOGE("Unable to retrieve AudioRecord object");
        return (jint)AUDIO_JAVA_INVALID_OPERATION;

    if (javaAudioData == NULL) {
        ALOGE("Invalid Java array to store recorded audio");
        return (jint)AUDIO_JAVA_BAD_VALUE;

    // NOTE: We may use GetPrimitiveArrayCritical() when the JNI implementation changes in such
    // a way that it becomes much more efficient. When doing so, we will have to prevent the
    // AudioSystem callback to be called while in critical section (in case of media server
    // process crash for instance)

    // get the pointer to where we'll record the audio
    auto *recordBuff = envGetArrayElements(env, javaAudioData, NULL);
    if (recordBuff == NULL) {
        ALOGE("Error retrieving destination for recorded audio data");
        return (jint)AUDIO_JAVA_BAD_VALUE;

    // read the new audio data from the native AudioRecord object
    const size_t sizeInBytes = sizeInSamples * sizeof(*recordBuff);
    ssize_t readSize = lpRecorder->read(
            recordBuff + offsetInSamples, sizeInBytes, isReadBlocking == JNI_TRUE /* blocking */); // 读取数据

    envReleaseArrayElements(env, javaAudioData, recordBuff, 0);

    if (readSize < 0) {
        return interpretReadSizeError(readSize);
    return (jint)(readSize / sizeof(*recordBuff));

接下来看下Native AudioRecord的实现,可以看看是如何读取的共享内存数据:

ssize_t AudioRecord::read(void* buffer, size_t userSize, bool blocking)
    if (mTransfer != TRANSFER_SYNC) {
        return INVALID_OPERATION;

    if (ssize_t(userSize) < 0 || (buffer == NULL && userSize != 0)) {
        // Validation. user is most-likely passing an error code, and it would
        // make the return value ambiguous (actualSize vs error).
        ALOGE("%s(%d) (buffer=%p, size=%zu (%zu)",
                __func__, mPortId, buffer, userSize, userSize);
        return BAD_VALUE;

    ssize_t read = 0;
    Buffer audioBuffer;

    while (userSize >= mFrameSize) {
        audioBuffer.frameCount = userSize / mFrameSize;

        status_t err = obtainBuffer(&audioBuffer,
                blocking ? &ClientProxy::kForever : &ClientProxy::kNonBlocking);// //获取共享内存数据
        if (err < 0) {
            if (read > 0) {
            if (err == TIMED_OUT || err == -EINTR) {
                err = WOULD_BLOCK;
            return ssize_t(err);

        size_t bytesRead = audioBuffer.size;
        memcpy(buffer, audioBuffer.i8, bytesRead);
        buffer = ((char *) buffer) + bytesRead;
        userSize -= bytesRead;
        read += bytesRead;

    if (read > 0) {
        mFramesRead += read / mFrameSize;
        // mFramesReadTime = systemTime(SYSTEM_TIME_MONOTONIC); // not provided at this time.
    return read;


status_t AudioRecord::obtainBuffer(Buffer* audioBuffer, int32_t waitCount, size_t *nonContig)
    if (audioBuffer == NULL) {
        if (nonContig != NULL) {
            *nonContig = 0;
        return BAD_VALUE;
    if (mTransfer != TRANSFER_OBTAIN) {
        audioBuffer->frameCount = 0;
        audioBuffer->size = 0;
        audioBuffer->raw = NULL;
        if (nonContig != NULL) {
            *nonContig = 0;
        return INVALID_OPERATION;

    const struct timespec *requested;
    struct timespec timeout;
    if (waitCount == -1) {
        requested = &ClientProxy::kForever;
    } else if (waitCount == 0) {
        requested = &ClientProxy::kNonBlocking;
    } else if (waitCount > 0) {
        time_t ms = WAIT_PERIOD_MS * (time_t) waitCount;
        timeout.tv_sec = ms / 1000;
        timeout.tv_nsec = (long) (ms % 1000) * 1000000;
        requested = &timeout;
    } else {
        ALOGE("%s(%d): invalid waitCount %d", __func__, mPortId, waitCount);
        requested = NULL;
    return obtainBuffer(audioBuffer, requested, NULL /*elapsed*/, nonContig);


status_t AudioRecord::obtainBuffer(Buffer* audioBuffer, const struct timespec *requested,
        struct timespec *elapsed, size_t *nonContig)
    // previous and new IAudioRecord sequence numbers are used to detect track re-creation
    uint32_t oldSequence = 0;

    Proxy::Buffer buffer;
    status_t status = NO_ERROR;

    static const int32_t kMaxTries = 5;
    int32_t tryCounter = kMaxTries;

    do {
        // obtainBuffer() is called with mutex unlocked, so keep extra references to these fields to
        // keep them from going away if another thread re-creates the track during obtainBuffer()
        sp<AudioRecordClientProxy> proxy;
        sp<IMemory> iMem;
        sp<IMemory> bufferMem;
            // start of lock scope
            AutoMutex lock(mLock);

            uint32_t newSequence = mSequence;
            // did previous obtainBuffer() fail due to media server death or voluntary invalidation?
            if (status == DEAD_OBJECT) {
                // re-create track, unless someone else has already done so
                if (newSequence == oldSequence) {
                    status = restoreRecord_l("obtainBuffer");
                    if (status != NO_ERROR) {
                        buffer.mFrameCount = 0;
                        buffer.mRaw = NULL;
                        buffer.mNonContig = 0;
            oldSequence = newSequence;

            // Keep the extra references
            proxy = mProxy;
            iMem = mCblkMemory;
            bufferMem = mBufferMemory;

            // Non-blocking if track is stopped
            if (!mActive) {
                requested = &ClientProxy::kNonBlocking;

        }   // end of lock scope

        buffer.mFrameCount = audioBuffer->frameCount;
        // FIXME starts the requested timeout and elapsed over from scratch
        status = proxy->obtainBuffer(&buffer, requested, elapsed);  // 读取数据

    } while ((status == DEAD_OBJECT) && (tryCounter-- > 0));

    audioBuffer->frameCount = buffer.mFrameCount;
    audioBuffer->size = buffer.mFrameCount * mFrameSize;
    audioBuffer->raw = buffer.mRaw;
    audioBuffer->sequence = oldSequence;
    if (nonContig != NULL) {
        *nonContig = buffer.mNonContig;
    return status;


       record = audioFlinger->createRecord(input, output, &status);  // 创建record
        if (status == NO_ERROR) {
        if (status != FAILED_TRANSACTION || --remainingAttempts <= 0) {
            ALOGE("%s(%d): AudioFlinger could not create record track, status: %d",
                  __func__, mPortId, status);
            goto exit;
        // FAILED_TRANSACTION happens under very specific conditions causing a state mismatch
        // between audio policy manager and audio flinger during the input stream open sequence
        // and can be recovered by retrying.
        // Leave time for race condition to clear before retrying and randomize delay
        // to reduce the probability of concurrent retries in locked steps.
        usleep((20 + rand() % 30) * 10000);
    } while (1);

    ALOG_ASSERT(record != 0);

    // AudioFlinger now owns the reference to the I/O handle,
    // so we are no longer responsible for releasing it.

    mAwaitBoost = false;
    if (output.flags & AUDIO_INPUT_FLAG_FAST) {
        ALOGI("%s(%d): AUDIO_INPUT_FLAG_FAST successful; frameCount %zu -> %zu",
              __func__, mPortId,
              mReqFrameCount, output.frameCount);
        mAwaitBoost = true;
    mFlags = output.flags;
    mRoutedDeviceId = output.selectedDeviceId;
    mSessionId = output.sessionId;
    mSampleRate = output.sampleRate;

    if (output.cblk == 0) {
        ALOGE("%s(%d): Could not get control block", __func__, mPortId);
        status = NO_INIT;
        goto exit;
    // TODO: Using unsecurePointer() has some associated security pitfalls
    //       (see declaration for details).
    //       Either document why it is safe in this case or address the
    //       issue (e.g. by copying).
    iMemPointer = output.cblk ->unsecurePointer(); // 匿名共享内存对象
    if (iMemPointer == NULL) {
        ALOGE("%s(%d): Could not get control block pointer", __func__, mPortId);
        status = NO_INIT;
        goto exit;
    cblk = static_cast<audio_track_cblk_t*>(iMemPointer);

    // Starting address of buffers in shared memory.
    // The buffers are either immediately after the control block,
    // or in a separate area at discretion of server.
    void *buffers;
    if (output.buffers == 0) {
        buffers = cblk + 1;
    } else {
        // TODO: Using unsecurePointer() has some associated security pitfalls
        //       (see declaration for details).
        //       Either document why it is safe in this case or address the
        //       issue (e.g. by copying).
        buffers = output.buffers->unsecurePointer();
        if (buffers == NULL) {
            ALOGE("%s(%d): Could not get buffer pointer", __func__, mPortId);
            status = NO_INIT;
            goto exit;

    // invariant that mAudioRecord != 0 is true only after set() returns successfully
    if (mAudioRecord != 0) {
        IInterface::asBinder(mAudioRecord)->unlinkToDeath(mDeathNotifier, this);
    mAudioRecord = record;
    mCblkMemory = output.cblk;
    mBufferMemory = output.buffers;

    mCblk = cblk;
    // note that output.frameCount is the (possibly revised) value of mReqFrameCount
    if (output.frameCount < mReqFrameCount || (mReqFrameCount == 0 && output.frameCount == 0)) {
        ALOGW("%s(%d): Requested frameCount %zu but received frameCount %zu",
              __func__, output.portId,
              mReqFrameCount,  output.frameCount);

    // Make sure that application is notified with sufficient margin before overrun.
    // The computation is done on server side.
    if (mNotificationFramesReq > 0 && output.notificationFrameCount != mNotificationFramesReq) {
        ALOGW("%s(%d): Server adjusted notificationFrames from %u to %zu for frameCount %zu",
                __func__, output.portId,
                mNotificationFramesReq, output.notificationFrameCount, output.frameCount);
    mNotificationFramesAct = (uint32_t)output.notificationFrameCount;

    //mInput != input includes the case where mInput == AUDIO_IO_HANDLE_NONE for first creation
    if (mDeviceCallback != 0) {
        if (mInput != AUDIO_IO_HANDLE_NONE) {
            AudioSystem::removeAudioDeviceCallback(this, mInput, mPortId);
        AudioSystem::addAudioDeviceCallback(this, output.inputId, output.portId);

    mPortId = output.portId;
    // We retain a copy of the I/O handle, but don't own the reference
    mInput = output.inputId;
    mRefreshRemaining = true;

    mFrameCount = output.frameCount;
    // If IAudioRecord is re-created, don't let the requested frameCount
    // decrease.  This can confuse clients that cache frameCount().
    if (mFrameCount > mReqFrameCount) {
        mReqFrameCount = mFrameCount;

    // update proxy
    mProxy = new AudioRecordClientProxy(cblk, buffers, mFrameCount, mFrameSize); // 利用匿名共享内存对象构造AudioRecordClientProxy


status_t ClientProxy::obtainBuffer(Buffer* buffer, const struct timespec *requested,
        struct timespec *elapsed)
    LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(buffer == NULL || buffer->mFrameCount == 0,
            "%s: null or zero frame buffer, buffer:%p", __func__, buffer);
    struct timespec total;          // total elapsed time spent waiting
    total.tv_sec = 0;
    total.tv_nsec = 0;
    bool measure = elapsed != NULL; // whether to measure total elapsed time spent waiting

    status_t status;
    enum {
        TIMEOUT_ZERO,       // requested == NULL || *requested == 0
        TIMEOUT_INFINITE,   // *requested == infinity
        TIMEOUT_FINITE,     // 0 < *requested < infinity
        TIMEOUT_CONTINUE,   // additional chances after TIMEOUT_FINITE
    } timeout;
    if (requested == NULL) {
        timeout = TIMEOUT_ZERO;
    } else if (requested->tv_sec == 0 && requested->tv_nsec == 0) {
        timeout = TIMEOUT_ZERO;
    } else if (requested->tv_sec == INT_MAX) {
        timeout = TIMEOUT_INFINITE;
    } else {
        timeout = TIMEOUT_FINITE;
        if (requested->tv_sec > 0 || requested->tv_nsec >= MEASURE_NS) {
            measure = true;
    struct timespec before;
    bool beforeIsValid = false;
    audio_track_cblk_t* cblk = mCblk;
    bool ignoreInitialPendingInterrupt = true;
    // check for shared memory corruption
    if (mIsShutdown) {
        status = NO_INIT;
        goto end;
    for (;;) {
        int32_t flags = android_atomic_and(~CBLK_INTERRUPT, &cblk->mFlags);
        // check for track invalidation by server, or server death detection
        if (flags & CBLK_INVALID) {
            ALOGV("Track invalidated");
            status = DEAD_OBJECT;
            goto end;
        if (flags & CBLK_DISABLED) {
            ALOGV("Track disabled");
            status = NOT_ENOUGH_DATA;
            goto end;
        // check for obtainBuffer interrupted by client
        if (!ignoreInitialPendingInterrupt && (flags & CBLK_INTERRUPT)) {
            ALOGV("obtainBuffer() interrupted by client");
            status = -EINTR;
            goto end;
        ignoreInitialPendingInterrupt = false;
        // compute number of frames available to write (AudioTrack) or read (AudioRecord)
        int32_t front; // 环形buffer 头
        int32_t rear; // 环形buffer 尾
        if (mIsOut) {
            // The barrier following the read of mFront is probably redundant.
            // We're about to perform a conditional branch based on 'filled',
            // which will force the processor to observe the read of mFront
            // prior to allowing data writes starting at mRaw.
            // However, the processor may support speculative execution,
            // and be unable to undo speculative writes into shared memory.
            // The barrier will prevent such speculative execution.
            front = android_atomic_acquire_load(&cblk->u.mStreaming.mFront);
            rear = cblk->u.mStreaming.mRear;
        } else {
            // On the other hand, this barrier is required.
            rear = android_atomic_acquire_load(&cblk->u.mStreaming.mRear);
            front = cblk->u.mStreaming.mFront; 
        // write to rear, read from front
        ssize_t filled = audio_utils::safe_sub_overflow(rear, front);
        // pipe should not be overfull
        if (!(0 <= filled && (size_t) filled <= mFrameCount)) {
            if (mIsOut) {
                ALOGE("Shared memory control block is corrupt (filled=%zd, mFrameCount=%zu); "
                        "shutting down", filled, mFrameCount);
                mIsShutdown = true;
                status = NO_INIT;
                goto end;
            // for input, sync up on overrun
            filled = 0;
            cblk->u.mStreaming.mFront = rear;
            (void) android_atomic_or(CBLK_OVERRUN, &cblk->mFlags);
        // Don't allow filling pipe beyond the user settable size.
        // The calculation for avail can go negative if the buffer size
        // is suddenly dropped below the amount already in the buffer.
        // So use a signed calculation to prevent a numeric overflow abort.
        ssize_t adjustableSize = (ssize_t) getBufferSizeInFrames();
        ssize_t avail =  (mIsOut) ? adjustableSize - filled : filled;
        if (avail < 0) {
            avail = 0;
        } else if (avail > 0) {
            // 'avail' may be non-contiguous, so return only the first contiguous chunk
            size_t part1;
            if (mIsOut) {
                rear &= mFrameCountP2 - 1;
                part1 = mFrameCountP2 - rear;
            } else {
                front &= mFrameCountP2 - 1;
                part1 = mFrameCountP2 - front;
            if (part1 > (size_t)avail) {
                part1 = avail;
            if (part1 > buffer->mFrameCount) {
                part1 = buffer->mFrameCount;
            buffer->mFrameCount = part1;
            buffer->mRaw = part1 > 0 ?
                    &((char *) mBuffers)[(mIsOut ? rear : front) * mFrameSize] : NULL; // 修改地址,这样就不用拷贝了
            buffer->mNonContig = avail - part1;
            mUnreleased = part1;
            status = NO_ERROR;
        struct timespec remaining;
        const struct timespec *ts;
        switch (timeout) {
        case TIMEOUT_ZERO:
            status = WOULD_BLOCK;
            goto end;
        case TIMEOUT_INFINITE:
            ts = NULL;
        case TIMEOUT_FINITE:
            timeout = TIMEOUT_CONTINUE;
            if (MAX_SEC == 0) {
                ts = requested;
        case TIMEOUT_CONTINUE:
            // FIXME we do not retry if requested < 10ms? needs documentation on this state machine
            if (!measure || requested->tv_sec < total.tv_sec ||
                    (requested->tv_sec == total.tv_sec && requested->tv_nsec <= total.tv_nsec)) {
                status = TIMED_OUT;
                goto end;
            remaining.tv_sec = requested->tv_sec - total.tv_sec;
            if ((remaining.tv_nsec = requested->tv_nsec - total.tv_nsec) < 0) {
                remaining.tv_nsec += 1000000000;
            if (0 < MAX_SEC && MAX_SEC < remaining.tv_sec) {
                remaining.tv_sec = MAX_SEC;
                remaining.tv_nsec = 0;
            ts = &remaining;
            LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL("obtainBuffer() timeout=%d", timeout);
            ts = NULL;
        int32_t old = android_atomic_and(~CBLK_FUTEX_WAKE, &cblk->mFutex);
        if (!(old & CBLK_FUTEX_WAKE)) {
            if (measure && !beforeIsValid) {
                clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &before);
                beforeIsValid = true;
            errno = 0;
            (void) syscall(__NR_futex, &cblk->mFutex,
                    mClientInServer ? FUTEX_WAIT_PRIVATE : FUTEX_WAIT, old & ~CBLK_FUTEX_WAKE, ts);
            status_t error = errno; // clock_gettime can affect errno
            // update total elapsed time spent waiting
            if (measure) {
                struct timespec after;
                clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &after);
                total.tv_sec += after.tv_sec - before.tv_sec;
                // Use auto instead of long to avoid the google-runtime-int warning.
                auto deltaNs = after.tv_nsec - before.tv_nsec;
                if (deltaNs < 0) {
                    deltaNs += 1000000000;
                if ((total.tv_nsec += deltaNs) >= 1000000000) {
                    total.tv_nsec -= 1000000000;
                before = after;
                beforeIsValid = true;
            switch (error) {
            case 0:            // normal wakeup by server, or by binderDied()
            case EWOULDBLOCK:  // benign race condition with server
            case EINTR:        // wait was interrupted by signal or other spurious wakeup
            case ETIMEDOUT:    // time-out expired
                // FIXME these error/non-0 status are being dropped
                status = error;
                ALOGE("%s unexpected error %s", __func__, strerror(status));
                goto end;

    if (status != NO_ERROR) {
        buffer->mFrameCount = 0;
        buffer->mRaw = NULL;
        buffer->mNonContig = 0;
        mUnreleased = 0;
    if (elapsed != NULL) {
        *elapsed = total;
    if (requested == NULL) {
        requested = &kNonBlocking;
    if (measure) {
        ALOGV("requested %ld.%03ld elapsed %ld.%03ld",
              requested->tv_sec, requested->tv_nsec / 1000000,
              total.tv_sec, total.tv_nsec / 1000000);
    return status;


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