

2017-04-01  本文已影响107人  WenqiSun

当服务器从客户端收到一个消息,那么与之相关的就是一个上行事件(Upstream Event),流水线(Pipeline)中的UpstreamChannelHandler会处理它;如果服务器要响应这个客户端,那么与响应消息对应的就是下行事件(Downstream Event),流水线(Pipeline)中的DownstreamChannelHandler会处理它。


public interface ChannelEvent {

     * Returns the {@link Channel} which is associated with this event.
    Channel getChannel();

     * Returns the {@link ChannelFuture} which is associated with this event.
     * If this event is an upstream event, this method will always return a
     * {@link SucceededChannelFuture} because the event has occurred already.
     * If this event is a downstream event (i.e. I/O request), the returned
     * future will be notified when the I/O request succeeds or fails.
    ChannelFuture getFuture();

An I/O event or I/O request associated with a Channel.

A ChannelEvent is handled by a series of ChannelHandlers in a ChannelPipeline.

Upstream events and downstream events, and their interpretation
Every event is either an upstream event or a downstream event. If an event flows forward from the first handler to the last handler in a ChannelPipeline, we call it an upstream event and say "an event goes upstream." If an event flows backward from the last handler to the first handler in a ChannelPipeline, we call it a downstream event and say "an event goes downstream." (Please refer to the diagram in ChannelPipeline for more explanation.)

When your server receives a message from a client, the event associated with the received message is an upstream event. When your server sends a message or reply to the client, the event associated with the write request is a downstream event. The same rule applies for the client side. If your client sent a request to the server, it means your client triggered a downstream event. If your client received a response from the server, it means your client will be notified with an upstream event. Upstream events are often the result of inbound operations such as InputStream.read(byte[]), and downstream events are the request for outbound operations such as OutputStream.write(byte[]), Socket.connect(SocketAddress), and Socket.close().

Upstream events

Event name Event type and condition Meaning
"messageReceived" MessageEvent a message object (e.g. ChannelBuffer) was received from a remote peer
"exceptionCaught" ExceptionEvent an exception was raised by an I/O thread or a ChannelHandler
"channelOpen" ChannelStateEvent(state = OPEN, value = true) a Channel is open, but not bound nor connected
"channelClosed" ChannelStateEvent(state = OPEN, value = false) a Channel was closed and all its related resources were released
"channelBound" ChannelStateEvent(state = BOUND, value = SocketAddress) a Channel is open and bound to a local address, but not connected
"channelUnbound" ChannelStateEvent(state = BOUND, value = null) a Channel was unbound from the current local address
"channelConnected" ChannelStateEvent(state = CONNECTED, value = SocketAddress) a Channel is open, bound to a local address, and connected to a remote address
"writeComplete" WriteCompletionEvent something has been written to a remote peer
"channelDisconnected" ChannelStateEvent(state = CONNECTED, value = null) a Channel was disconnected from its remote peer
"channelInterestChanged" ChannelStateEvent(state = INTEREST_OPS, no value) a Channel's interestOps was changed

These two additional event types are used only for a parent channel which can have a child channel (e.g. ServerSocketChannel).

Event name Event type and condition Meaning
"childChannelOpen" ChildChannelStateEvent(childChannel.isOpen() = true) a child Channel was open (e.g. a server channel accepted a connection.)
"childChannelClosed" ChildChannelStateEvent(childChannel.isOpen() = false) a child Channel was closed (e.g. the accepted connection was closed.)

Downstream events

Event name Event type and condition Meaning
"write" MessageEvent Send a message to the Channel.
"bind" ChannelStateEvent(state = BOUND, value = SocketAddress) Bind the Channel to the specified local address.
"unbind" ChannelStateEvent(state = BOUND, value = null) Unbind the Channel from the current local address.
"connect" ChannelStateEvent(state = CONNECTED, value = SocketAddress) Connect the Channel to the specified remote address.
"disconnect" ChannelStateEvent(state = CONNECTED, value = null) Disconnect the Channel from the current remote address.
"close" ChannelStateEvent(state = OPEN, value = false) Close the Channel.
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