The Nightingale

2018-12-13  本文已影响0人  DWHL

The Nightingale



  Once upon a time, in the garden of the Chinese Emperor there

lived a nightingale. She sang beautifully. And one day the emperor was so moved

when he heard the bird sing that tears came into his eyes. He then had the bird

kept in a beautiful cage in his palace and listened to her every day.

  Before long the Emperor received a gift of a toy nightingale

from Japan. It could sing some of the songs the real bird sang. Now the toy bird

gave the Emperor much pleasure. And it was able to sing three and thirty times

without being tired.

  Without being noticed, the living nightingale had flown out of

the cage, back to her green woods.

  But one evening, when the toy bird was singing its best,

something inside the bird went out of order . No one could repair it. No singing

of any nightingale was heard.

  Many years passed, and the Emperor felt so sorry that he lay

ill and, it was said, was going to die. He wanted very much to hear the

nightingale's song again.

  All at once there came the beautiful song of a nightingale

through the window. The living nightingale came to sing to the Emperor again.

And life began to return to the Emperor.

  "Thank you,little bird,"said the Emperor. "I didn't treat you

well before,and yet you have given me life again. How can I reward


  "You have done that already,"said the nightingale." I brought

tears to your eyes the first time I sang; I shall never forget that."

  The Emperor felt strong and well again. The nightingale often

came to sit in a tree of the palace garden and sing something to make the

Emperor happy.


  l·had the bird kept in a beautiful cage 叫人把鸟关在漂亮的笼子里 ;have sth


  2·before long 不久

  3·toy nightingale 玩具夜莺

  4·out of order 出故障

  5·all at once = suddenly 突然

  6·reward v. 报答 ,奖赏




