2018-09-17 本文已影响133人
- 首先stem的目的是为了解决劳动力不足的问题,跟移民政策息息相关。Maintaining a citizenry that is well versed in the STEM fields is a key portion of the public education agenda of the United States.确保公民精通stem领域是公共教育的主要目的之一。教育是位社会服务的,说到底还是为了培养社会的领导力,让公民能够在未来世界生存,其实就是让未来国家有更多的生产力。
- 你很难确定,这个世界的真相是什么,就像是进击的巨人。
- The acronym has been widely used in the immigration debate regarding access to United States work visas for immigrants who are skilled in these fields.
这个缩写广泛用来表示具有相关领域能力的移民。也成为了教育领域的老生常谈。It has also become commonplace in education discussions as a reference to the shortage of skilled workers and inadequate education in these areas教育领域代表熟练工人以及相关领域的短缺,看起来绝对不是为了培养完美的社会主义哦不资本注意接班人而存在的. - Although many organizations in the United States follow the guidelines of the National Science Foundation on what constitutes a STEM field, the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has its own functional definition used for immigration policy.大部分美国机构遵循NSF的定义,但是国安局有自己关于stem领域的定义。
In 2006 the United States National Academies expressed their concern about the declining state of STEM education in the United States. Its Committee on Science, Engineering, and Public Policy developed a list of 10 actions. Their top three recommendations were to:
Increase America's talent pool by improving K–12 science and mathematics education
Strengthen the skills of teachers through additional training in science, mathematics and technology
Enlarge the pipeline of students prepared to enter college and graduate with STEM degrees[26]
- The practices, strategies, and programming are built upon a foundation of identified national best practices which are designed to improve under-represented minority and low-income student growth, close achievement gaps, decrease dropout rates, increase high school graduation rates and improve teacher and principal effectiveness. 提高少数族裔、低收入人群的发展,缩小鸿沟,降低辍学率,增加高等学校入学率,提高教师和学科影响力。
- 关于stem教育本身还是提高这个领域的毕业生数量
- 从某种角度讲,steam教育其实是无法在线的,但是有一个例外,如果是纯粹的编程还是可以的