【汉化】YEP196-Event Step Animation
When setting events to have a stepping animation, RPG Maker MV would animate them with a "ping-pong" format where it will go from frame 0 to 1 to 2 to 1 back to 0. In some cases, devs would like to animate their sprites in a different format, perhaps 0-1-2-0-1-2 or in reverse: 2-1-0-2-1-0. This plugin will also give events the option to spin in place while stepping.
当将事件设置为步进动画时,RPG Maker MV将使用“乒乓球”格式设置它们的动画,从第0帧到第1帧,再到第2帧,再到第1帧,再回到第0帧。在某些情况下,开发人员希望以不同的格式设置精灵的动画,可能是0-1-2-0-1-2或相反的格式:2-1-0-2-1-0。此插件还将为事件提供在单步执行时原地旋转的选项。
Here is a list of [Notetag(s)] that you may use.
To offset sprites using the event notetags, using the following below:
Event Notetags:
<Step Animation: Left to Right>
- Makes the event sprite's step behavior go from frame 0 to 1 to 2, then
back to 0 instead of looping backwards.
<Step Animation: Right to Left>
- Makes the event sprite's step behavior go from frame 2 to 1 to 0, then
back to 2 instead of looping forwards.
<Step Animation: Spin Clockwise>
<Step Animation: Spin CW>
- Makes the event sprite's step behavior spin itself clockwise.
<Step Animation: Spin CounterClockwise>
<Step Animation: Spin CCW>
<Step Animation: Spin AntiClockwise>
<Step Animation: Spin ACW>
- Makes the event sprite's step behavior spin itself counterclockwise.
[Comment Tags]
Here is a list of [Comment Tag(s)] that you may use.
To offset sprites using comments, make comments for each event page you want
the sprite to be offset in using the comment tags below:
Comment Tags:
<Step Animation: Left to Right>
- Makes the event sprite's step behavior go from frame 0 to 1 to 2, then
back to 0 instead of looping backwards.
NOTE: This will take priority over event notetag step animations.
<Step Animation: Right to Left>
- Makes the event sprite's step behavior go from frame 2 to 1 to 0, then
back to 2 instead of looping forwards.
NOTE: This will take priority over event notetag step animations.
<Step Animation: Spin Clockwise>
<Step Animation: Spin CW>
- Makes the event sprite's step behavior spin itself clockwise.
NOTE: This will take priority over event notetag step animations.
<Step Animation: Spin CounterClockwise>
<Step Animation: Spin CCW>
<Step Animation: Spin AntiClockwise>
<Step Animation: Spin ACW>
- Makes the event sprite's step behavior spin itself counterclockwise.
NOTE: This will take priority over event notetag step animations.