
2022-12-28  本文已影响0人  万里云罗一雁飞

My New Friend Weiwei

Recently, the one person who always rings a bell in my heart is Weiwei, my newly acquainted friend. She is such a charming lady: feminine, gentle, and sweet in appearance while bossy, sassy, generous, compassionate and kind-hearted by nature.

Though she had been helping me for a long time, it was last Sunday that I first saw her in her home. Today was the second time we hung out together. New friends as we are, we feel like being old buddies for a long time. When we talk, always some wild laughers will burst off like firecrackers. I feel so happy and comfortable being with her.

My love for her is more of a kind of natural attraction and admiration. She wears no makeup, she cares not so much about grooming up her appearance, and she is not stunningly beautiful; however, she is so charming like a magnet drawing men and women around her calling her “queen”, “boss”, and “chief” more than willingly.

What kind of magic does she possess? So far, to me, I think it is her generosity, charisma, natural humour, enthusiasm to help and strong and healthy self-love. She is like a deep mine worthy of being dug for long and for more.

I am so lucky to have gotten acquainted with her.




我对她的爱更多的是一种自然的吸引和钦佩。她不化妆,不太刻意修饰她的外表,也没有惊人的容貌;然而,她是如此迷人,像一块磁铁,吸引着周围的男人和女人心甘情愿地叫她 “女王"、"老板"、"领导"。




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