
2019-03-27  本文已影响0人  滴水铭心

原文:事理,是因为不混滑于情感的波动。含奔这些,就没有什么可说的了. 喜怒哀乐之未发,谓之中 【原文】“喜怒哀乐之未发,谓之中。”自有《中庸》来,无人看破此一语。此吾道与佛、老异处,最不可忽。 【译文】 "喜怒哀乐没有表现出来的时候,叫做‘中"。自有《中庸》以来,无人能彻底明白这句话。这是儒家与佛家、道家不同之处,尤其不可忽视。 物有其反 【原文】知识,心之孽也;才能,身之妖也;贵宠,家之祸也;富尺,子孙之殃也。 【译文】知识,是心灵的宿孽;才能,是身体的妖害;溺宠,是家族的祸根;富足,是子孙的灾殃。 致泰保即无意外之患 【原文】只泰了,天地万物皆志畅意得,欣喜欢爱。心、身、家、国,天下无一毫郁阙不平之气,所谓八达四通,千昌万遂,太和之至也。然泰极则肆,肆则不可收拾,而入于否。故泰之后继以大壮,而圣人戒之曰: “君子以非礼弗履。”用是见古人忧勤励之意然,豪雄旷达之心呼。六十四卦惟有泰是快乐时,又恁极中极正,且惧且危,此所以致泰保泰而无意外之患也。 英 及 它 和 【译文】只有达到通泰状态,天地万物都会志畅意得,欣喜 阶在以 85译文:Reason, because do not slip in the emotional fluctuations. With Ben, there is nothing to say. The joys and sorrows of not hair, that in 【 】 "the joys and sorrows of not hair, that in." From "the doctrine of the mean," no one read this language. This is the difference between my way and Buddhism, the old, the most can not ignore. "When the emotions are not expressed, they are called 'neutral'. Since the doctrine of the mean, no one has fully understood this sentence. This is the difference between Confucianism and Buddhism and Taoism. Has its reverse Knowledge is the iniquity of the heart. Talent is the devil of the body. Your pet is the curse of your family. If you are rich, your children will suffer. Knowledge is the soul of the hangover; Talent is the curse of the body. Spoil, is the curse of the family; Wealth is the plague of children. No accident to taibao 【 】 only the Thai, all things are free, happy to love. Heart, body, home, the country, the world without a woque uneven gas, the so-called eight reach four, thousands of chang wan sui, taihe to also. However, the Thai extreme wantonly, wantonly out of control, and into no. Therefore, tai followed the great zhuang, and the sage of the ring said: "the gentleman in the fu fu with non-propriety." With is to see the ancients worry about the meaning of diligence, howxiong kuangda heart call. Only when tai is happy, can we be perfectly right, and be afraid of danger. The British and it and 【 】 only when the state of peace is reached, all things will be happy Order in 85

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