Excel VBA和文件夹-1.10获取文件夹中文件的属性-即用
2019-06-19 本文已影响1人
Const FileAttrNormal = 0
Const FileAttrReadOnly = 1
Const FileAttrHidden = 2
Const FileAttrSystem = 4
Const FileAttrVolume = 8
Const FileAttrDirectory = 16
Const FileAttrArchive = 32
Const FileAttrAlias = 64
Const FileAttrCompressed = 128
Sub FileFunc()
Dim fso, folder, fc, f1
Dim strTmp As String
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set folder = fso.GetFolder("换成你想要的路径")'更换下路径
Set fc = folder.Files
For Each f1 In fc
strTmp = strTmp & f1.name & "的详细资料:" & vbCrLf
strTmp = strTmp & vbTab & "路径:" & f1.Path & vbCrLf
strTmp = strTmp & vbTab & "类型:" & f1.Type & vbCrLf
strTmp = strTmp & vbTab & "创建时间:" & f1.DateCreated & vbCrLf
strTmp = strTmp & vbTab & "最后访问时间:" & f1.DateLastAccessed & vbCrLf
strTmp = strTmp & vbTab & "最后修改时间:" & f1.DateLastModified & vbCrLf
strTmp = strTmp & vbTab & "文件大小(Bytes):" & f1.Size & vbCrLf
MsgBox strTmp
End Sub
Function GetFileAttr(ObjFile) As String
Dim strTmp As String
Dim attr
attr = ObjFile.Attributes
If attr = 0 Then
GetFileAttr = "Normal"
Exit Function
End If
If attr And FileAttrDirectory Then strTmp = strTmp & "Directory "
If attr And FileAttrReadOnly Then strTmp = strTmp & "Read-Only "
If attr And FileAttrHidden Then strTmp = strTmp & "Hidden "
If attr And FileAttrSystem Then strTmp = strTmp & "System "
If attr And FileAttrVolume Then strTmp = strTmp & "Volume "
If attr And FileAttrArchive Then strTmp = strTmp & "Archive "
If attr And FileAttrAlias Then strTmp = strTmp & "Alias "
If attr And FileAttrCompressed Then strTmp = strTmp & "Compressed "
GetFileAttr = strTmp
End Function