懒得是因为要得不够迫切I have been busy making plan every day, but there will always be something coming up all of a sudden, getting in my way, capturing my attention and leading me out of the way I would like to take originally. So I am just busy making schedule that would be out of shape later on, and realize surprisingly at the end of the day that I haven't lived it the way I wish it to be.
I always think that I will go as planned if I have the time and energy, but I find that I don't feel like doing things as planned even if the night is young or the day is long. It dawns on me that I am just good at finding excuses for things I don't want to do.
I see it clear that I am just diligent in thought but lazy in action. I am not that kind of doer who will show 100% loyalty to the plan she used to make. Most of the time, we just make the plan and make it something we could lean on mentally so we could keep comfortable with the time we waste and the schedule half done. We have nothing done but keep mourning for the plan unaccomplished. Things around get easy to have our attention somewhere else since there is not a reason firm for us to keep our mind stick to something we would like to settle. We get idle and halted for something we don't want badly enough. If we are too hesitate to move forward, or struggling to figure out a choice between stay or go, detect the urgent need inside and make a real push to ourselves based on it.