2018-05-19(the stream of conscio

2018-05-19  本文已影响0人  长江商业读书会

1.One self thoughts

The only states ofconsciousness that we naturally deal with are found in personal consciousnesses, minds, selves, concrete particular I's and you's.

The universal conscious fact is not 'feelings and thoughts exist,' but 'I think' and 'I feel.'

2.Tendency conscious

I say 'tend to appear' rather than 'appear,' on account of those facts of sub-conscious personality, automatic writing, etc., of which we studied a few in the last chapter. The buried feelings and thoughts proved now to exist in hysterical anæsthetics, in recipients of posthypnotic suggestion, etc.themselves are parts of secondary personal selves. These selves are for the most part very stupid and contracted, and are cut of at ordinarytimesfrom normal self of the individual; According to M. Janet these secondary personalities are always abnormal, and result from the splitting of what ought to be a single complete self into two parts, of which one lurks in the background whilst the other appears on the surface as the only self of the man or woman has.

In other cases the adoption of the name by the secondary self is more spontanious.

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